MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 939 The Drax situation

Chapter 939 The Drax situation

" Hahaha"

Max slapped his own face and laughed heartily.

Since Severus was not in the room, no-one else was any wiser about what the two brothers were laughing about but everyone smiled seeing Max laugh so innocently.

Suddenly, everything made sense to Max.

Everything from how their family went from living like a poor middle class to becoming the powerhouse that they were.

It was all because of his brother who made the most of the second chance and made the Rajput house into the supreme overlord that it was today.

If it was reincarnation, Max could understand Rudra's ridiculous growth speed as it would mean that his brother had secrets of his own.

But while having future knowledge was one thing, implementing it and coming as far as he did was completely another.

Although he was a reincarnator himself, the times where he had used his future knowledge to his advantage could be counted on one hand as he mostly forged his path through the unknown.

If he had been this diligent in his first life, he could have attained this same level then too, however, he wasted his first life when faced with a setback.

He wondered how his brother's first life looked like?

He wondered when and how he was reincarnated and if he had a saviour like Hazriel?

He had a million different questions however they could only be asked in private and although his brother had just dropped the biggest bombshell on him, he unfortunately needed to wait till they were alone to act on it.

For now, the more important matter was how to deal with Drax as after drinking a full jar of blood that Asiva had brought him, Max wiped his lips and got out of his bed.

" Brother, let's go see Drax" Max said as the group headed out of Max's bedroom and towards the corridor where Rudra had imprisoned Drax as the old A.I. sat cross legged in his transparent prison.

Drax did not make any hurried movements when he saw the group approach him, neither did he start explaining himself as if he had a guilty conscience, but rather he smiled softly upon seeing Max and waited for him to speak first.

" I see you have taken the body of my enemy, Grandpa Drax" Max said with an icy undertone as the old AI struggled to his feet and looked Max in the eye face to face.

" It's a nice body…. I'm happy" Drax said as the rest of the Rajput family members seemed surprised at max referring to the prisoner as his grandpa.

" Why did you do it grandpa Drax? I trusted you with my life and could have died.

If you wanted to harm me you would have left me to die in space, or killed me when I was helpless, but you brought me to safety and you roam these corridors freely.

I don't understand your motives but your behaviour tells me that you don't think you betrayed me" Max said, as he made a logical assessment of the situation as Drax shrugged his shoulders in response.

" I've never meant to harm you child. I simply wished for a body of my own and when the opportunity presented itself, I took it.

Somehow I knew you will make it out of the situation just fine. You always have. But that was my only shot at getting a monarchs body" Drax justified as the air around him grew dense with murderous intent.

It was mostly Anna and Asiva who did not buy the old man's bullshit and were ready to kill him then and there, however, Drax was not a least bit scared of those two tier6 weaklings.

What did scare the A.I. was that Rudra was present in the vicinity and that man could kill him in an instant if he wanted to.

However, Rudra did not show any hostility as of yet.

" I see… when exactly did you start feeling this way grandpa Drax about getting a body?

We have been together for so long, if it had really been your goal, I would have noticed your intentions or at the very least you would have told me about it" Max noted as Drax suddenly felt his reasoning crash when he heard these words as he began to stutter

" I- I, t-that, w-when" Drax wondered as he could not really grasp as to when he started feeling this way or why he did what he did as at that moment Rudra smiled an uncanny smile and understood exactly what went down.

Drax never actually wanted to betray Max, however, at the critical moment it was the perfect warrior who intervened and made him choose a choice that he was not even considering.

Rudra knew all this because he had information about the perfect warrior's interference, however, Max who knew nothing was still leaning towards outside interference and this terrifying deductive abilities left Rudra in awe.

Even when he had every right to be angry, Max kept his calm when talking to Drax and went to the crux of the matter rather than accusing him pointlessly.

" I don't know…" Drax eventually admitted as he looked baffled regarding the reasoning behind his choices as Max let out a deep sigh of relief.

He was going to feel extremely disheartened if Drax had really betrayed him, however, turns out that wasn't really the case which lifted a huge burden from Max's chest.

" He was manipulated by the perfect warrior to make that choice, atleast, that's what I think…. So what's your verdict going to be? " Rudra said as he gave Max his own insight of the matter and let him be the judge of what to do next.

Nodding, as if he had also arrived on the same conclusion Max said calmly " The fact that he can be controlled like that is a big concern, it at least means that I can't trust him blindly like I used to, however, it isn't his fault that the perfect warrior manipulated him and if he's happy in his new body then who am I to judge?

That being said, I did suffer because of his actions and to remedy it, I think a sentence of becoming the Rajput family steward just like the queen for the next 1000 years should suffice, what do you think brother?"

Max said as Rudra proudly grinned at his justice.

Calm, exploitive yet just.

His brother was definitely going to be a better supreme lord for the universe than he could ever be, Rudra had no doubt in his mind about that.


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