MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 204 Last 2 eggs

Chapter 204  Last 2 eggs

The large green clouds rushed to small purple clouds showers and collided with the surrounding lighting. Some of the lightning even hit him, but they just passed through his body without harming him.


In the space village.

BOOM! Bam!

Yunyun heard a loud sound from the test island and rushed there. She opened her eyes to see the entire main island was now surrounded by dense lighting clouds.

Baam! Baam!

Lightning fell on one of the side islands. "What going on now?" she looked at her master and to her surprise she saw the red rune black sword in master's left hand.

A black fog came out of the sword and covered the master's left hand. The surprising thing was as the black fog increase the 6-element layer around the master backed away.

Yunyun scratched her head at this scene. She focused on Grave. He was still in an unconscious state.

The black fog increased at a faster pace and covered half of the master's body. What to do? She started panicking. This new black fog gave her a dread feeling.

Boom! Boom!

Two blasts happened and the last 2 eggs appeared on the ground. One was violet and the other was light green. They were common snakey eggs in size. Suddenly the 6 mana layer rushed back to the main egg, leaving behind a small layer on the master's right chest.

As the mana layer rushed back to the main egg, 2 more roots came out of the egg and moved toward the other 2 eggs on the ground.

At that time, all the black fog rushed to the main egg.


Yunyun looked around and saw 6 big elements snakey appeared around the main island, hissing.

She focused back on the main egg and saw that one of the new roots became black and the other one started shining in 6 colors.

Both roots grew in size, the balk root connected to the violet egg, and the 6-color root connected to the light green egg.

Not even a second passed and both eggs became massive and started shining. The size of these eggs was 2 times the first 6 eggs. She saw that both new roots connected to the eggs shrank down and disintegrate. The major roots increased in thickness for some time and then even broke from the main egg and disintegrate.

The main egg now became a normal egg with no roots in it. The massive 2 eggs kept shining.

Hisss hisss hissss

She looked around and saw many small spirit snakeys also hissing at the main island from afar. "Why are you guys shouting?"

All of them ignored her, which made her frustrated.

CraaaK Carrrrrk

Loud cracking made everyone silent. She saw a few cracks on 2 massive eggs and the color of the eggs changed. The green egg became darker with the many purple swirls pattern appearing on the eggshell. The Purple egg had many black lines appearing on the eggshell.

 CraKK Crak!!

Both eggs broke from the upper part and what happened next made Yunyun pale.

From the green egg, a massive green snakey with 2 heads appeared. The snakey had purple eyes and there were small green bushes all over the snakey's body. The 2 headed snakey looked around and opened its mouth and hissed.


From the black egg, a massive black snakey with 5 pairs of eyes on its massive head. The snakey had purple veins all over its body and it had bright yellow eyes. There were three hand-like things over its body, but at the end of these hands were sharp purple blades. This snakey was a little smaller than 2 headed green snakey.

The black snakey looked at the green snakey and hissed at him. Both snakey stared at each other and then at the Master.

The black snakey eye became red and rushed at the green snakey. The green snakey also hissed angrily and rushed at the black snakey.

Yunyun looked in shock as both massive snakes collide with each other.

Boom! Baam!

There was destruction all over the island. The two-headed snakey opened its left mouth with big violet fangs and spew a dense poison stream on the black snakey. Black Snakey dodged to the side.


The purple liquid melted the black ground. Not caring, the black snakey used his hand blades to slash the green snakey body left and right, wounding him. But the next moment, a green flash appeared on the green snakey body and a few bushes grew near the wound and all the wounds heal up.

Green snakey opened its right mouth. This time, there were large brown fangs in its mouth. The green opened its massive mount and bit on the ground.

This surprised the black snakey. It was about to attack again when a thick layer of trees with thorns popped out of the ground.

Many thorns struck on black snakey. It was bleeding in many places but used its blades to cut the thorns and moved back. The purple veins on the black snakey moved and purple blood dropped to the ground. The more blood dropped, the redder its eyes became, and even the blade's end started shining.

Not caring black snakey opened its mouth and spew black fog out of its mouth. The moment the thorns came in contact with black fog, it decays. The red eyes looked around and black snakey rushed into the fog.

Boom Bam! Blast!

The distinct sounds came from the fog, and after some time when the fog got cleared. A massive half-destroyed deadly forest was present on the island and at the center, both snakey were tearing each other apart. The only saving grace was now of this destruction reached the base master standing on.

Yunyun looked at the deadly fight. The black snakey did not care about injuries and was all going for damage. The green snakey, although less crazy was still causing destruction on the main island.

Yunyun was helpless. She did not know what was going on here. These two snakey were not normal at all, their eggshell was still present on the base and they were so powerful from birth.

She looked at her master, and tears formed in her eyes. There were so many snakey here but none listening to her and helping her master. "Why are you guys doing this? Why?" she screamed.

Silence, glancing around, she saw both big snakey stopped fighting and were looking up at her.

She wiped her tears and asked them, "Why are you guys fighting with each other?"

Both bloody snakey Hissss loudly.

She looked at them in confusion. "You both helping, master?"

Both snakey looked at earth other in doubt but nodded their head.

She scratched her head. "If you want to help master, why are you guys fighting?"

Hissss hiss, hiss, hiss, black snakey hissed at her.

She turned to black snakey, "You saying the 6-element layer danger for master?"

Black Snakey nodded its head.

Hisss hiss green snakey hissed at this time.

"Mmm, you have a way to resolve that."

It nodded and hissed again.

She noticed that the black fog had once again covered the master's left hand. "The fog is dangerous," she said with a frown.

Hisss hisss.

She turned toward the black snakey. "You know how to solve this problem."

It nodded its head.

"Whoa great, both of you solve both problems fast."

Both snakey looked at each other and then moved toward the master. First green snakey moved near Master and it licked Master's chest. The moment it did that, the 6 layers fused with one another, and a tattoo appeared on the master's chest.

The green snakey backed away and hissed at the black snakey. The black snakey moved to the master. It sucked in the black fog from the master's hand completely.

It moved back. Both snakey looked at each other and then at their surrounding. They opened their mouths, green and black beams came out of their mouth and they fired in on the surrounding islands. The power behind both beams was so strong that it destroyed the island structure. All the chains connected to the main island broke, and a few islands got half destroyed.

The wind island now had a tree at its center and 2 of the fire island had a black fire on them. High currents engulfed the water island and the small light/dark island fell on the wind island.

3 of the massive pillars from the fire island broke apart and many of the small rocks on the ocean boundary got destroyed. All the brides broke apart, all the surviving structures became full of cracks.

Yunyun looked at the 2 snakey in shock. She wanted to destroy this weird structure but this much destruction from one move. The green snakey bit on the main island and many small trees and bushes grew all over the island. The black snakey came next to Yunyun and hissed at her. Those words made her pale, and before she could ask them, both of them shrank to a smaller size. They became extremely weak, and both of them drag themselves to the opened eggshell. They moved back into the eggs and closed their shell. The eggs shrunk to their normal size and lay lifeless on the ground near the master.

"What happened to them?" Yunyun looked at the lifeless eggs with wide eyes. She looked around and found all the spirits snakey big and small, standing around her with their head down. Tears dropped from her eyes as she saw the small 2 dead eggs beside Master's feet.

"Both were just born and they sacrifice themselves for the master. They do not even live for an hour. It's all my fault…waaaa waaa those were just born baby snakeys, and they died. Waaaa waa"

Yunyun started bawling. All the spirits snakey around here were also weeping.


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