Mob Yandere

Chapter 123.1

Chapter 123.1

[Part 1/4]

'Please...!! Stop it!! Give the child back!!'

'I won't. Forget about it. Forget as if they're already dead.'

'Such heartlessness...!!'

A heated argument between a man and a woman echoed. One, with a voice filled with sorrowful beauty, the other, firm and oppressive, weaving words in a heavy tone. She couldn't discern who they were. The scene before her was blurry, the outlines indistinct, and she had no recollection of it in her heart.

And the cries of a baby drowned out everything. The baby's vehement wails seemed to stem from the anxiety of being separated from its mother's embrace. It was as if its warm haven had been taken away. She herself felt a chill throughout her body, as if stripped of her very clothing.

'Why...!? No, I refuse! Why, why like this...!?'

The woman sobbed, desperately clinging to the man, questioning him. She resisted as if trying to prevent the theft of her precious treasure.

'All of this is for the sake of our clan. We must cut off the cursed branch. Give up. Look forward to what's next.'

The man's voice was cold and resolute. He spoke with a strong resolve and a clear sense of being ready. He gently pushed away the woman holding onto him and strode off.

Holding the child in his arm, torn from her mother...

'Ridiculous... Stop it! No, I hate it!? Why, please, I implore you!! My precious child... give me back my child...!'

The woman yelled, spewing curses of resentment. She directed deep hatred towards the man who tried to take away her precious treasure, the very treasure she had nurtured within her womb.

'Hmph. Such a stubborn woman. You can always make more children later.'

Even when faced with unimaginable meanness, the man stayed distant and uncaring. The hurtful words from the woman became quieter and farther away. The baby cried even louder, wanting its mom. She felt even sadder, full of sorrow, wishing for comfort.

And what the man bestowed upon her in place of warmth was "fate."

'Forgive me. Curse the fate that brought you under an unlucky star. You are our human sacrifice, the vessel of our tormenting destiny.'

The man murmured, holding the offering within his arms. He simply recounted the facts.

'Don't hate me. Perhaps it's good fortune? If you're cursed anyway, wouldn't it be better to perish without knowing the burden of destiny and despair?'

And the baby, she was carried away. As an offering, as a human sacrifice. Swept away by the water. Carried away by the water. Following the ancient tale, extinguishing the bloodline of the leader. A substitute for the end. Returned to Yomi (underworld). Passing on the intertwined fate, placing it back into the cycle of reincarnation. Trying to avert the curse of the clan.

That's why the baby was sacrificed.

'No! Stop it! I hate it! Please, I beg you! Stop... A゙a゙a゙!!'

The woman, who was supposed to be the safest, let out a loud scream. The baby's cries of discomfort seemed to get even louder, as if they were being pulled in. She reached out her hand, stretching her little arm toward the blurry shape. Then her sight turned dark. It was like a heavy curtain of darkness coming down. Darkness spreading everywhere. A night of darkness.

And even within that darkness, she desperately sought. In the dark of the night, almost without thinking, she held onto a tiny bit of hope... And in answer to what she wanted, the "sacrifice" smirked. The decision was made. The choice was set.

Even if it was a much harsher living hell than entrusting everything to fate.

Even if it was a selfish curse rebound, dragging even beloved ones into its grasp...

* * *


It was a scream. A scream from the depths of the throat. She jumped out of bed and kept on screaming. It was like she was letting go of fear and worry, a way to show she was really there. Hearing her own screams gave her some real comfort. It was like a proof that she existed. At least, as long as she was screaming, she knew she was alive... And slowly, the never-ending storm calmed down, and things started to feel better. Her throat got rough, breathing became hard, and the screams stopped.

Silence returned to her surroundings...

"...A, a dream?"

"What's the matter? Were you haunted so much... Did you have a scary dream?"


Understanding that everything had been a illusion, she returned to sanity, and in response to an unexpected question, Hotoya Tamaki replied with a somewhat silly answer. Sporting a foolish expression, she turned her gaze to where the voice came from. She directed her gaze right next to her.

...And a woman's face was very close to her.

"Ah, huh...?"

"Oh my, sweating on your forehead... It must have been a truly terrible nightmare. Poor thing. Well, let's wipe it off, shall we?"

Leaving behind Tamaki's bewildered reaction, a woman with a radiant demeanor gently wiped her forehead with a handkerchief. Onitsuki Kochou... The advisor of the prestigious Onitsuki family, renowned exorcists in the Northern region. Former wife of the previous head. Mother of the current head. And the very person who welcomed Tamaki into the Onitsuki estate...!!

"Um, it's not really necessary to go that far..."

"Oh dear, you're quite chilled. Sweating like this... There there, it must have been scary, right? You can relax now."

"No, that's not... huff, mmm!!?"

Tamaki, who was about to speak her mind that it was unnecessary for the Advisor to fuss over her so much, found her field of vision saturated with deep purple, literally silencing her words.

Yes, in a physical sense, in the next moment, Tamaki's face was engulfed by a generous bosom even through her kimono, rendering her unable to voice any opinion.

"Mmmnnn!? Mmm, guh!? Hmph...!!?"

"Mmm, now, you mustn't struggle."

Abruptly, Tamaki floundered, but the Advisor held her tightly, her arm encircling Tamaki's head as if she wouldn't let her escape. A sweet fragrance tickled Tamaki's nostrils. It was mysterious that there was no trace of aging odor, considering her actual age. Tamaki had heard that those with strong spiritual power lived long lives and aged slowly, but this was beyond expectations... Her thoughts strayed into such digressions.

"Hehehe. You don't need to be embarrassed, you know? When you've had a bad dream... being embraced like this until you calm down is the best thing, you see? I did the same for Uemon too."

"Huh, huff...!!?"

As Tamaki's head was caressed and her back patted, she couldn't help but burst into laughter internally. Uemon, the head of that Hidden Group? She imagined that scene, felt repulsed for a moment, then immediately understood it was a story from his childhood. The problem was that she was now being treated in the same way.

(Why is Kochou-san here?)

Why is Onitsuki's Advisor in her room? Pondering such thoughts, Tamaki finally remembered everything. Everything was inevitable, natural. And at this point, it wasn't worth being surprised. While sinking into the soft bosom, Tamaki moved her gaze and managed to catch a glimpse of the room's situation from the edge of her vision. A room about fifteen tatami mats (266square foot/24m2) in size... However, precisely speaking, this wasn't an indoor space. At least, it wasn't within the Onitsuki estate.

(Ox cart, Mayoiga...)

Some of the ox carts owned by the Onitsuki family were artificial "Mayoigas," and Tamaki needed to ask what special features "Mayoiga" possessed. Even though it appeared to be a simple cart that could accommodate six people at most, she knew that there were over thirty rooms divided by shouji paper doors and stairs. The room Tamaki was in now was one of them. A room within the Advisor's cart. A room borrowed for guests.

Exorcist families needed to regularly travel to the capital for "Joraku" (visiting capital) and carry out their duties. As a new member of the household, Tamaki needed to be officially recognized in that capacity and accompany them on such trips. Advisor had provided Tamaki with a "Mayoiga" for the long journey to the capital.

(Not a bad person, but...)

As Tamaki accepted the embrace with a somewhat resigned air, she sighed inwardly. Perhaps due to her role as an intermediary, she was being cared for more than anyone else in the Onitsuki family. But the excessive fuss was a bit much. Or rather, it was like being treated as a real child. That fact stirred complex emotions within Tamaki.

"Hmph, hm...uh, um, well, I think I'm fine now..."

As Tamaki's face emerged from the cleavage, she made a half-pleading proposition. She had been held for quite a while, and her patience had worn thin. Thinking about the maids' room between this room... She didn't want anyone to witness her in this state.

"Oh my, feeling embarrassed? No need to worry about that. ...Hehehe. Alright, I understand. It can't be helped, can it? I can't say no if you look at me like that."

As if reading Tamaki's thoughts, Kochou laughed softly but reluctantly accepted it. However, that wasn't the end of it. Naturally, Kochou put her hand on Tamaki's nightclothes.

"You're sweating. You should change, shouldn't you?"


Kochou asked with an obvious expression. Given the circumstances, Tamaki had no choice but to agree...



Changing clothes, tidying her hair, and doing a mouth rinse... This wasn't the first time Tamaki had received such grooming.

"The morning meal is ready. Come on, let's go."

Invited by Kochou, Tamaki headed towards one of the rooms within the ox cart. Upon entering the tasteful room with windows, she saw that the Shikigami had already set up the meal trays.

"Oh, m...morning?"

Recognizing the figure that was already in the room, Tamaki put on her best smile and greeted the little brother dressed in a Suikan outfit. She addressed him.


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