Mob Yandere

Chapter 122.1

Chapter 122.1

[Part 1/6]

"Don't mess with me!!"

The man, Onitsuki Uemon, the head of the Hidden Group, crushed the teacup in his hand with a shout of anger. Even though it's not widely known, the imported masterpiece had enough value to sustain a peasant family for several months. Such a high-end teacup scattered on the tatami mats along with a miserable sound. The tea inside suffered the same fate. Despite the hot water and teacup shards, his arm couldn't possibly be unharmed, but for this angry man, it seemed to hold no meaning.

"Absolutely... absolutely ridiculous!! How can he do this to me?!?"


"No, absolutely right."

The angry shouts resonated in the room. It was only possible to use such strong language because soundproof and barrier-dissolving charms were placed in the room. If there were concerns about eavesdropping, one wouldn't have been able to speak so boldly. The guests surrounding Uemon also agreed due to the assurance of room safety.

"Why does that servant exist among the personnel of Joraku (visiting capital)? Could it be that he intend to introduce him to another family? 'This is a servant considered a household member of this family.' Is that it? Ridiculous!! Is he planning to bring shame upon the family? And why isn't my name mentioned!? I, who has a wide reputation in the capital! I, who calculated all the travel expenses!!?"

How many times has this exchange repeated? The conversation among the factions that started with the gathering, Uemon's abusive words, and the factions that affirmed them. Especially Uemon's fury was more like a tantrum, but the reason itself wasn't unjust or even baseless. It might have been completely reasonable.

The Joraku (visiting capital) trip for the protection of the capital. A large group of over a hundred people, including the servants... The list of participants announced a few months ago was akin to trampling on everything Uemon had done until then.

"Indeed. It's beyond belief that Uemon-dono, who participates every year, didn't join this time..."

"We were all astonished. No, it's more like dumbfounded..."

Those who indicated agreement with Uemon were members of the same Onitsuki family, household members, wealthy farmers, and close merchants who were invited to this tea gathering. Supporters of Onitsuki Hina becoming the next head, or rather, supporters of Uemon who supports Onitsuki Hina...

It's not expected that all those who support Onitsuki's next head, the sisters, would be in agreement. Even among the supporters of the younger generation, the faction led by Uemon had far more influence than the weaker factions in terms of connections and worldly matters, if not necessarily in terms of combat. For Hina, who is inferior in bloodline, the existence of these factions is a great support.

"I can't understand that... What is the head thinking?"

"He's been asleep for a long time. Has he lost his wits?"

"It's unlikely. The Lord's cleverness is evident from his previous strategies."

The attendees of the tea gathering continue to joke and speculate about the intentions of Onitsuki Yuusei, the current head who chose the participants for the Joraku (visiting capital) trip. However, the mystery only deepens.

It's well-known that the former head, before falling asleep, had been plotting to make the younger generation the head. If he didn't spare any means... then why this treatment for Uemon, a member of the faction that supports the younger generation?

"Is the head trying to remove us?"

One of the attendees whispered this suspicion. The air among the guests froze. Purge, no way. But...

"Nonsense. That's absolutely impossible... can something so outrageous even pass?"

"Actually, there have been purges more than once, haven't there? For instance, the Hayama Onitsuki family... there have even been rumors that he tried to directly eliminate the second princess..."

"I know about the branch family's story. Even so, doing something like that..."

Speculations beget more speculations, and unease and the unknown become linked with fear. The atmosphere of fear that was concocted begins to dominate the room, and they turn their gaze toward their robust representative.

"...Phew. Don't worry. Something like that is impossible. No, I won't allow it."

Uemon answers, dispelling the concerns of the attendees. Releasing his anger from earlier in a deep sigh, he cools his head before making the declaration.

"I have made arrangements to ensure that my brother... the lord cannot do such a thing. Such concerns are within my power. There's no need for any worries.”

This was not a bluff but a fact. He was the one who led the Hidden Group. His established network and the secretive information he possessed were enough to influence other factions within the Onitsuki family and even other families. Even if the ladder were removed from the head or even if purges were attempted, he had the power to turn the situation around. Moreover, Uemon had been subtly suggesting this fact to those around him. This had deterred those around him from acting recklessly. He had held back those who sought to remove him.

...However, he couldn't completely erase the concerns of the attendees.

"...I'm getting thirsty. It's about time. Let's serve the special tea for the finale.”

Uemon, who had commanded a puppet shikigami to clean up the remains of his teacup and treated his arm, suggested this to change the atmosphere. The shikigami then poured warm tea for everyone. He also received a cup. The tea was an eight-generation renowned tea, "Ryuko Gyokurin (龍湖玉林)."

"Oh... Is this the eight-generation renowned tea "Ryuko Gyokurin"?"

"It's supposed to be a famous tea from the mainland. How did you get your hands on it?"

The merchants were the ones who guessed its identity from the scent and color of the tea. Once the remaining attendees knew it, their previous worries seemed to fade away. Their eyes changed. Specifically, large sums appeared in their pupils. Uemon's faction was adept at gaining profit and were sensitive to money matters. In a way, it was a wise decision for Uemon to use this treasured tea. As long as their profits were clear, they wouldn't abandon Uemon, and there would be no disintegration in the air.

"Hehehe. I got it through some connections. Well, I'll tell you that story some other time..."

Uemon pretended to be important and picked up a teacup. Then, he took a sip of the tea and... frowned.

"...It's not sweet enough."

Muttering this, he used a spoon to pour several spoonfuls of sugar from a container that had been placed nearby into the teapot. He wasn't aware that he was adding more sugar than usual...




"Well then, let's conclude."

After enjoying a refill of tea and discussing further for a while, the gathering was disbanded along with these closing words. After politely giving souvenirs to the participants and bidding them farewell with cheerful smiles, Uemon remained alone in the tea room.

Staying behind, he silently enjoyed his sugary tea...

"Have all of them left...?"

Suddenly, a childish voice resonated like the sound of a bell. Uemon's gaze shifted towards the direction of the voice with a baffled expression, and through the slightly opened sliding door, the face of a girl peeked in from outside, kneeling on her knees.

It was his younger wife, peeping in.

"...You're not going to see them off, right? So, is this for checking on my mood or just to show your face in case something happens? Quite the forceful act."

Uemon sneered with a cold laugh. Although he showcased his profits through various means to prevent betrayals, he was still aware that he lacked personal popularity. In the end, it was a relationship based solely on money... Well, that was fine. It was easier to be pragmatic and acceptable that way.


"I don't want to answer. Shouldn't you know that I'm furious about the matter the other day!?"


As Uemon answered his young wife's question, he roughly set his teacup on the tatami mats with a loud noise. Princess Kotsuzu gave an involuntary shriek.

However, in contrast to his imposing demeanor, his actions were mostly a mere pose. As the leader of his faction, Uemon had to maintain an attitude that he wasn't satisfied with the list of Joraku (visiting capital) participants chosen by the head, even if he had to bear the risk of being purged. Therefore, his angry shouts directed at his wife weren't truly from his heart. Somewhat, the anger he had vented in the room earlier was also partly an act.

...Although half of it was genuine.

"Um, I apologize...!!"

"Hmph. Rather than apologizing so much, you shouldn't have said anything at all. Annoying."

His wife, unable to comprehend her husband's antics, involuntarily trembled and apologized while trembling with fear. Uemon's words in response were cold. Well, at least there wasn't as much anger in his tone. In reality, his confusion was much higher in proportion... but Princess Kotsuzu had no way of knowing that. Uemon was content with that. It was better to have a hostile relationship in a sense.

...If necessary, he could divorce and release her from this house.

"...Hmph. Is that why you came here? To ask me something like that? Hmm?"

Shaking off the thoughts swirling in his mind, Uemon posed a question. Whether the hint of sarcasm in his tone was intentional or unconscious, only he knew. It's possible even he himself wasn't entirely sure.

"Well, no... It's not really anything significant... Just, I wanted to check on you and..."

Kotsuzu, flustered, strung together her words as if trying to cover up. Though unseen by her husband, she had hidden the kemari ball she had been holding in her hand up her kimono sleeve. She scolded herself inwardly for her carelessness. She felt embarrassed. Her husband surely wasn't as carefree as to indulge in frivolous games like she did...

"Hah. Checking if I've dropped dead already? Quite the trouble, isn't it?"

"Huh? N-no, not at all!!"

Facing her husband, who was sipping the sugary tea with a mocking smile, Kotsuzu instinctively denied with words that were almost a reflexive scream. For Kotsuzu, that was the one misunderstanding she didn't want. She had never once thought ill of her husband, let alone wished for his death.

...However, for Uemon, that sound was quite the opposite of what he intended.

"No need to pretend. Whether you think of me as a wallet or whatever, I couldn't care less. After all, our marriage was a form of debt from the beginning. I can easily imagine what lords' feelings."

"Danna-sama, that's not...!! It's a misunderstanding! I've never once, never once thought of you that way, never once..."

"Be quiet, won't you?! Making such a racket!!"



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