Mob Yandere

Chapter 120.1

Chapter 120.1

[Part 1/4]

Humans are creatures with emotions.

To be precise, insects and animals might possess some level of thought and emotion, but their structures are not as complex as humans, and they lack the same differentiation. For better or worse, this is based on simple instincts. Thoughts, beliefs, art... culture. The origin of these is nothing but the rich emotions and sensibilities that humans, as the highest beings, have.

And naturally, this isn't only about the positive aspects. Having rich emotions also intensifies the negative aspects, making them more ominous, impure, and ugly.

Exactly like the "cursed being" deep within the forest before us.


A roar similar to an indescribable strange cry echoes. Imagine a big, dark blob that's sort of reddish-black, and it has eyeballs floating around in it. This thing is rushing through the deep forest towards Onitsuki Valley. The air around it is shrouded in a curse-laden miasma. A cursed Poison.

This curse (jushiki)... an intentional manifestation of hatred and resentment, cursing people, bloodlines, and land, condensed into the form of a shikigami. It's a mixture of shikigami art and curse art. While it should normally be the size of a single person, the body of the raging creature is easily the size of several houses.

"Is that... the cursed being we were called to exterminate?"

As I observe with a few subordinates from a few miles away, a sweet voice speaks from behind me. When I turn around, there stands a lady dressed in inappropriate attire, her purple-blue hair flowing. Our eyes meet, and she smiles.

"...It appears that this entity is harboring a substantial amount of resentment. Without implementing appropriate measures, anyone who intervenes could potentially face a curse. Moreover, there's the concern of the negative impact it might have on the land."

I deliver a straightforward report, feigning a lack of emotion or reaction.

The cursed being running rampant in the northern region is, in its appearance alone, an event from the original story, "Firefly of the Dark Night."

Created by the underground stray exorcist piling various grudges, it's undoubtedly classified as forbidden art. The one who created it lost control and irresponsibly fled after haphazardly sealing it. It's a story from about fifty years ago.

Fifty years is a relatively short time for sealing. Besides, during that time, the curses still attack. Of course, with longer years of sealing, bonds weaken, and the curses become diluted. But in fifty years, your children, grandchildren, or even yourself may still be alive. So, it's too short. Proof that it was a poorly executed seal. Thanks to that, we were burdened with the task of extermination.

"I could do it, but... for such a curse, I could vanquish it in one blow."


I can't help but be exasperated by Lady's casual words. The cursed being, which is the incantation shikigami but also the very concept of the curse that drives it, could be annihilated by a mere burdock (produced by Asumi-kuni), not a youkai sword or any sacred sword... Well, considering the eccentricity of the Ako clan, it's not really surprising. I mean, the youkai is treated funnily by her and she is under strict orders to avoid direct combat.

"Hehehe. I'm joking, of course. I wouldn't want to interfere with his chance to shine."


The Lady says she's not serious. Just not saying it's impossible implies that it's possible. It's not amusing at all.

...It's impossible to find humor in the woman who made such a non-negotiable proposition.

"Well then, it looks like it's starting."


And so, I return my gaze to the mass of curses and the head of the clan confronting it.

Onitsuki Yuusei, for his moment.

"Hmm. It's certainly a big one, just as the story described."

Still frail, leaning on a stick, the head of the Onitsuki family gazes at the cursed being approaching from a few feet away. Beside him are several exorcists from the family, along with servants. They're clearly wary of the approaching creature. That's natural. A curse is far more troublesome than an ordinary youkai. Even a little involvement can attract unimaginable misfortune into one's life. It's better to avoid it if possible.

"C-clan's head...!!?"

"Calm yourselves. ...Don't stray too far. Be aware that beasts target isolated prey. Do you want to become the target?"

One of the exorcists at his side attempts to advise a retreat, seemingly on the verge of running away himself, but Yuusei stops him. He makes it clear that no one should attempt to flee. Then, the head of the clan turns his gaze back to the front.

The creature is now very close, almost at arm's length. Numerous eyeballs protrude from its entire body, fixating on Yuusei. It advances in response to the spiritual energy within him. Facing such a mass of curses... the head of the clan raises his hand. With just that gesture, everything is settled.


"This is!!?"

The people beside the head of the clan unintentionally let out sighs of amazement. Of course, they would. The flesh mass that would have crushed them in a matter of seconds has suddenly come to a rapid halt before them. It's as if the outstretched arm of Yuusei has obstructed its path. It stops completely.

"...Begone, foul creature."


As if obeying Yuusei's words, the creature takes a few steps back and then begins to crumble away. It's like sugar dissolving. It's like being eaten away from the inside.

As if the curse is cursing and killing itself...


"Incredible. What is that?"

Among us observing the situation from the mountaintop, the servants were amazed at the sight before them. The scene in front of us is truly astonishing.

We've seen powerful attacks like the ones Onitsuki Aoi and Uemon use, or when a bunch of people like Hina, Ayaka, and Touya team up for instant destruction. And then there's the really strong and kind of crazy power of Shisui's magical eyes. We've seen stuff like that happen before.

That's why the strength of the head of the clan, Onitsuki Yuusei, left us amazed. We're not sure what he did, but he managed to easily and quietly wipe out that creature. There's no trace left of the curse it had. Because we're used to seeing big fights and things getting destroyed, the head of the clan's power was mind-blowing. It was his unbelievable strength that got our attention.

"Now then, shall we return?"

Sumire, glancing at the decaying creature, turns on her heels. Unlike us, her subordinates, she seems devoid of even a trace of surprise. It's as if it's only natural. She heads towards the ox cart that was parked behind her...


I continue to silently gaze at the head of the clan. Unlike my subordinates, I know what's hidden, even concealed from most of the Onitsuki clan. That man's ability. Its sinister and malevolent uses.

I'd been made aware of it myself.

"What's the matter, Tomobe-san? We should go soon. We can't keep that man waiting."

Before I continue to stare at that man forever, I'm suddenly called out to. I turn around. The Lady, who was about to board the ox cart, beckons me over. She invites me to accompany her in welcoming her husband.

It's a request that's really an order.


And from my position as the attendant, the words I can utter are only a simple affirmation...

* * *

"Thank you for your hard work, my dear. You must be quite cold. I've prepared some hot tea."

"Yes. I apologize, Sumire."

As Sumire offers a cup of warm green tea, Yuusei accepts it with a nod and a bow. He gazes at the surface of the tea in the cup for a moment with his inscrutable eyes, then takes a sip. His wife continues to watch his profile, her gaze filled with an almost pasted-on smile.

"Tomobe-san, you must be cold too. Let's have some tea ready for you. Come, please join us."


Inside the ox cart of 'Mayoiga,' as one of the couple sits around the hearth, they offer me tea as I stand a few tatami mats behind them.

Tea is poured from the teapot into a spare cup. As the white steam rises from it and is directed toward me, I receive it respectfully.

"Well, please help yourself."


Uttering a response was easy, but actually putting it into my mouth was a significant struggle. It wasn't about preferences. The issue was simple, almost pure. Whether I could live after drinking this tea, that was the most crucial question.

As far as observation went, there didn't seem to be anything suspicious added to the tea. Given that the same teapot was used to pour it, there shouldn't have been anything mixed into the tea itself. Unless it was quickly added with incredibly skilled handwork.

So, the possibility of something pre-applied to the teacup itself... I turned the cup slightly and smelled it. No strange scent. Although that alone didn't provide any guarantee. Thinking politically, I considered the situation. Besides me and the couple, there were the attendants, laborers, and servants. With servants and Hidden Group guards in the corners of the room, was it really possible for someone to do something in such a place, at this moment?

"What's the matter? Is the temperature not to your liking? If so, I can pour it again..."

"No, it's not that..."

My train of thought wasn't drawn out, but when Lady Sumire inquired, I couldn't stay silent any longer. I made my decision. Slowly, I put the cup to my lips...


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