MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 44 Reality Check

Rudra looked menacingly towards the elder who dared to speak, as he asked in a grim tone " Oh, and what if I refuse? ".

The elder gulped nervously, as he stuttered to reply.

" O-our patriarch will kill you, he will flail your skin alive! Yes! He will ki- ".

Nobody saw Rudra move a muscle, but the head of the elder who was speaking was severed from his body, rolling onto the floor with blood and brain tissues spilling everywhere.

The scene terrified everyone present in the room, however, for Max a new problem presented itself as the fresh scent of blood wasped into his nostrils.

Max bared his fangs and hissed, as his body urged him to have a taste of that spilled blood.

Max did not wish to act like a beast in front of his brother, but soon his primal instincts took over and he was unable to suppress it any longer, dining fiendishly on the blood of the dead elder.

It was a big taboo amongst the vampire community to drink from the blood of the dead, however, Max did not care, the sweet blood of the old vampire was much better than that of the human he had before.

Rudra frowned seeing Max's behavior, as he looked helplessly towards Karna who wore a ghastly pale expression on his face observing Max's antics.

Scanning the room, Rudra locked eyes with the only man who did not seem to be terrified of him, as he asked him " What did you do to my brother? "

Severus forced himself to stand back on his feet from his prostrating kneeling position as he replied to Rudra, " He has become a primordial vampire now, he is like a newborn baby who doesn't know how to control his instincts, he cannot withstand the allure of blood ".

Rudra unsheathed his sword, the legendary blade ' Grim Reaper ' from its scabbard as he pointed it towards Severus and asked " After turning my brother into a monster, is there any reason for me to show you or your clan any mercy? ".

Rudra's question caused the temperature in the room to fall by a few degrees as Severus gulped a mouthful of saliva.

In his entire life, he had never seen a god so attached to a mere mortal as Rudra was to Max, he had honestly underestimated Max's threat of ' my brother is a god ' when he did the procedure to Max because if he knew that Max's brother was such a madman, he would have never dared to touch a hair on Max's body.

" He needs mentoring, he needs to be taught the vampire way, he has a powerful bloodline and a very powerful ability that can counter his manaless defect. However, he has no teacher to show him the way.

Allow Saint Maximus to be his guide, and in return, he to be a part of our clan.

I promise we won't restrict his freedom, but only support him as family ". Severus said as he expressed his honest opinion, it was a genuine offer, one that moved Rudra's heart a little, however, the conversation was rudely interrupted by the arrival of a second god on planet Green Soil.

" If anyone is going to make decisions here, Severus, it will be me ". A primal voice said from the high heavens, as another destroyer class Battleship descended onto Green Soil planet, followed by a fleet of a few hundred battleships.

" The patriarch is here! We are saved! ". One of the elders shouted in joy, as the expression on the faces of everyone in the room brightened considerably.

Rudra wrapped his hand around Max and jumped out of the laboratory from the hole he had made to get in, as he was followed by Karna and the crew.

Max lashed out at Rudra for interrupting his meal, however, his teeth were not sharp enough to penetrate Rudra's skin, and his attempts to bite his brother ended up being harmless.

Soon Max broke free from his stupor as reason and clarity returned.

The elites stood in a circle around Max, with Rudra finally unsheathing both the swords on his waist as he prepared for battle.

An arrogant-looking old man wielding a battle-axe, clad in red and black armour and the same red eyes as Max and Severus soon descended from the destroyer class Battleship, maintaining eye-contact with Rudra throughout his descent.

For one minute, nobody moved a muscle as the two god's entered a silent staring contest, gauging each other's power levels and characters just through each other's gazes.

For Rudra reading his opponent's stats was akin to reading an open book, however, Sam Saint Maximus was unable to inspect Rudra no matter how hard he tried.

A confident smile was plastered on Rudra's face as he realised that killing the enemy was no more than a 5 move affair for him, as he said " Your majesty lord Sam Saint Maximus, you can agree to the conditions I set for you here today, and treat my brother as royalty in your clan, else I shall obliterate you from the face of the universe.

Choose ".

Sam Saint Maximus snorted in reply as he said " Impudent! ".

Both men charged simultaneously and within a split second Rudra's sword met with Sam's battle-axe, the energy of the attack splitting the land they were fighting on in half.

A horrified look appeared on Sam's face when he was sent flying backward after the exchange, as he got a slight glimpse of the power disparity between himself and Rudra.

While on paper both were tier 6 gods, in practice the difference between their power levels was akin to heaven and Earth.

Rolling in the green soil of the planet, Sam reassessed the situation with gritted teeth, as Rudra teased him with an impudent smile and an arrogant question as he asked " Impudent who? ".


/// A/N - This chapter is part of the special event. Please enjoy! Every gift you give me helps me up through the rankings for which I'm very grateful ///


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