Mob Yandere

Chapter 114.4

Chapter 114.4

[Part 4/4]

"Yes, you're right. There wouldn't be a kamado in a study; it's obviously suspicious. It's a bad move. But what if it's something else?"

For example, if it were an irori (a traditional Japanese hearth), even in a study, nobody would find it strange.

"In that case, it's the same thing. Think about something that serves the same purpose as a kamado, even in a study, and wouldn't be noticed by anyone."

"Something that serves the same purpose... Ah!"

Tamaki understood my point and opened her eyes wide in realization. Even without my help, it seemed that anyone would have figured it out eventually. I nodded and pressed my fingertip to my lips as if thinking.

Then, I silently walked toward the place that I had been observing since I entered the room. I used stealth to approach without making any noise. I unfolded the foldable circular key attached to my waist. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to strike.

"Well, it seems that way. ...It's about time to stop hiding, youkai!"

After I declared that, I thrust my shovel into the hibachi (traditional Japanese heating device). More precisely, into the faintly smoldering ash inside it, and deep into the pile of ash that had been accumulated there. I stepped on the shovel, pushing its tip deeper.

Toward the "core" of the youkai mansion's owner, where they were likely hiding...!!


Silence filled the air for a moment. No one said anything.


'(´・ω・) ...?'

"...Nothing is happening."

"Well, this is..."

'Is it coming?'

Tamaki and the bear (and the idiotic spider) mumbled, slightly relieved that nothing seemed to happen. But the hummingbird disagreed, and I denied it as well. It was coming.

In the next moment, the entire space trembled.

"Miss Tamaki, get back...!!"

I shouted as I pulled out the shovel. Just as I did so, the ash inside the hibachi erupted, flying into the air like boiling lava. It scattered all around. The amount of ash was clearly exceeding the size of the hibachi. Furthermore, the surroundings rapidly spun.

"Ugh, whoa!?"


'ヽ(ill゚д゚)ノ What's happening!!?'


"Miss Tamaki...!!"

Despite Tamaki's voice calling out to me, my response was futile. The explosion had sent the bear and Tamaki flying in different directions, and suddenly, a "grown" wall blocked my view. The surroundings rapidly changed, and I felt as if I were in an expanded space.

"Is this... spatial expansion!?"

I shouted while the intense visual distortion subsided. Though I had landed on my rear and hurt my butt, I managed to stand up. I looked around to see earth walls intersecting in various directions, creating a maze-like structure.

"They want me to have fun with mazes again?"

I partially denied the words I had started to speak as I focused on the hibachi, which was sitting unnaturally in the room. The inside of the hibachi was glowing crimson like a blazing fire. And it extended—giant flames, flaming arms, reaching out towards me. Two pale flames sneering at me. The owner of the mansion was sneering.





Then, various eerie cries resounded loudly from all around. The prickling sensation on my skin was the result of dense miasma, the presence of youkai. This was...

'Servant, it seems...'

"I understand. It seems like we're very welcome here. A warm welcome, indeed."

I replied with sarcasm to the old man's words, shrugging my shoulders as I faced the hibachi, which was unnaturally present. I prepared my shovel as a temporary weapon, but then I realized something. The sharp tip that I had honed to act as a blade was partially melting, as if it were dipped in lava.

...Naturally, that meant I had lost my last close-range weapon.

'(○´・д・) Noo'


I was dumbfounded and speechless, unable to even make a retort to the idiotic spider's comment.

Mocking laughter echoed from all around. A horde of diverse and creepy youkai surrounded me from every corner of the labyrinth. Among them were creatures that seemed to be of great youkai class. Oh, this was getting interesting.

'A regular servant would be done for.'

"And even if it's not regular, it's a dead end...?"

'(*´・ω・) Dead end?'

I made a light retort to the old man's words. And then, I made up my mind to face the inevitable situation—an extremely reluctant decision.

"That's why. Stupid spider, it's your long-awaited turn. You've been boasting a lot, so work hard, will you?"

I took one of Gorilla-sama's poorly-tasting pills from the my inro case and swallowed it, grinding my teeth. I called out to the idiotic spider, which had concealed itself in my bosom, hoping it would come to my aid.


"Master. I apologize, but can you support me?"

I confirmed the stupid spider that had attached itself to my neck, and I pleaded with it. The artificial hummingbird remained silent for a while.

'...It won't last long. With the pill and sucking blood, it should be fine for about five hundred counts. Once the time limit is up, regardless of what happens, you'll immediately chew another pill.'

"I understand...!!"

As I replied, countless youkai leaped towards me. They rushed at me, trying to attack me before others could. They swarmed like a sushi pack. Invited by the dense divine energy emitted from my body, they tried to eat me alive. They gathered like meatballs. Fierce roars, angry shouts, and barking voices resounded.

But then, the gathering youkai exploded. Their flesh splattered around, and pale flames danced in the air, incinerating and annihilating the monsters.

"Huff, ggh!! ...Then, take this!?"

'(・`ω・´) Come on!'

In response to my call, the stupid spider, firmly attached to my neck, let out its usual idiotic voice.

The second wave of monsters approached me, saliva flowing like waterfalls from their mouths.

"Hahaha. Well then, let's see if I can finish this quickly within the time limit, shall I?"

I caught a glimpse of the black figure mowing down the waves of monsters in the distance and chuckled, taunting the weasel youkai (Kamaitachi).

* * *

"Ouch... Huh!? Tomobe-kun!?"

The young girl, Hotoya, who had been separated from the group, noticed it and quickly stood up. She looked around and saw an endless path of earth walls—a corner of the labyrinth.

"Bear-san!? Hummingbird-san!? Where is everyone!?"

Tamaki desperately shouted, but there was no response. Silence dominated the entire area, further amplifying Tamaki's anxiety.

She had been with someone ever since she wandered into the belly of this creature—she had never experienced true loneliness. That's why the current situation scared her and made her confront her own weaknesses.

"Ugh... huh!? Was that an explosion!?"

Startled, Tamaki groaned, but she quickly turned around in response to the booming sound. From far away, it was evident that some kind of battle was taking place, and there was no doubt that at least one of the participants was her ally.

"Could it be... Tomobe-kun...?"

As she considered this possibility, Tamaki dashed towards the source of the noise. Her actions were driven purely by the genuine desire to help her most precious benefactor and friend. However, if she considered the possibility of ambushes and traps by youkai in this labyrinth, her actions would be reckless, and she would likely be chastised by other exorcists.

Indeed, as Tamaki ran towards the direction of the booming noise, several young youkai jumped out from a corner, blocking her path.

"Get out of my way! Move...!!"

With her shout, Tamaki's body was empowered by spiritual reinforcement. She swiftly cut down the attacking young youkai one by one as she passed by. She pressed forward without even glancing at them.

Though Tamaki was unaware of it, her swordsmanship was enough to make a master of the art marvel. The youngest daughter of Akō would likely be astonished if she saw it. It was such a skill. It was evidence that the talent within Hotoya Tamaki was rapidly and unconsciously blossoming amidst these numerous dire situations.

Consequently, Tamaki sensed it—the presence rapidly approaching her.


There was no killing intent, but Tamaki's senses, the sound in the air, and her sixth sense allowed her to respond before she could see it. The sound of metal clashing echoed sharply around her.

And then, with her wakizashi, Tamaki intercepted the surprise attack. As she recognized the identity of the attacker, her eyes widened in despair. The opponent, whom Tamaki made eye contact with, seemed to realize that it was futile to continue the confrontation and stopped the clashing of blades. They stopped and, like a beast, leaped away from behind Tamaki, creating distance and assuming a defensive stance.

Holding a naginata and enveloped in youkai aura, the attacker growled.


Tamaki called out the name of the lion half-youkai, her benefactor who had turned into a half-beast, her voice trembling, almost on the verge of tears.


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