MMORPG : Rise of the Interstellar God

Chapter 184 [AntiHack 11]

Apophis immediately scanned the strange being which had appeared before him.



║ ╰╼[Name]: DungEater

║ ╰╼[LvL]: ???

║ ╰╼[Tier]: A-

║ ╰╼[Class]: Boxer

║ ╰╼[Biology]: Liquid


A player?! Apophis couldn't believe this. When he first saw the strange phenomenon occurring in Lucifer's skeleton, he'd been sure this was some monster, or a champion of the gods he'd previously pissed off. But for this thing to be a player ...How was that even possible?!

But even more surprising than the fact that this was a player was the realization that it had achieved Rank A- power. That put this player on a level far greater than those of even the professional, elite players, who were, at best, Rank C+!

That was the power to be expected of someone at LvL 30 or so. It was unheard of that a player without Apophis's unique advantages could achieve Rank A- before hitting LvL 80 at least, and probably not even until they were close to LvL 100!

The player was hiding his Level from Apophis, but there was no way he could have achieved even LvL 80 this early in the game. After all, Apophis had just caused the deaths of a terrifyingly huge number of people, and he'd only just hit LvL 42.

Many more thoughts swirled through Apophis's head at the speed of light. Yes, DungEater. He remembered that name… Rather, he remembered being confused by its presence on the Horus leaderboard previously. Back before the Battle of Cronos I, Apophis had seen DungEater as having the #9 highest bounty of all players in the game.

And… Apophis hadn't recognized him from his first life. DungEater had been an anomaly then, and he was apparently even more of one now.

That had puzzled him for two reasons. First, because DungEater hadn't been affiliated with a SuperGuild. Even Apophis had already founded Eclipse by that time, and aside from his special knowledge, the only way to gain huge notoriety was to take advantage of your SuperGuild's resources.

And now… DungEater had just revealed some kind of Skill that had allowed him to disguise himself as Lucifer? Or was it something even more sinister? And how did that explain all the Skills which DungEater as Lucifer had just used, including the ones which were unique to Lucifer?!

A distorted voice came from DungEater's body. "We meet at last, Apophis!"

Apophis said coldly, "Who are you?"

DungEater answered, "I am… Number 27."

Apophis was astonished. He hadn't expected a response like that at all. "Number 27? Explain yourself."

DungEater answered, "It's the name given to me by the organization I belong to."

Apophis replied, "That doesn't tell me anything. What organization?"

DungEater said, "To tell the truth, it doesn't have a proper name. However, some people refer to it as the 'Sun Cult.'"

Apophis frowned when he heard this. He knew about this from his first life. The Sun Cult wasn't a guild or player community in the literal sense. Rather, it described all those who believed that the "real world" and the virtual worlds of video games were equally valid, that they were in some way parts of the same reality.

This philosophy had appeared when VRMMORPGs started to become popular during the release of World of Warcraft II many years ago, in fact. Apophis, and many others, used to scorn the Sun Cultists as a bunch of nerds or people who were online so much that they tried to convince themselves that their online life was just as much as "real" as anything else.

Of course, since he'd been reborn in this new life… Apophis could no longer dismiss the idea completely. However, he certainly didn't think those who believed in the Sun Cult had known the truth all along! Their fantasies and whimsical ideas had been based on nothing except for their own feelings.

If the world of Horus truly had some fundamental connection to the real world, as Apophis was growing more and more to understand, it was surely something else entirely than what the Sun Cult believed.

Therefore, when DungEater said he belonged to the Sun Cult, Apophis's reaction was more one of scorn than anything else. DungEater saw Apophis's expression and replied with a slight, metallic smile, "We have another name, one which commands a bit more respect in the outside world… the Neo-Cartel."

Apophis was shocked! The Neo-Cartel was the most powerful criminal organization in the world. It had a monopoly on most of Earth's illegal trafficking, an extremely dangerous organization that wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who they perceived as a threat to their business. The world government famously let the Neo-Cartel do whatever it wished, since its dominance created a system of law and order among the other, lesser cartels… and, of course, the Neo-Cartel paid hefty bribes to the government to leave them alone.

But despite being infamous and feared around the world, the organization's actual workings remained a mystery to ordinary people—in addition to the identity of its members.

Hearing this, Apophis realized that a connection like this would explain how DungEater had access to so many resources despite not being connected to a SuperGuild. That explained quite a lot. However, DungEater hadn't exactly given any proof, so Apophis asked, "How can I believe you?"

DungEater kept his frightening smile and said, "Come on. Do you really think you're in a position to doubt me? Look at our stats. I'm forty-four Levels higher than you when you're already a titan in the eyes of the game. Clearly I'm far better-connected than you can imagine… far more so than any ordinary SuperGuild crony could be." After a pause, he continued, "In fact, it's not an exaggeration to say that my level simply can't be achieved at this point in the game by conventional means."

Apophis answered, "Alright, let's assume that I believe you for a moment. Tell me, DungEater, or Number 27, or whatever your name is… what do you want from me?"

DungEater answered smoothly, "My mission was to challenge you to a duel to the death and, one way or another, get you permanently banned from the game. However, it seems that the body of my chosen puppet was far too weak.

A puppet? Interesting. Apophis, still rather skeptical, said, "Your Skill is pretty overpowered. You parasitize players and steal their powers. I suppose that explains how you had access to all those Skills… you turned several players into your puppets and stole all their Skills! Perhaps you even stole all their cumulative EXP. But just one question... Why didn't you simply do the same thing with me? After all, I'm apparently much lower level than you." He said these last few words with a tone of mockery.

DungEater answered, "You're wrong, actually. It's no Skill that gives me this power. But that's unimportant. In order to 'Contaminate' a person, I must defeat them thoroughly. Perhaps, had I used stealth, I could have done so, rather than challenging you. But I followed my orders. And then, after the ability you displayed… rather than infect you, I wish to recruit you!"

Apophis didn't answer, only staring at him and waiting for him to continue.

Finally, DungEater sighed and kept talking. "We're not like all those SuperGuilds with millions of members who are only there for the money. We have a real goal, one worth fighting for… one worth dying for. According to our investigations on you, our goals are convergent with your own objective."

Apophis gave this careful thought. Such an invitation was a completely different circumstance from a SuperGuild inviting him to join their ranks. If DungEater truly belonged to the Neo-Cartel, then he was offering the support of an alliance with one of the most powerful organizations in the world.

Moreover, Apophis was putting several pieces of the puzzle together in his head and coming to another realization. If the Neo-Cartel was controlling the Sun Cult ideology from the shadows, and it was true that there was some connection between Horus and the real world… then perhaps the Neo-Cartel did truly know something of this connection, despite the pathetic people who tended to follow the Sun Cult.

Therefore, they were likely motivated by a concrete objective based around uncovering the secrets of Horus, similar to Apophis's own objectives, rather than simply motivated by a crude and pathetic love for money like the SuperGuilds.

Apophis answered slowly, "I'm certainly interested in hearing more. Well, what are the entry requirements? What, do I have to run a Dungeon or something in order to prove my worth and join you?" His voice was still mocking.

DungEater smiled, his expression an acknowledgement of their relative positions. After all, Apophis had beaten his last puppet. "None of that, don't worry. Simply pledge your total loyalty to the Sun Cult in a… permanent sort of way."

Apophis, surprised, answered, "Permanent? What do you mean?"

DungEater answered, "You must commit suicide in the real world while connected to the game. Your mind will then be permanently implanted in the universe of Horus! This is the sacrifice we require to join us!"

Apophis took a horrified step back at this disgusting idea. It was as though an electric current had just shivered through his spine and into his brain. "What madness can push someone to sacrifice his own life for a game?!"

DungEater burst out laughing. "Oh, Apophis! This world is a hundred times more real than the one we were born into! Here is a life without the misery of the wretched remains of Earth, without being trapped in a glass dome like a pet in a cage! This is the only place left where there is total freedom! And of course, once you're fully incarnated in the game, you no longer need to rest, eat, or drink... Your mind and body merge! You achieve true immortality!

"How could it possibly be wrong to refuse this gift that providence has given us? The world we come from is in total decay. We can't even see the sun's rays on Earth anymore, the glorious rays that once allowed our planet to give birth to life in the first place! What kind of existence is that? None worth living! You call us mad, Apophis. Rather, it is those who see the truth and still want to stay in the other world who are crazy!"

DungEater's strange, distorted voice filled with passion and fervor as he continued talking. Finally, he stretched out his hand towards Apophis in a gesture of beckoning. "Join us! I know that you want freedom and power. Yes, more than anything else, power over everyone and everything else! Only we can offer it to you, Apophis. We do offer it to you."

Apophis was silent for a long time. The whole while, he stared at DungEater's metallic, outstretched hand. If he took that hand and shook it to pledge his allegiance, he would have to abandon everything in the real world…

…Including his parents. Including his mother.

For a moment, Apophis's heart darkened at the memory of his parents refusing to move into the better apartment he'd bought with his earnings from Horus. They'd called him an ungrateful son who turned up his nose at the meager life they'd been able to scrape by in Paris, one of the few places on Earth which were still worth living in.

They'd never understood his dreams and desires. It had been hard enough just getting them to agree to support him skipping his exams to get ahead in the game, despite it being obvious that this would lead to great financial gain.

Yes, Apophis had given his parents the opportunity to make their lives better. Yet, they'd rejected it out of bitter principle back then. DungEater's words echoed through Apophis's mind. It is those who see the truth and still want to stay in the other world who are crazy! Yes, just as crazy as staying in a tiny, miserable apartment when there was a better one waiting for you.

But then other memories swam through Apophis's mind. From his old life, mostly, but from this new one as well.

Tears. Laughter. Hugs, cheers, celebration, sorrow. The knowledge that, as stubborn and stupid as it might be, his mother truly valued time spent with her son over all the money he could earn.

Alexander's parents loved him for who he was, not for what he gave them, not for what he did.

As did Emma.

Apophis withdrew his hand from DungEater. Black flames sprouted around him once more. "Unlike you," he said in an icy voice, "I do not seek power for myself. I do it for those I love. The ones I failed to save before! Apparently, your investigation into me was as shitty as your fighting!"

Apophis then drew Regnier's two-handed sword and ignited it. "I don't know exactly why they sent you to eliminate me, but I can guess. It probably has something to do with the obvious fact that I'll stop at nothing to get what I want. And since I can't imagine the Neo-Cartel will just let someone live after rejecting them… I guess that means I've got a new enemy to crush under my heel. I'll destroy you and your stupid organization of fanatics!"

DungEater gave a deep sigh. He sounded genuinely disappointed. "Pity. A real pity." In an instant, he'd equipped a pair of glittering, Orc-design gauntlets of a clearly powerful nature.

Apophis, seeing the imminent return to their duel, quickly put a message in the guild chat.


The very next second, DungEater appeared in front of Apophis, driving his fist towards Apophis's face.


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