Mob Yandere

Chapter 115.3

Chapter 115.3

[Part 3/4]


I put all my strength into my legs, doubling the muscles in my lower body, gathering youkai power in my legs, and released it all. Towards the target, I charged at full speed. Several large youkai tried to block my path, but they were meaningless now. I pierced through them literally. Covered in the blood of monsters, I approached the brazier. In a few seconds, I should have torn it to shreds... but that didn't happen.

Suddenly, my entire body felt heavy. My movements were stopped.


It felt as if only the gravity on myself had become heavier, and the inexplicable sensation grew exponentially with each passing second. A moment of confusion, bewilderment, and astonishment. But it was immediately clarified by the hummingbird's words.

'Your back!'

'(゚ロ゚)!! When the old man hitch a ride!?'

'Wait... it's 'Konaki-jiji'!!?'

Thanks to the warnings from the hummingbird and spider, I finally noticed that something was clinging to my back. The heaviness that spread throughout my body and the numbing sensation caused by the progress of my youkai transformation made it impossible to realize its presence. If our gazes met, the ugly, small, old man-like youkai would display a grotesque smile. A feeling of repulsion ran through my entire body!

"Konaki-jiji"... a youkai with the ability to carry or cling to someone and crush their opponent!!



Though it lacked direct combat abilities, this great youkai compensated with almost unlimited weight and hardness. Dealing with it was a matter of life or death. I immediately tried to tear the old man apart with my claws.

'Too bad, won't let you do that?'


The mocking voice that resonated sounded familiar. Immediately after, blood gushed from my hands and feet. Muscles and probably nerves were torn apart. I involuntarily fell to my knees. Of course, the wounds began to regenerate almost instantly...!!?

'Who the hell is that!? And... so heavy...!!?'

While the wounds on my limbs were healing, the weight attacking my entire body increased exponentially. Still, I tried to stand up, to get up. I slowly lifted my heavy head. Trying to identify the enemy who attacked me.

And, it was a mistake. A failure. A huge mistake. I had underestimated the cunning of the monsters. They had me in the palm of their hand.


Blocking my path to the hibachi, it appeared. A fully hairy, monkey-like body with a slightly human-like face, a monster that appeared in the illustrations of the novel as an assassin tormenting the protagonist of "Firefly of the Dark Night (Yamiyo no Hotaru)." Its name was, yes, it was...


The great youkai "Satori." I remembered its name and tried to recall what its ability was, but it was too late. In the next moment, I fell into its trap.

The eyes of the large monkey shone with a youkai light. I couldn't look away. My body had already stiffened. Before I knew it, the surrounding scenery began to distort. It was a kind of eye technique.


It was an ability that would be effective against the characters of "Firefly of the Dark Night (Yamiyo no Hotaru)" and practically any human.

...A malicious ability that relentlessly tormented the "heart" of a person.


In the labyrinth, the literally deranged screams continued to ring out...

* * *

"Haa... haa... haa... haa...!!"

How much time had passed? Tamaki continued to advance, turning right and left, defeating blocking youkai, and proceeded deeper into the labyrinth. However, she gradually began to lose her way.

The reason was simple. She had lost the sound of the roaring and howling that had guided her direction. In this space without any use of a compass, the sound was her only guide to the right path. If it disappeared, it was inevitable that she would lose her sense of direction in the labyrinth.


Overflowing with endless anxiety and impatience, Tamaki hurried through the labyrinth, but it felt like she was running in circles. She was running intermittently and becoming out of breath.

"Tomobe-kun... Please be safe..."

Tamaki's trembling voice was in the form of a question because she couldn't fully believe it herself. She knew her benefactor was skilled and experienced. She knew his accomplishments. Still, the fact that the howling and roaring had stopped made her fear. If he had defeated all the enemies, how wonderful that would be.

Youkai devoured humans. Especially those with spiritual power. If he had been defeated... If he had been captured, the worst...!!

"Wha...!!? What nonsense am I thinking about!? At that time, I should be the one helping him!"

Tamaki mustered her strength to dispel her despair and fear. She bravely faced forward and continued running recklessly through the labyrinth, seeking him, searching for him...!!

'Alright, thank you for your hard work in clearing the labyrinth!!'

"Huh... Ah!!?"

As she turned a corner and entered a wide hall, a gust of wind suddenly blew, sending Tamaki flying. She tumbled awkwardly on the ground, instinctively trying to protect her head, but the movement only resulted in her white skin being scraped mercilessly at various places through her attire. She finally came to a halt after crashing into a dirt wall.

"Ugh... Guh...!?"

'And here's an additional surprise!'

"Ah... Ahh!!?"

Following the cheerful declaration, Tamaki's scream was intense. A pain she had never experienced before surged through her left hand.

"What... What's... hi!!?"

With tears in her eyes and a trembling voice, Tamaki looked at her hand in shock. It was soaked in crimson blood. She had been impaled by a dagger—a dagger that she had received from her benefactor's servant. It was now embedded in her hand, all the way to the ground.

"A... Aaahh!!?"

'Quit your noisy screaming. Be quiet.'


The pain struck her suddenly, and the screams that had just begun were forcefully silenced when her face was slapped. Though it was more like being punched than slapped. Feeling the dull pain on her cheek and the cut in her mouth, Tamaki looked up at the figure before her, wide-eyed in astonishment.

"Kaha!? A... Haa... Ughu!!? Y-You... Wh-Why are you here...!?"

Tamaki's question was interrupted by a kick that forcefully twisted her insides. The exorcist girl coughed, her face contorted in pain as she tried to raise her head. She was met with cold eyes looking down on her. Fear overcame her, and she swallowed her breath.

'As noisy as ever, huh? A monkey is still a monkey, especially young female monkeys; they can be unbearably loud. It's like their shrieks resonate inside my head. Hey, can you understand this feeling, everyone?'

Kamaitachi, or Yuka, addressed the surrounding youkai with a theatrical tone. Finally, Tamaki became aware of her surroundings.

A crowd of youkai gathered around her. Their stares fixated on her, drooling and glaring, viewing her as their prey.

And... among those monsters, she saw a figure lying on the ground, trampled and covered in wounds. Despite her own situation, Tamaki couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Tomobe-kun...!!? Gugh!!?"

Her benefactor, beaten and covered in bloodied wounds. She tried to rush over to him, but the dagger still stuck in her hand stopped her. Tears filled Tamaki's eyes, and for a moment, she considered enduring the pain and pulling the dagger out.


'Finally, you shut up. Dammit!!'

Immediately after, the wall next to her exploded, filling the air with dust. The debris that had fallen included materials shaped like dragon heads, and the woman's figure, who had trampled the head, crushed the core she held in her palm. She spewed out beast-like curses. Tamaki recognized the voice, but refrained from calling out.

No, that wasn't it. It wasn't that she couldn't speak, but rather she couldn't find the right words to say. The situation around her contributed to it, but in front of that figure, she was at a loss for words.

As the dust settled, Shishimai Asami's appearance had transformed even further since Tamaki last saw her. She leaned more toward the animal side, resembling a beast-human hybrid. It must have been a fierce battle; Shishimai was covered in blood and emitted chilling growls. Her beast-like tail, which had grown larger since their last encounter, slammed the ground violently.



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