Mob without system in Naruto world

Chapter 15: Trauma

Chapter 15: Trauma

Currently, I'm at my grandparent's house, because it's my grandma's birthday.

Since my father didn't inherit his family's business, his parents were really pissed of and till now the relationship is really cold.

Even before I regained my memories I almost never saw them...

Anyway, the grandma, which today's birthday is, is my mum's mother.

Their relationship is good, that's why she invites us every year to her birthday - actually almost the whole family gets invited, that's why it's always a huge gathering.

My mum's family are basically the tatami mats producer for the whole village, they have even occasionally clients like the Hyuga or Uchiha clan.

But during the Third Shinobi War, no one wanted to buy tatami mats.

That's why, as the oldest child, my mum became a shinobi to help them financially out.

But since she became a shinobi she can't inherit the family business, which is why her younger sister - my aunt - always mocks her...that's also the case for her daughter...

"Hey, long time no see glue-eater, hihihi"

She is about 2 years older than me and currently, we were with all the other kids in the same room, while the adults were in the main room.

Haaaaaa I really want to practice the shadow-clone jutsu right now, but I'm stuck here...

"I wonder how much glue you ate since the last time I saw you? hihihi"

Tenten is probably training right now...

After she forgave me, she insisted that I practice with her when Hayate-sensei is busy.

By the way, the barrage was scary...she really got strong - I'm confident that in a real fight she would beat me easily.

But she still asked me what she should do next since she already mastered long-range weapons.

I told her that her weakness is that, she has to carry this barrage with her which slows her down while also interfering with her movements, so she should use fuinjutsu to store her weapons.

When she heard it, she looked at me like I'm some all-knowing guru, but I just told her what she would be able to do later on her own...

Well, if she gives me money for the advice I won't mind though, hehehehe...

"Hey, are you listening to me? Or is your brain damaged from eating all the glue?"

"Jo, can you shut up you little shit? Or else I'm gonna kick you in the leg!"


Hatsumi was shocked.

In the past, when she mocked Eiji, he would always run away while crying.

He was really dumb and because he was so slow he wasn't able to get along with others - which resulted in him being also shy.

In short, he was a weird and dumb kid who ate glue.

But now he has the aloof and cool air of a delinquent around him, it also seems like he isn't slow anymore.

- This, how did this happen...but more importantly did he just insult me? -

"Hey, what did you call me now just now?"

"I called you little shit, you deaf bitch"

She fainted.

Hatsumi was always doted by her parents, which gave her a bit of a superiority complex.

She was never insulted before, so when Eiji didn't use a childish insult, like kids their age would do, but rather crude mature ones, she was so shocked that she actually fainted.

Eiji looked at her unconscious body: - Who cares about her, soon the horror of the Nakamura children will appear! -

What he refers to as the horror is actually his grandpa.

Always when there is a family gathering, the children would choose to sacrifice one of them.

The sacrifice would help his grandfather to help him find his denture!

The grandfather is senile so he always forgets his denture somewhere, and since he doesn't want to trouble the adults, he goes into the room where all the children are playing, to ask to help him.

So for the children, it kinda evolved into a ritual whenever there is a family gathering to choose one unlucky one since no one wants to look for a dirty and used venture!

There is even a legend between the kids, that the unlucky ones who get chosen will be traumatized for their whole lives!

This time they will choose the sacrifice through a rock paper scissors tournament.

Eiji doesn't intend to become the sacrifice, because the reason why he ate glue in the past was that he was so traumatized, that he needed some budget drugs!

"Hey Eiji, it's your turn, hurry up before the horror comes...Oh no did I just hear steps in the hallway? Come on hurry up there only two more matches to go!"

"Sorry guys but I have to shit..." - while he said that he ran out of the room, leaving the other children flabbergasted.

Feeling betrayed, they also started to run out of the room, while the unconscious Hatsumi slowly woke up while her demise slowly crept towards the room...

"Oh, can someone of you children stop playing for a minute to help me find my denture please?"


So starting tomorrow will be 1 chapter per day again. But on the bright side, only a few more chapters till the academy arc will start.


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