MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 128 The Influence Of Monster Birth

"This is interesting," Grave mumbled to himself.

He looked back at the first tree. It was from the Pink Dungeon master village. That tree had a different type of internal veins in it than this one from the Demon Dungeon master village.

Grave changed to the third tree. It was from the skeleton village, and as he zoomed in on the trunk of the tree, he found that the number of veins pipes in the trunk was far less compared to the first two. But the size of each vein pipe was far large.

Grave changed to the tree from the Element Dungeon master village and in this tree, there were a massive number of small little veins. He found these veins were in a group of 6 small veins and there were thousands of these groups in the tree trunk.

All of this intrigued Grave. The same tree, but in a different village, had little difference in their internal structure.

All the trees adapted differently depending on the space village they were in. The little adaptation that the tree did to take a different type of energy was interesting.

"I need to check the structure of the tree in my space village." He said to himself and went out and grabbed a tree and came back to the lab and placed it under the gene machine.

After that, he zoomed the focal point to the trunk of the tree and, sure enough, the internal vein structure was different.

He found that there were many vein pipes in the trunk. It was only the second max to the tree from the element space village one.

Just like the Element village one, it also had many little veins that were in the group of 3. But the size of all three in the group differed from the other.

Grave examined the other features of the tree. There were a few minor changes in the tree from the different villages but nothing as major as the number of veins in the trunk of each tree.

After examining all the trees Grave looked at the whiteboard. He kept staring at the 2.5 line with the question mark on it. And after some time he walked to it and wrote.

[2.5: Use the adaptive property of the plant type to make a change in the growing phase of the plant.]

Grave walked back and looked at the board in satisfaction. All planning ends with this. Now there was nothing mysterious left for the experiment.

His idea was to provide the snake essence at the growing phase of the world tree shrub.

That would solve all problems of him doing all the calculations on how much to provide and other things. He just needed to use the regenerative property of the plant type to introduce the snake essence and then used the Creative path to do the last step.

"Finally, I can focus on the resources gathering face." Gave knew that now he just need to through in some resources to start this experiment.

Grave took out about whiteboard and started writing on it.


First stage- Cloud soil, Holy water, and soon the fairy honey.

Stage two- A large number of snake eggs. A large amount of snake poison.

(2.5: Need to build an environment for the experiment.)

Stage three: needs some resources to feed the newborn. ???

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He placed that board next to the experiment board.

'Sigh. Now that I solve this problem, let see find a perfect place to start this experiment.'

Grave had the option to do the experiment in the Artificial room of the gene lab, but he had a hunch that if the experiment passed, then the monster born from it would not be a common type.

Now there were two power scales of monsters in the village. First was the Grade system.

The grading system started from Normal Grade-> Elite Grade->Unique Grade->Epic Grade->Legendary grade-> Myth Grade ->?? ->???

The grading system was based on the potential of the monster. A monster of higher grade had a higher chance to be stronger than monsters of lower grade, but there were exceptions like Golden Mice.

Then there was the second type system that started from Common type->Boss type -> World boss type->???

This system was not species-type based but individual power-based.

The common type was simple mobs, then the boss type was the mob that has the power to command others and then the world boss type has the power to control the surrounding environment.

Now for the dungeon, master the birth of a powerful Creature in the Space village also signifies the Creation of mystery land.

Anytime a monster of the epic or higher grade was born did not matter its type, but the place these monsters were born would have a permanent change to it.

Let assumed that a monster born was an epic-grade common type. Then environmental change would be equivalent to the area of a few 100 meters around the point where the monster was born.

This area would now permanently change, even when the epic monster moved out from there. This would create a small garden-type area that benefits future species living there.

If the monster born was of higher grade, then the energy in that area would be more mysterious and advanced. The land form from the birth of legend would be more mystic than epic.

Then there was the type of monster born. On rare occasions, when monsters born were of a higher type, this influenced the amount of area.

The common type would one had 100s meters. The birth of a Boss type would influence the few kilometers, and then the birth of a world monster type would influence a few hundred miles.

The common and boss type were need to be minimum Epic grade to cause these phenomena of the area change, but that was not the case with world-type monsters.

The birth of a world monster of any grade would form a unique environment of 100 miles. But there was one problem.

Grave knew the importance of these areas, but the problem was that anything born in an artificial room could not influence the land outside the room, and even the environment of the artificial room was not permanent.

Doing the experiment in a safe environment of the artificial room means losing a future natural evolution ground.

Grave did not care if the potential of a monster coming out would only be a common type.

A little mystic land was far less valuable than a powerful monster, but he had a strong feeling that if the experiment become a success, then there was a high chance that a monster of a boss type or even a world boss type of epic or higher grade.

This feeling changes everything. He did not want to lose such an enormous land.

Grave came out of the gene lab and started moving around the village to find the ground for the experiment.

He teleported above the mega-construction and then checked both the lake around the mega-construction.

Both of them were not empty. The poison lake had poison up to the 1/10 mark. While the blood lake had blood up to the 1/5 mark.

"This is good. Just a few more rounds and then I will have sufficient poison." Grave said to himself.

There was no need for him to worry about the poison. All he needed to do was to increase the number of snakes and then dream fight would do the rest of the work.

After that, he teleported above the snake forest. There were snakes all over the forest that were training. He looked around and found there were many unhatched eggs all over the forest.

"Mmm, I think I should start collecting some eggs for the experiment." Making some note in his mind, Grave teleported into another remote corner of the black land.

There was nothing but black land. "This was a good place." This area was very far away from other habited areas. It was the by far the furthered distance he teleported from the snake forest.

Not wasting any time Grave opened the system shop. He went to the terrain category. The one thing that the system did not place a limit on the dungeon master was the buying terrain.

Although normal construction was possible, the Dungeon master could not form many types of terrain by only doing that.

Grave looked at unfamiliar terrain, then scroll down to the end of the list to the massive terrain section. Till now he did not buy anything from this section. It was the section of the bizarre enormous area with no fauna in it.

Unlike the small terrain section, where there were many faunas that come with the terrain, there were none with these sections.

He chose a deep ocean from this section and then, wasting no time, dump the vast ocean there. As he did that, the even black land deformed and 90% of it pressed down and then the other 10% moved up.

As the water settle down, an enormous mass of water formed below his eyes and there were a few islands of black land here and there. The entire ocean was quiet as it does not have any monsters or simple animals in it.

Suddenly someone teleported near him.

"Master, what are you doing so far away here?" She shouted to him.

"Well, I am building a terrain for the world tree experiment." He said while pointing down.

Yunyun looked down and saw the vast ocean below here, "mm Master, do you need help?"

"Nope, I am done."

Yunyun looked down at the water and a few black lands. There was nothing else. She looked at Grave and asked, "There is nothing but water. How are you going to do the experiment here? You need to buy some small island right?"


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