MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 209 Blaze Guild First War

Roan gave a few more instructions to Dhruv. 

Dhruv nodded to him and rushed back to his room. Today, Blaze would start their conquering streak and Dhruv was curious to see the Blaze's guild performance. 

Roan also sent Aria to play. He did not want to waste her time. 

He sat on the sofa in the living room and took out his mobile. He knew about the Blaze guild, but it was much better to freshen up his memory. 

He opened the forum and there were many live feeds going on, as war engulfed many cities. 

He opened on the most viewed channel. 

["Good morning everyone. It's Ketty, your lovely host from GLO."

A lady in a pink dress said with a smile on her face. She continued, "Today we have many interesting wars to look at. Before looking at the war, let me introduce you guys to our lovely experts." The camera shifted to one middle age man in a brown coat. "First, we have game strategy expert Mr. Rayn with us." 

Rayn waved to the camera. The camera shifted, and this time it showed a young lady in her early twenties. 

"Next we have game expert Miss Lovina with us." Lovina gave a flying kiss to the camera. 

"And for the last expert, we have one of the strong liberty players, Mr. Strong_arms." Strong_arms smiled at the camera and the camera shift back to Ketty while three experts appeared on the side of the screen. 

"Guys, now it's wartime." A logo appeared on the screen and then the camera shifted. A big white screen appeared and Ketty and other experts were on the side of the screen. 

Ketty said, "For the first war it's in Tier 3 city, between a new rising start Stardust guild and the mysterious Blaze guild challenged them. "

As she said on the white screen, 2 massive groups appeared that were getting ready.

Ketty said, "From the information we have. The Stardust guild has a high number of elite members. From a rough estimate, they have around 1000+ members in their elite team and 2500 normal members.

If we talk about powerful players, then the big name in the Stardust guild is the player Goldstar. Goldstar is a support-type player that complements the high number of elite players. 

As for the Blaze guild, nothing is known. They will participate with only 3000 members. They were complete mysteries but guys, it will shock you to know that the Blaze guild challenged 30 cities that they will attack in 4 days. We have some strong, hidden giants here. 

It's tough to know who will win in this fight." 

  Ketty looked at the experts and asked, "Dear expert, what are your thoughts on this war? Who will win this war?" 

The Strong_arm was the first one to speak. "I saw Stardust's performance and I have to say they have a very strong elite team pulse with Goldstar. It is a good force that can compete with some top guilds. Still, I think Blaze is not that much simple so I go with unknown."

Lovely said, "Well I say it depends on the top players. All of us know Goldstar, will there be anyone else in the Stardust guild? If yes, then it will be an interesting fight, otherwise an easy win for the Blaze guild." 

Rayn said at last, "Well, I also think Blaze has a high chance of winning, but Stardust can change it by using some weird maps and showing us something interesting to watch. I think it will be better if Stardust goes with flat ground with no up and down for the battle. Castle war is also a good option. Anything else I am no sure than." 

Ketty smiled, "Oh, it looked like the expert favors the unknown here. Well, let's shift back our focus to the war terrain selection." 

The screen zoomed out a little and show the game view. This view was from the arena present in the city. From the side, he saw many NPCs and players sitting around on chairs and looking at the big floating in the center of the arena. 

The camera zoomed back to the floating screen. In there 2 people moved to the empty place with an NPC projection in the center. Both players represented the head of their army and the NPC was the city ruling family head. As they appeared, everyone screamed in excitement. 

Both army heads talked about something with one another, but no voice came over. There was this limitation none of the voices came out to the arena. Instead, NPCs act as announcers that tell the whole situation of war to others. 

One announcer said to the crowd, "The Ruling guild choose the flat plain battle with the challenger." 

On the screen, both armies teleported to the wide plane in front of one another. The start clan head was standing in a small castle. This castle was only for show with no defense property except a big gate. While the Blaze guild head at the back of his armies.

A countdown of 1 minute appeared on the screen. Stardust guild arranged their troops with 500 normal members in front, then 250 warriors elites from both left and right flanks. Just after them, there were two waves of mages of 500 total mages and 250 support. Other close combat troops were at the back to act as reserve forces. 

The Blaze guild, on the other hand, had two layers of troops. 1500 at the front and the other half at the back. 

10.. 9..5..2…1…0

The moment war started, the Stardust guild rushed toward the Blaze guild but to everyone's shock, Blaze did not move. Stardust Guild clashed with the front line of Blaze Guild and started killing many from the Blaze Guild but after some time both reached a deadlock. At that time, a man walked out from the Stardust reserve forces. He was none other than Goldstar. As he came, he used his power that produced golden dust in the air and that dust rushed to every member of the Stardust guild. 

At that moment, all the players of Stardust once again started killing Blaze's guild players. The camera focused on the one man walking out from the Blaze guild. He wore shiny yellow armor with a sun symbol on it. 

The moment he appeared, everyone in the Blaze guild started chanting. He motioned the army and at his command every one moved back, leaving the Stardust guild in confusion. 

Not caring much about them, the guy placed his hand up and a massive ball of fire formed on his hand and it kept increasing. 

After the ball reached 10 meters in diameter, it stopped increasing. Everyone looked at the massive ball with curiosity. The man with Yellow armor jumped and threw the massive ball at the Stardust army. 

The massive ball moved toward the Stardust army. Goldstar commanded the mage and they attacked the fireball with water spells but all of it got swallowed by the fireball. The massive fireball gave them no time and collided with Stardust's army. 


Like a big bomb, it blasted, and then there was silence. Over 2/3rd of the army died. Only people left in the back survived with low health. Goldstar himself looked pale with his half-burnt body. 

Before they could think of anything, the man in shiny armor made another massive fireball ready to fire. 

What happened then was a one-sided massacre. Stardust players ran all around to save themselves but not showing them any mercy Yellow Sun killed them. 

After some time, the war screen became black, and Ketty appeared on the screen, gulping down. "It looks like we have a new Superstar in blaze guild. Guys Blaze Guild won the war in 12 minutes. 3500 players died in 12 minutes." 

Rayn said from the side, "It's 6 minutes if you take time from the time the yellow sun guy appeared on the battlefield."

Ketty nodded at him. "Yes, the yellow sun guy is the head of the Blaze guild army. What do others think about this guild?" 

Lovely said, "Dangerous, if they perform in the same way, then they might win many cities out of their 30 wars." 

Ketty said, "Well, having so many superstar-level players was impossible, right?" 

Strong_arm said, "If they have superstar level in other armies also then we may see some massive change in the 5th server soon. Haha." ]

Roan closed the video. It was just like his last life. The guy from the blaze guild had a special class with blessings from the sun god. 

That fireball must be one of the class spells. The Blaze had offensive classes with them. Dealing with that fireball would cause massive headaches. Currently, he had no way to deal with that power. 'Fck such a great offensive class spell.' He cursed at his own lack of offensive power. The fucked up thing was he had no way to get an offensive spell right now. 

He shook his head and closed his eyes. He was dead tired from training for the past 2 days. 

After some time, Roan started snoring and got lost in dreamland. 


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