MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 7 Start Of The Event

Grave checked and saw that his health was almost full.

"Hmm, almost 20 mins left for space portals for today to open. Let go."

Grave once again rushes back to the forest. This time, he was near a particular spot in the forest. There were many others who were hunting near this spot. Finding two low-level wolves, Grave also starts playing against them.

Yes, he was playing, not hunting them. He was damaging them, but not enough to kill them. Monsters did not need to get out of the fighting to get their health restore. Grave was giving wolves enough time to get their health restored.

Near him, many players see him.

"What is he doing?"

"Damn, why he is playing around with wolves?"

"Did he try to train some skills doing that?"

"But didn't he look like he had a higher level than wolves?"

"Stupid! He did not even know the basics."

"Yeah, He did not know that to get skills you need to try them on monsters the same or higher level than you."

"Does he think he can find a loophole by fighting two wolves?"

"Well, Let me tell him the rule"

There were many casual players who notice Grave and started talking about it.

One of the nice-looking dudes came forward and shouted at Grave.

"Dude, you are wasting your time. You will not achieve anything from this."

Grave ignores him.

"How stupid. He is not even hearing what we are saying."

"Leave this mother fucker on his own."

"Yeah, we need to get ready."

Slowly, people lose interest and start focusing on their own hunt. Well, as this was one of the overcrowded areas, many people still look at Grave to pass their time while searching for the wolves.

This is one of the reasons why Grave hated the crowded hunting grounds. Still, he ignores the distraction and still keeps fighting.

Nobody came to snatch his prey because 2 wolves gave little Exp and they did not become villains in front of so many players.

After playing for 10-15 mins, many space cracks appear in the forest and other hunting grounds. It was time for a new monster to enter the world of Liberty.

One of the space cracks is near the place where Grave is fighting.

Everybody's focus was now on space crack.

At this time, Grave slashes down one of the wolf's heads. Picking up the head while dodging the second wolf Grave Kick that head at the space crack. The Head passes through the space crack and nothing happens.

After 30 sec Grave killed the second wolf and also kicked that head at space crack. Well, no immediate reaction.

People near him noticed him kicking the second head into the space crack.

"Well, this dude is seriously delusional."

"Yeah, we all know nothing ever happens from whatever you throw at space cracks"

"Forget the focus on the front. It will start within the movement."

Grave back off from the space crack and start rushing back toward the village. He did not wait to collect the loot.

! Ding


+20 exp


Grave smiled upon hearing the notification. It was true that nothing happens from whatever you throw at space crack. In the past year, many people collected the head of many beasts and throw them in space cracks to provoke beasts inside the parallel space, but all those attempts were unsuccessful.

But that was because all those people throw the process body part that is considered as items. This time, what Grave threw was an unprocessed body part that will disappear after 1 min.

In the past, a guy performed this same thing and at that time, people discovered that unprocessed body parts were like dead bodies to beasts while processed body parts were not.

Grave actions were the sequence to start one of the one-time events.



As Grave ran to the village, he heard the sound of wolves howling.

"Fck, I need to reach the village fastly. "


Near the space cracks in the forest, many guys are waiting for wolves to come out. This time of the game was best for hunting.

Near the different space cracks, many various guilds were present.

Slowly, wolves started coming out one after another.

"Guys, make the formation. We need to hunt as many as we can."

"Swordsmen in the front and magician in the back."

Many casual players also pump up. This was one reason why Liberty was so famous. This one-time daily war.

Many wolves rush toward the player from different space cracks.

Intercepting them first were many guilds' fighting forces.

Clashes of wolves and guild players started.

"Come on guys, show the power. We need to show these guild bastards that even we can kill wolves. "

Non-guild players also join the hunting of wolves.

Many wolves keep coming out and try to scatter, but players rush to intercept them. Only a few wolves could cross the net of players and run deeper into the forest.

"This is crazy. I love this game."

"Guys, try to kill as many wolves as you can in this minute,"

"Mages, pour down all your mana in the attack. "

"Kill it, Kill it"

" hahaha hahaha"

There was a complete frenzy among players to kill as many wolves as they can. Some died, but Liberty online provides 2 health a day for players below level 10. After that, they will be in 12 hrs game time cooldown.

Many non-guild and casual players lost their first life. Even after spawning back to the village, they rush back, hoping to kill some leftovers.


At this time, a loud howl came from all space cracks at a time.

After the howling, space cracks expanded. Suddenly, many numbers of wolves start appearing. Some different rare breeds of magic wolves also came from space crack.

Suddenly, the entire forest started shaking.

A large barring notification came in front of each player in the Blackcoal village.





(Only players with level 10 or less can take part. Players with higher levels will be forced out of the war.)

Seeing the rolling head of his people Wolves king is very angry. In anger, he is trying to enter space crack.... World laws prevent wolves king. In extreme anger, wolves king sends his youngest child in his stead to take revenge.

Task: Stop wolves and the son of wolves king from making havoc and destroying the whole village.

Rewards:????,????, +200 reputation within the Algoma kingdom.

Failure penalty: -100 reputation within Algoma kingdom, -4 levels, Destruction of Blackcoal village.


[ !!!!!!!! Emergency quest!!!!!!

QUEST: Protect Blackcoal village from destruction.


(Only players with level 10 or less can take part. Players with higher levels will be forced out of the war.)

Village chief request adventure to protect their village from the Wolf king's wrath.

Task: Protect villagers from dying. Villagers' casualties must not exceed 10%.

Reward: +100 reputation in Blackcoal village, Gold ???

Failure penalty: -100 reputation in Blackcoal village, large-scale migration of villagers.


Just as both notifications flash in front of every player, A Silver fur wolf came out of the space crack. The size of a wolf was half of that of a common wolf. After that wolf came out, the space crack closed.

"Wow, what is happening?"

"How the hell is this event started?"

"Son of wolves, king!!"

"Wow, 2 A rank quest is this dream."

"Wow, is this the single objective multi quests thing of higher levels?"

"Omg, See the failure condition."

"Wtf with failure condition! Damn, we will be finished if any of the tasks are failed."

"hmm, Guys is that silver wolf really a son of Wolves king?"

"It is so small and cute. "

"Well, this should not be this easy, right? I mean, it's an A+ rank event."

Seeing the son of wolves king, nobody understands the intermediate danger. They tried to continue how they were fighting.



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