MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 930 Odin's resolve

Chapter 930 Odin's resolve

Odin always knew that there would come a day when he would become Rudra's right hand man.

He knew it from the day that he sent Rudra's soul back in Omega and gave him a chance at reincarnation.

Back then, him becoming the supreme lord was only a small probability, however, defying all odds Rudra did reach the summit and established a working relationship with Odin.

Although Odin was sworn to the perfect warrior as his soulmancer he felt no loyalty or fielty towards that man but rather felt only a strong desire to knock him down from his pedestal anyway possible.

Odin judged that the perfect warrior was currently suffering from the effects of karmic backlash and even if he did help Rudra beyond the conventional means, there was nothing that the perfect warrior could do about it as he could surely not afford to meddle in the controlled universe again in such a short timespan.

If Odin's estimation was correct, the other celestials must be swarming the perfect warrior like ants at the moment and would be hoping to challenge him while he was injured and not at his best, however, Odin was also sure that even if the perfect warrior was feeling 40% of his usual self, he would be impossible to defeat by the current group of celestials.

Having lived a comfortable and long life, Odin had no regrets supplementing his own vitality to provide Rudra with clarity of mind even if it meant that at the end of it all he himself would be at death's doorstep.

Since the perfect warrior had granted him immortality, Odin was not sure if his vitality could ever run out since he had lived in the universe for a time that was longer than the lifespan of several tier8 monarchs and showed no signs of regressing, however, he knew very well that there could never be infinite vitality for an individual and that even if his life-force seemed inexhaustible there would be a limit to it somewhere.

If a normal god used the spell that he was using, their life-force would run out within 24 hours of activating the spell, yet Odin was going strong at day8 without feeling much worse.

His aid was invaluable to Rudra who was counting on it to not lose the balance in his mind and Odin knew it very well and did his absolute best to support Rudra.

If Rudra failed…. Odin knew that it would be at least 20,000 years before he saw a warrior half as capable as Rudra again and he did not have such patience.

However, if Rudra succeeded, he would become the first genuine challenger to the perfect warrior for the first time in the history of the universe.

Rudra's method of taming the seeds was the most unique method that Odin had ever seen.

In a sentient Bipedal beings body, there were 7 major mana nodes also called as chakra centres by many traditional martial arts culture families that served to maintain the mana balance within one's body.

The location of the 7 chakra points were

1)At the root of the tailbone ( also called the root chakra )

2) just beneath the navel ( popularly called svadhisthana chakra)

3) Beneath the rib joint ( called the Solar Plexus Chakra )

4) Inside the heart ( Anahata Chakra )

5) Inside the throat ( The vishnuddha chakra )

6) Between the eyes on the forehead ( The Ajna Chakra )

7) In the crown of the head. ( The sahassara chakra )

These 7 locations had 7 distinct features and if one wanted to balance the powers of the seeds correctly they needed to take a top-down approach and place them correctly to counter the effects of one another.

From the top, the seed that was meant to be planted inside the brain within one's divine essence pouch was the seed of chaos.

This was the only seed whose effects were impossible to neutralise by other seeds and needed to be handled by the user itself.

The surgery of planting this seed was near impossible and needed an expert physician to perform it.

The seed of knowledge needed to go where the third eye was supposed to be and to neutralise its effects, the seed of void needed to be placed within one's throat.

The seed of life went inside the heart in an equally challenging surgery with the seed of darkness going beneath the ribcage at the centre of one's upper abdomen to counter the effects of the seed of life.

Finally the seed of space needed to be placed under the navel and the seed of time at the root of the tailbone to complete the chakra harmony of all the superior and ultimate elements.

Out of all these seeds, the effects of the seed of chaos were a problem that user had to forever deal with, however, Rudra had a mind that was arguably strong enough to handle the effects of one single seed.

Currently, the seeds were planted randomly in his body and were in complete disarray harming his natural flow of mana and disrupting his thoughts, however, if he planted them in the correct order and managed to suppress the initial backlash that would last when the surgery of planting them one after another was taking place, then there was a good chance that Rudra would be able to get the seeds under his complete control.

The only problem with this was, that there was only one single physician in the world that could perform this surgery and that individual was Beniogre.

With Rudra offending her and stealing the seed from her, there was no guarantee of whether or not she would be willing to help him, especially when it meant saying goodbye to the seed of life forever, however, with Odin and Rudra having no-one else to turn to they had to at least try and convince Beniogre, for better or for worse.


/// A/N - This is a bonus chapter for hitting the power stone target, good job everyone! ///


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