Mob Yandere

Book 8 Epilogue, (1)

Book 8 Epilogue, (1)

[Part 1/6]

Deep within a valley submerged in snow. The time is around two hours past the sixth hour of the rabbit (Around the time of the sixth hour after sunrise.). In a corner of a fog-covered early morning village, she was there.

Onitsuki valley village's long-established confectionery tea house, "Hanamizuki House," starts its mornings early. As confectionery making begins around the time of sunrise, steam from the cooking had been leaking from the shop's chimney since about two hours ago.

"Phew. It's still cold after all."

Momiji, the signboard girl of the shop, grumbled while blowing white breaths onto her chilled palms during her water duties. Despite her complaints, her expression was bright.

It was only natural. The shop's sales, which had once been considered disastrous, had been gradually recovering lately. It was all thanks to putting up new products inspired by foreign sweets that were trendy. Although her father and the other craftsmen were somewhat dissatisfied, they eventually compromised when their daughter earnestly persuaded them. Her father, too, understood that if this situation continued, they would have to close the shop. In the worst case, their family's future would be uncertain. Momiji absolutely did not want to be sent away to the city.

The decisive factor was the order for the new product from the Onitsuki Estate. The opinion of the honorable madam adviser was the first. With that recommendation, orders also came from the Uemon and the branch family's Ayaka. The villagers heard the rumors and came to enjoy the feast. And thus, the flow of customers was returning.

"All thanks to that person, right?"

What crossed Momiji's mind was the presence of a customer from some time ago. Somehow, in this village in the countryside, his wise advice and knowledge about food and trends were like a powerful medicine—in a good way. Opinions that even newcomers on the opposite side of the road couldn't come up with were truly akin to divine help.

"Thanks to him, our shop is finally at ease... I wonder if he'll come again?"

Come to think of it, when he visits next time, she asked him to taste the new product as well, Momiji reminisces and mumbles. She waits eagerly for that customer, smiling with delight.

...Suddenly, the sound of a horse neighing echoes from within the fog.


Who could it be at this hour? A fast horse? In this thick fog, it's dangerous. Momiji hurriedly retreats to the side of the road, but when she realizes the identity of the figure that appeared in the thick fog, she can't help but rush towards it.

It's because she recognized that distinctive coat.

"Ah! A customer! A customer! Long time no see!"


The customer leading the horse showed a momentary dazed reaction to her call. However, he quickly remembered and looked at her.

"Right... you're from the 'Hanamizuki House' staff, right?"

"Yes! Thank you for the other day!"

"No, no. But meeting at this hour is quite surprising."

Momiji smiles at the fact that he remembered her. Then she continues.

"That's my line. To come out so early in the morning... You must have left the nearby inn or checkpoint in the middle of the night, right? It must have been cold this winter, especially when you're riding."

"Haha. Yes, well..."

As she inquires while looking at the large horse he's leading, he responds with a wry smile. From the looks of it, it seems like it wasn't his own decision to come here. No, it might have been a forced order from above. Well, that makes sense. Considering he's been given an unfortunate dark-blue horse, it further supports that idea. Momiji sympathizes with him.

"Oh, by the way! Since you're here anyway, why don't you take a break and come to our shop!? The first batch of confections should be ready around this time of the morning! We'll also prepare warm tea!"

She extends a genuine smile, filled with kindness and a hint of goodwill, inviting him. She wants to hear his thoughts on the confections, get information about new products, and learn more about him.

"I apologize. I have urgent business, and if I'm late, I'll be scolded by my master."

The request was, however, refused without any hesitation.

"I, I see... Oh well, I guess there's no help for it."

Momiji feels slightly awkward with the swift rejection, but she understands. This is not a leisurely visit. In this strict world with clear hierarchies, forcing someone into such a situation could lead to losing one's position, or worse, losing one's life. Momiji has no choice but to step back.

"If I have some free time, I'll come back here again. Oh, by the way..."

The customer suddenly seems to remember something and takes out a notebook from his pocket. He starts writing something and then hands it to her. Momiji receives it and reads the words on the paper before looking back at the customer.

"This is...!?"

"I heard the rumors. The confection that I told you about before seems to be quite popular, right?"

"Haha. Did you hear about it?"

"I also go in and out of the Onitsuki estate... I was surprised. It exceeded my expectations. Some of the housewives around here were talking about it."

With a genuinely surprised tone, the customer continues.

"On the next occasion, I'll treat you to the previous confections as well. Is that alright?"

"That's... Yes! Definitely! I'll prepare extra tea!"

Taken aback by the customer's offer, Momiji quickly responds with a beaming smile, though she wonders if it's too sweet and if he can finish all the food.

"Hahaha. You're an energetic signboard girl. Well then, I'll take my leave."

The customer also laughs cheerfully at Momiji's reply, bows, and leaves the front of the shop. Momiji, playing the role of a signboard girl, sends him off with a deep bow. She keeps watching him until his figure disappears from view...

"He's really a good person. Hehehe, looking forward to it!!"

With her head raised, Momiji murmurs to herself. Then she suddenly tilts her head and wonders.

"Huh? Come to think of it... Did I forget his face again?"

* * *

It's late afternoon. The place is the majestic main Onitsuki mansion, which could be mistaken for a daimyo's residence like the Otera (Great Temple) or Ozamurai. Standing alone at the entrance is a small figure.

Clothed in pristine child's attire and wearing a bright white silk robe, the slender figure could easily be mistaken for a lovely young girl. ...No. Although very few people know the truth, he was indeed a girl. He 'became' her true self through a process of gender transition.

Years of long penance and practices to transform her body were an excruciating ordeal, not metaphorically, but literally to the point of vomiting blood. Many have attempted such transformation throughout history, but many also abandoned it midway, and that is widely known.

However, this former boy succeeded. It was partly because her master who performed the treatment was skilled, but above all, it was the result of her strong will. Without it, she could never have achieved it.

Now, the former boy cut off all ties with her tainted past. And she waits. Longing for someone she loves like a maiden in love...

"Big bro... Is he not coming yet?"

With a sweet voice full of yearning, the former boy waits. Although hert master said it would be best to wait in one of the mansion's rooms, unfortunately, the former boy couldn't hold out that long. So here she waits, dressed like this. She waits with this transformed 'body.'

The reason for concealing her appearance with the white silk robe is that she didn't want to show herself to others as much as possible. She wanted to keep herself exclusive to that person. Of course, with her natural beauty, someone who sees her would likely be unable to tell she was a boy at first glance, especially with the preconceptions in mind.

However, if someone observes closely, they might notice the difference, and that's why the former boy's clothes serves to hide it. Fortunately, due to her background, her appearance in a woman's clothes, somewhat resembling a female role in kabuki, didn't raise too many eyebrows. Perhaps it was even seen as her master's playful idea.

And her hidden allure was unmatched compared to when she was a boy. Her silky hair had grown longer and became more charming. She touches her chest. Although it's not clear due to the clothes, her chest has slightly developed. It's still young, just budding. But she firmly believes that it will gradually, but surely, grow from now on.

In secret, the most decisive difference is the blood flowing within her. The blood that only girls have, the proof of being able to embrace the desire for love and bear children... When she experienced it for the first time, she felt dizzy and nauseous. While collapsing, she laughed. It was sheer joy. Laughing and crying at the same time. Weeping.

Such a price was not even close to being regrettable for the former boy. For her, the intense suffering of a bad month was nothing more than delight. Finally, she had arrived at the beginning of being devoted to the one she loves. Compared to that, this pain... She would even want him to feel the scent of that blood. If he transformed into a youkai beast, he would easily notice it. Once he realized, she would envision the scene of being forcibly taken, of being ravished, in vivid detail. It was bliss.

"Hehehe. Big bro. I love you, Big bro..."

Concealing her footsteps and blocking the sounds around her, she sinks into her fantasy world. She rubs her thighs quietly. Her breath becomes alluringly rough. Her underwear is already wet. She doesn't consider it immodest. With this, she can welcome him without making him wait...


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