MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 143 Gazzi City Unrest

Grave disconnected from the meeting and, just as he expected, the guild to knew little about the Balze guild.

He did not waste time there. He knew there were many present in the guild that want to see him fail. Now that the guild master had given him full authority, he was sure that no one would cause any problem to him. He did not want to waste his time sorting the internal struggle of the guild.

Taaaaak takkkk!

He moved his head to the side, only to find 2 spiders rushing toward him.

Scrrrrr! SCrrrr!

Both of them screamed at him. The smell of blood from the 2 corpses around him had attracted them.

'Let's focus on grinding first. There is then the experiment that will consume most of my time. I need to be tier 1 before the war started. That is the only way to have any chance in the war.' Grave rushed toward the spiders, and a battle started between them.

For the next few days, Grave only came to the city to log out of the game and rest. He spent the next few days grinding spiders in the middle area of the Dark forest.

While Grave was busy grinding, the Gazzi city was in chaos. The reason for unrest was the absence of all elites and most of the lifestyle players.

Inside the Abyss guild hall, on the second floor, in the branch manager's room. The fatty branch manager slammed his fist on the table.

"What did you say?" He shouted at his 3rd secretary.

She backed away a little and said in a low voice, "Sir, 2 noble families refuse to give us any bulk mission."

"Why? Why now? Are they supporting any prince in the war?"

She shook her head. "Nope, sir, we don't know the reason. They only tell us they lack missions this month."

"Fck," the branch manager kicked his table. He turned to the 2nd secretary. "Send a few girls to make them happy."

"I already tried that, sir."

He looked at her and asked while raising his eyebrows, "And?"

She looked down and said, "Complete denial. They did not even allow girls to enter their house."

His eyes widen in shock, "What? Why?" he was in complete disarray. Those leeches nobles were denying the girls. It was not a simple rejection, but an old way nobles used to cut ties with the guild. He was at a loss. This was the 4th family that cut ties within the last 4 days with them. He had dark spots under his eyes and sweat started coming out of his head. Everything changed one after another. Bad news started coming to him.

It all started with the guild abandoning the city, then he got forced to work as the manager of the city and finally the Noble families revolted one after another.

"Sir, we need to do something. Only 3 families left."

He started at the 1st secretary and asked, "did other family show support to any other guild?"

She declined, "no sir."

"What about their tasks?"

"The number of tasks on public board increases."

He rubbed his forehead and asked, "what about Razers?"

She looked at some paper in her hand and said," 2 left, they were down to 1 family."

He looked at her and asked in doubt, "this doesn't make a sense, so 6 families were using public boards."

3rd secretary said to this, "Sir we found that all 6 families only released a 10th of the total task they used to."

2nd chimed in from the side, "We have a strong doubt that they are working together. It's just we cannot find the leading link of this alliance."

He nodded his head and asked, "what is the main family response?"

In Liberty online, the royal family ruled the kingdom, royal family gave the many cities in the kingdom to many other noble families.

Each city had a main family appointed by the royal family. The main family had the authority to control the law and order of the city.

Then come many side families. In Gazzi city, there were 10 noble families in the city. Some of them were simple new emerging families, while there were few that had huge back support.

All these families compete with each other to support the best guild or two by giving them their tasks.

The cities' politics were only limited to that city and had no effect on the surrounding for tier 2 and below cities. All that changes for the 15 Tier 3 cities in the Algoma kingdom.

The control over Tier 3 had the power to decide the fate of who ruling the kingdom.

1st secretary sighed and said, "Nothing. They did not care about other as long as we met their needs, there will be no problem."

"Did they know anything about this sudden trend?"

"We don't know, sir."

The branch manager sighed and closed his eyes. At least, the main family did not show any sign to stop supporting them. He did not know how long the guild branch could function properly.

"Aaa sir there is a report regarding players." 4th secretary who was quiet this whole time said.

"Tell me all at once." he kept his eyes closed and motioned her to speak.

Nodding her head, she said, "Sir, because of the sudden decline in tasks, we stop give out the task to non-guild players."

"Mmm," he nodded his head.

"The lack of lifestyle players led to huge losses in the shops. There were many instances where guild players collide with non-guild players over low resources and tasks."


"The new recruitment fully stopped today and then 2 top teams got whipped out but a bunch of unknown players. Some of the slum gang even killed a dozen of lifestyle players."

"What!!!" He opened his eyes wide and stared at her. She continued to read the list in her hand. "There is a lack of teams to do all the top-level tasks."

"Fck, is there anything good?"

She looked up and nodded her head.

"Oh god!" he placed a hand on his chest and asked, "Tell me something good."

She turned the pages and said, "Few teams are doing great in this situation. Then we also get a few new players who join here on panda hero recommendation." Saying that, she stopped speaking.

The branch manager looked at her, she pointed to the list, and said, "there are many of bad news left sir."

"FCKKKKKKKKKKKK," the branch manager screamed, "Where the hell is that bastard!!!!!!!" He started smashing all the items inside his room.

Grave stared at his status.


Player Name: Grave

Species: Human being

Class: Dungeon Master

Subclass: None.

Title: Master of Serpent Cave.

Level: 36

Health: 450/450

Mana: 495/895


AGL: 92 + 17

VIT: 5

INT: 36

STA: 24

STR: 75 + 10

DEF: 5 +5

Hidden stat:

WIS: 26

Status: Healthy.

Unassigned stat points: 33


* Unending Tyranny (Bronze)

* Leather boot (Bronze)

* Bone armor (Bronze)


Grave smiled as he looked at his status. The last 4 days were very effective for him. He had mastered the mana mode and even had some progress in mana manipulation. He even found a decent armor for himself.

'Well, there is nothing I can do in this area,' he thought to himself and stared deep into the inner area of the dark forest. He did not dare to enter there alone. He knew that the smallest size of the team roaming in the inner area was 20, each with level 40 and above. It was too much for him alone.

Shaking his head, he pulled out the sword from the dead body of the spider at his feet and stab it into the 2nd corpse next to it.


[Elite blood detected you want to let Unending Tyranny adobe the blood.


Not wasting any time, he selected yes and within a moment spider's corpse shrank to the bones.

He pulled out the sword and open its description.


Unending Tyranny (Bronze) (Bound):

A weapon made from the fang of an unknown furious beast. Best was so powerful that even the bade made for its fang have a natural tyranny to it.

+ 10 Str

+ 10 Agl

+ 5% Critical chance

Special skill 1: Fear of tyrant- Freeze your opponent in fear for 3 seconds (may fail). Cooldown: 3 mins.

Special skill 2: Razor sharp - Inflict bleeding status on your opponent.

Evolvable: This is the blade of Tyrant that needs blood.

Level up to silver grade -

* Need to absorb blood (74/100L)

* Need to absorb the blood of different Elites monsters (8/10)


"Mm, well this baby is also about to evolve." he smiled and started walking out of the Dark forest.

He heard Aria that Dhruv and the bandmates had reached the city, but he still did not meet them. Then their also his teammates and guild that he gave no instruction. Now that he had total control, he need to make sure the guild did not collapse before the war even started.

He started thinking about various roles he needed to assign and many other things.

While still in deep thought, he reached in front of the city gate. As he went it he sense the high tension in the city. All the players were walking with their weapons out in the city. There were many small skirmishes between players here and there.

He walked toward the Abyss guild hall. While moving, he did not find a single member of the Abyss guild on the roads of the city, 'What the hell happened here!'

He increased his pace. As he moved toward the guild, many non-guild players recognized him and many of them even tried to approach him, but he avoided all of them and finally reached the empty guild hall. Their only 2 NPC guards standing in front of the guildhall and the bored receptionist.

"Good day, sir!"

"Good day, sir!"

As he walked in, both guards saluted him. He nodded his head and walked into the guild hall that was devoid of any players.


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