MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 967 Crushing Balls

Chapter 967 Crushing Balls

[ Ball Crusher ]


Micheal screamed at the top of his lungs as Max crunched down on his precious jewels with all his tier8 grip strength.

As if crushing it was not enough, Max even grit his teeth and mangled Micheal's crushed jewels by twisting them left and right as he destroyed any chances of the organ ever recovering by obliterating it completely.

The scene of Max dominating Micheal was so vicious that the female monarchs looked away almost instantly, whereas even the male monarchs found it difficult to watch after a certain point.

Although Max had not targeted their jewels, all of them subconsciously covered their manhood with their hands as hey felt intense pity for Micheal.

From the start, Max displayed incredible speed and abilities as it was clear to any onlooker that he was just toying with the angels and not even fighting them seriously.

He only hit them at non-vital spots and defended against their attacks almost lethargically as his objective seemed not to be to defeat the angels but rather to humiliate them.

" Leave brother alone-" Raphael said as he used the move [ Illusion Dome ] on Max.

Unfortunately for Raphael though, Max had high resistance to illusion type moves and hence he did not get caught up in the move but instead turned his aggro towards Raphael now as he punched Micheal hard in the gut before sending him flying towards the ground below with and overhead kick.

" Time to crush the balls of the second brother" Max said as he began to slowly walk towards Raphael in the air while evilly tingling his fingers.

[ Supreme Feather Blade Dance ] Sariel said as he sent a flurry of over 20,000 feather like blades flying towards Max, trying to intercept him before he dealt any damage to Raphael, but Max casually flicked his wrist to create the move [ Inferno ] as even with a tier3 spell he was able to generate the power to neutralise all 20,000 feathers as he blew them up in flames.

" Impossible- this strength is absurd" Sariel commented as he wondered as to how Max was able to neutralise his tier6 attack with something as basic as an inferno spell?

Unfortunately for Sariel, he had no time to think about what was possible and what wasn't as after Max neutralised his attack he retaliated with the move [ World Ember ] as a devastating fire spell zeroed in on Sariel who was forced to defend using [ Supreme Veil ]

From start to finish, this entire sequence of moves only took about one and a half second to be executed, however, by the time the effects of World Ember wore off and Sariel was combat ready once more, Max had Raphael chained with blood and his balls in his hand.

" Tickle tickle" Max said as for a second he did not crush Raphael's balls, but rather just lightly tickled them as he could feel the size of Raphael's manhood slowly growing because of the stimulus.

The horror in Raphael's eyes was real, he did not even understand how Max had completely suppressed his movements or how Max had bound him in blood chains in an instant, however, what he did know was that he did not wish for his manhood to be crushed.

" Yeah don't worry, I won't do it" Max said as he slowly retracted his hands from Raphael's balls, giving him a microsecond of relief before suddenly changing his mind and crushing his balls.

" Psych! Just kidding" Max said as he crunched and twisted Raphael's balls, prompting the second angel to scream in horrible pain.


The crowd once again looked away from the pain of Raphael as the men were visibly wincing listening to his screams.

The way Max first tickled it to increase the Blood Flow and then gave Raphael the false hope that he wouldn't crush them, only to crush them brutally was the worst possible way he could have executed this move as not only did he crush Raphael's manhood but he also crushed any hopes that Raphael had of getting out of this conflict unharmed alongside it.

" NOOO, BROTHER!" Sariel shrieked in panic as he rushed in to hit Max, however, just like Micheal before him his physical attack went through Max's body without harming a hair on him, as Max suddenly gripped Sariel's balls as well and give them a nice pump.


Even Sariel screamed at his fate, as he could feel every vein in his abdomen tensing up as waves after waves of pain made way to his brain.

" Double Trouble" Max said as he alternatively gave Raphael and Sariel one pump each over their balls before kicking them both with an overhead kick as he sent them flying towards the ground below.

Only when the two angels crashed on the ground below did the attention of the monarchs return to Micheal who was still rolling on the ground in pain as it became clear to them who the winner of this fight was.

From start to finish, not only had Max not even used his weapon but he never used an attack move above tier3 in strength and still managed to obliterate the strongest trio in the universe.

" Incredible! This dominance, this overbearing combat style….he might even be stronger than his elder brother" emperor Cervantez commented as he was impressed by Max's show of power.

The other monarchs also seemed to be in agreement over this assessment as although Max had not shown his true strength, just by gauging his speed and strength, one could realise that he was leagues above the average monarch and more than worthy enough to be called the supreme lord of the universe.

" Hehe, I knew the angels would give me an entertaining show, but this was better than expected, the ball crushing was especially amazing to watch" Beniogre said as she wondered if she could learn this move to tease Sebastian in bed.

Her comments of course made the men around her uncomfortable as most of them were not used to the change in her pure nature post the loss of the seed of life, which is why such vile comments coming out of her mouth were most shocking.


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