Mob Yandere

Chapter 121.3

Chapter 121.3

[Part 3/4]

"Debts of gratitude are... well, let's put that aside for now. That's a separate issue isn't it? Just because you owe someone, it doesn't mean you have to let them selfishly order you around without any say right?"

"Is that... how it is?"

'(^ω^) Believe in Papa's words!'

Faced with my point, Mari made a conflicted expression and twisted her neck. While ignoring the spider's frivolous remarks, from her standing and status, she didn't seem to properly comprehend the idea of assertively living by judging right and wrong on each matter.

For her, living itself was being coerced, obeying, accepting. Truly a slave mentality... No, it may be even more patient and obedient, and pitiable than that. '(^ω^U) Because I'm cute!' Please stop.

"Excuse me. I'm uneducated and stupid... Forgive me for having such improper thoughts due to my ignorance of the world,"

"I'm not saying anything that extreme. ...Ah, sorry. Forget what I said earlier. My wording was poor. This is an order."

Brooding and apologizing profusely, Mari humbles herself before me. I order her since that makes her more likely to listen to me. ...No good. Doing this just makes her even more self-deprecating.

"How about...we change the subject?"

I propose this to sweep away the gloomy, awkward air. But what topics are there... Wait, I know!

"Yeah, I'll go first. You know Hanamizuki Teahouse?"

"Yes, just from rumors. I heard it's been very prosperous lately...?"

'(^ω^) It's because of Papa!!'

Looks like news of the shop's turnaround has reached Mari too. While I won't affirm the spider's words, for the poster girl it must be a tearjerker story. At worst, she could have ended up in the brothel, right?

"Ah, the other day when I was out with the family head. On the way back in the carriage, I got to taste their sweets. They were pretty good!"

'(^Д^) Papa is delicious too!!'

Half a lie. I was too nervous to taste anything. But thanks to my past life, I could imagine it somewhat. And silly spider, say something mildly scary again and I won't give you any food! I mean, I'm not food...I'm not food, 'kay!

"Now I get better wages than before. I'll buy some before the Jouraku and we can all have tea together. ...There won't be any gluttons eating noisily either."

"Hehe, you mean Iruka-san?"

"Who else is there?"

We both inadvertently burst out laughing. She wasn't exactly a wasteful eater, but back at the old hut, she'd eat before anyone else, finish eating before anyone else, and then take extra servings more than anyone else. She didn't have a shred of care that she was in the position of a guest.'( ́・ω・`) Seriously, what a problematic sister!'...So why do you consider her a little sister?

"Hehehe, I look forward to it. Now let's see, for me to talk about... Actually, I've been learning the shamisen lately."

'( ́・ω・`)? Meow?'

Delighted at my offer, Mari brings this up after thinking for a bit as a follow-up. The spider and I tilt our heads in reaction.

"A shamisen? That shamisen, the one that uses cat skin?"


Mari nods at my confirmation. And begins explaining.

"You see, when I moved here, it seems some things were left behind in the house. Inside a wooden box there was..."

"There was a shamisen inside?"

"It seemed very old, but I could play it."

"Oh? ...Can I see it?"

'(^Д^) Can I see it?'

Mari gladly accepts my request. She was absolutely not just obeying the spider's demands.

"This one."

'(^ω^) Ooh, a real Japanese shamisen!'

Taking out an old wooden box from the shed, inside it was...even though it's vexing to admit the spider was right, an appropriately ancient and elegant shamisen.

It was a very old, high-quality shamisen.

(...It doesn't have some curse or dubious history, right?)

I mean because of that couple. Leaving that shady, questionable cursed tool and such does seem plausible, but at a glance it just looked like needless worry.

"I didn't know you can play it. Magoroku hasn't mentioned it either."

'(・`ω・ ́) Nope! I dunno either! How mean!'

When I ask sounding surprised, Mari explains somewhat apologetically.

"Um, I kept it secret from my brother too... Ah, but I did get permission from the Onitsuki family. When I moved here, they said I could freely use what was left in the house."

'(*゚∀゚) Not hiding anything at all!'

"I see. How good are you at it?"

Ignoring the spider's pointlessly smug banter...tentatively accepting Mari's claim, I ask about it. Naturally I meant her skill level at the shamisen.

"I'm self-taught so I'm not confident, but...I tried imitating the koto I hear in the house. May I play for you?"

"By all means, I'd be delighted."

'(^ω^) Do your best, play away!'

Mari smiles at my reply. Taking the shamisen, she holds it dearly and begins plucking the strings.

"This is..."

'(* ́ω`*) The sparrow song!'

It's not about a biwa Buddhist priest, but being blind, her non-visual senses must be sharper out of necessity. Especially her hearing. Picking up subtle noises and minute differences in sound. Mari seemed not just to be no exception, but moreover outstanding in that regard.

While both are string instruments, there are limits to being a koto and shamisen. With the difference in size, the resonance and quality of sound also differ. But taking that into account, Mari's performance was noteworthy. Amazingly recreating the koto sound with a shamisen. While recreating it, I could also tell she was leveraging the advantages and characteristics unique to the shamisen sound. It was worthy of admiration. Light and nimble, refined, with a sweet melody...

'(* ́ω`*) Zzz...'

The annoying spider starts snoozing. Music has a history developing as ceremonies offering up to the gods. Is that because it belongs to the divine clan? Even just Mari's lovely performance seems to have an enhanced effect on this spider. I consider having her play if the spider gets noisy again.

At the same time, I feel interested in having her try other instruments like the koto, or learning properly from a master of the art.


'(* ́ω`*) Zzz...zzz...'

Together with the atmosphere Mari herself gives off, I unconsciously sigh out of enchantment. I was transfixed.

It was truly music bliss. A temporary paradise. If I could, I'd have loved to listen leisurely with drinks and snacks in hand. It surely would have been the best if I had friends to share it with...


'( ゚д゚) Eek! Is it time for breakfast!?'

The sublime moment ended abruptly. Mari shrieks and a dull, unpleasant twang echoes. Though I felt discomfort for an instant, it was quickly overwhelmed by the fact she had hurt herself. Ignoring the spider's remarks, I hurry over to her.

"Mari!? Are you okay!?"

'(* ́・ω・) Okay?'

I take the shamisen and set it aside. One string was cut, pathetically drooping down. I return my gaze to Mari.

"S-sorry. Even though you were listening so kindly, for this to happen..."

"Don't worry about it. More importantly, are you inju...!?"

I get that far voicing concern for her well-being, but then swallow my words. I swallow my spit.

The moment I see the streak of deep red flowing from her finger wound, a strange agitation spreads inside me. Almost unconsciously, I direct a dubious gaze at her slender, pale hand...

It was a mix of hunger and lust. My exposed primal desires as an youkai. Even as I comprehend it's unsavory, my eyes remain fixed piercingly on her finger...


'( ́・ω・) Papa?'

Noticing the odd aura coming from me, Mari calls out to me. Tilting her head, she asks puzzlingly. But that clearly had the opposite effect. Thanks to it, my gaze has now turned to Mari herself after all.



'( ́・ω・)?'


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