MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 145 Left Behind Maggots

He looked at the front and said, "All the team leaders come forward."

All the players looked around and then a few people moved to the front. A total of 13 players came in front of him.

Grave smiled at them and said, "I think many of you know about me."

Most of them nodded their head.

The branch manager said from the side, "Sir, there are some of the lifestyle leaders. "

He nodded and moved his left hand to the side. "Lifestyle leaders, come to my left, please."

3 players moved to his left. He turned to the branch manager and asked, "How many players are left in the city under Abyss?"

The branch manager scratched his head and said, "let me call my secretary," as he said 4 secretaries moved behind him.

Grave raised his eyebrows at their efficiency. One of them told him, "Sir, currently there are 1256 fighters and 490 lifestyle players in our control."

"Mmm, and how many are present in the meeting?"

She looked at some paper and said, "1437 player, and other," as she moved her hand across her neck.

He nodded his head then turned to the leaders, "Care to tell me who among you has the highest member in their team?"

The team leader looked at each other and then 2 of them raised their hand. One from fighters and the other from lifestyle leaders.

"How much?" Grave asked them.

"258 blacksmith player, sir."

" 195 players."

"Blacksmith??" he looked confused.

The branch manager said, "sir for lifestyle players we formed the team around the profession. One for the blacksmith, then one for potion making, and others in third."

One secretary said, "The team leader represents the best of the craftsman of what used to be our B Team."

He saw as she said B team all the lifestyle players clenched their fists. "I presume team A is called out by guild."

"Yes, sir."

"Is there any C team?"

She shook her head. "Not in our city, sir. It is for bigger tier 2 cities."

He nodded his head, as he knew that most of the players were currently at tier 2 city level. Tier 3 cities for those early starters and tier 1 for those who started late. There was no difference based on the skilled and bad player depending on the city they were in, but in his last life after 4 years the city you were in represented the type of player you are.

Tier 3 and below were for the low-skill casual players, then the 4th Tier was for decent players, and the 5th Tier was for a top player.

He looked at the fighter leader and asked, "What about the fighter team?"

The top fighter leader, a blond girl in her 20s, looked up at him and said, "Sir, all the fighter leaders get to this position through their hard work, unlike others."

"What do you mean by that bitch?" the blacksmith leader in his early 20 with blue hair shouted at her. "How dare you say that to us?"

She turned to blue hair and shouted, "You guys are B team, so shut up!."

"Say those that can't even reach the elite level."

"hey you two cut it," Grave said in a calm tone.

The bond girl ignored him and then shouted at the blacksmith leader, "You bastard!" She took out her weapon and pointed at him.

The blacksmith leader moved a step back a little. "You… how can you point a weapon at a non-fighting player?" he turned to the Grave and the branch manager on his side and said while pointing at her, "sir see this bitch has gone crazy".

The branch manager awkwardly looked at him and then glanced at Grave.

Grave ignored them and opened the forum in front of him. He scrolled to the rules of tier 1 city before making any move. As he read them, he nodded his head in confirmation.

[* Rule 3: Any fighting in the city result in plenty except if both parties belong to the same guild. (if both players belong to the same guild, then the city guard will not involve until they don't cause damage to the city.)]

He closed the forum and looked up to see many of the players had their weapons out in the crowd. He found the blond leader had placed a sword on the blacksmith leader's neck.

He heard a low voice from his side, "Sir, don't worry she will not harm him, it's just that she is a little rude but currently the strongest team leader we have." he turned to look at the branch manager with a poker face.

The branch manager stared at her and said, "just bear with her temperament a little."

Grave asked in a plain tone, "so the thing is, she is the strongest in the city we have?"

Grave did not reply, and just stared at the player. He expanded his mana zone to cover all the players for a second, none of them present here sensed it, not even the blond team leader.

'Shit what a bunch of trash I got.' He knew that any good player had a sixth sense that help them in the game but none of the leaders present here had that. He realized that depending upon trash and listing to them was not something he could do.

He moved his eyes at the players in front of him and then he found a bunch of players clustered together at the end. 'Oh yeah, it's the perfect time to let him handle the situation.'

While Grave just stared at players, the branch manager looked down and smiled. He had to deal with the blond leader many times, but with the elite, he had no problem controlling her. He looked at Grave with a smile. 'let's see how you get embarrassed in front of the guild,' he hardly control his happiness. He still remembered how Grave had thrown him out on the road. 'Karma bitch, Now you're in my shoe, hehe.'

The situation escalated very fast.

"Beg to forgiveness for me, BASTARD!" she screamed at the blacksmith leader under her feet.

The blue hair leader raised his middle fingers at her and shout, "Fck off bitch."

"You Asshole," she raised her sword at him.

Tic, a blue light flashed in front of the blacksmith leader. "Aaaa," he shouted. But she did not slash at him instead, she froze mid-action.

"Wat.." he was about to say when a line appeared on her neck, her head slide down on his chest and a fountain of blood started to come out of her neck.

"What the hell!!" he kicked the body to the side and moved back.

Taaaak, her head dropped to the floor. The Blacksmith leader looked around to see shocked looks on everyone's faces.

Silence! No one knew what happen. Suddenly there was a blue flash and then the head dropped.

"Mmmm, these guys are really weak." A deep voice came from the side.

They turned to the voice, only to find the Grave at the other end side of the ground in front of them. He had a black sword in his hand with drops of blood dripping down from the sword.

Grave clicked his tongue and shook the sword off in the air toward the crowd. Blood droplets splashed on the players standing at the front. All the crowd moved back one step.

'Clicked!' he clicked his tongue once again and walked to the blue hair blacksmith leader on the ground.

He came next to him and moved his empty left arm in front of the blacksmith leader. "Get up," Grave said with a smile on his face.

The blue-haired looked at his hand and then the black sword with red runes with blood on it. He gulped down and grabbed Grave hand while shaking.

Grave pulled him to his feet, then he moved toward the head of the blond girl. He placed his foot on it and turned to the other fighting leaders. "Who had the highest team member now?"

All of them looked down and in fear, they had many questions at the start, but now when they show the action, all of them knew that the person in front of them was far more powerful than the elites. No one dared to meet his eyes. One of them just took a step forward.

"WHY DID YOU DOO THAT!" the branch manager shouted at him that time.

Grave turned to him, only to see fatty poking his head from behind his secretaries. He looked into the fatty eyes and it was enough to make him shut and hide behind secretaries.

Gave turned to the player who had their weapon out and said, "You maggots! Do you want to die?"

"How dare you sneak an attack on the leader?"

"Bastard, remove your feet from her head?"

"We need to teach his bastard a lesson?"

All of them riled up and took a step forward toward him.

"SHUT UP you guys." A middle age man shouted at them and came in front of them and said, "Stop it."

"Vice leader, it's too much."

"We need to avenge the leader. Vice leader, you cannot stop us."

"Look at him, he still standing on her face."

"SHUT UP and let me talk," as he shouted all of them back down.

The vice leader tuned to Grave. "Sorry for our leader's behavior, sir," he said and placed his weapon back in inventory. All the other players behind him continued to stare at Grave with their fists clenched, but slowly, one after another, they followed the vice leader and did the same.


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