MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 34 - The Secret Is Out !!!!

Chapter 34 - The Secret Is Out !!!!

( 1 day ago , The Grey tower)

Rudra was summoned to the grey tower by the CEO Ethan Grey .

Contrary to their first meeting they were alone this time around ..... actually noone was in the entire floor for some reason .

Rudra found this odd as this is not Ethan Grey's style.

" I will not pretend to know a lot about the game and talk technically with you ..... however i understand you made a platinum guild in the game and that is a big deal that noone else has even a clue of how to do. From the start of the game uptill now your achievements are too astronomic for anyone to beleive ." Ethan paused .

" Let me tell you a small story ..... There was once an investment banker who worked hard to live on scraps and was killed by the company he worked soo hard for , just because he knew about the dirty secrets of the company ... While he was dying he only wished for a second chance at life ... to right all the wrongs he did ". He paused again to look at Rudra

Rudra's eyes were bulging out of his sockets .... his heart beating at 200 beats per minute literally he could feel the rush in his chest. How could he as a reincarnator not know what Ethan was implying.

" God gave him a second chance and he woke up with his future memories 20 years before he died .... at first it felt like a dream.... as such things only happen in novels right? but 20 years later he is one of the biggest investment giants who can shake world economies if he wants ".

He looked Rudra in the eye and said

" That man is Ethan Grey".

Rudra could not breathe anymore , ETHAN WAS A REINCARNATOR JUST LIKE HIM!!!!!!


" You're a reincarnator? " Rudra said completely baffled

" Yes i am and your reaction tells me soo are you , a normal person would have not reacted as such to reincarnation ... thinking it is bullshit....But your shocked eyes .... the beads of perspiration on your forehead ... the change in the pitch of your voice..... You know its true !!!! , So Rudra Rajput tell me your story".

Completely defenseless against Ethan, Rudra was stunned silent for 5 minutes straight .

He thought about various outcomes but no matter how he thought he had no other option but to reveal his greatest secret to this man .

" Yes i am a reincarnator ".


Ethan Grey started to laugh like a madman ... " I KNEW IT HAHAHAHAHA" .

The large office echoed of his crazed laughter for sometime after which he asked

" When did you Reincarnate? "

"1st January 2100" .

" Ohhhh.... Thats the day i died in my first timeline .... The end of my future knowledge.... Coincidence?" He asked Rudra intrigued.

" You are still new to this game kid ... but i believe in your potential .... God has given us a second chance.... we dont know why .... maybe he is just seeing us for entertainment and enjoying the view from above ..... or maybe he did genuinely take mercy on us and gave us a choice ..... anyway me who has lived out the 20 years of my reincarnation time again i know one thing for sure and thats ' Knowledge Is Power ' ." Ethan said his expression returning to that of a normal human again

" I will back you , not as a buisnessman but as a brother .... if you are a reincarnator like me ... you are bound to make an empire of yourself someday ..... I had to walk a harsh road , and although with me backing you , you will still have to walk a harsh road but i can help you remove a few roadblocks."Ethan said

Rudra was completely take offguard with this ... He expected to be extorted once his secret was out ... yet he was supported ? WHY? Ethan Grey did not possess such a character

" Why are you doing this? " Rudra asked

" Ofcourse it is not from the goodness of my heart i wont bullshit you ..... but looking at you i do see my past .... The hungry Ethan Grey trying to make a name for himself and i do know how much i wanted to be free at that time .... the master of my own will just to keep becoming a subordinate of someone above me .... i clawed my way to the top , hence i know what happened of everyone who tried to suppress me".

" Dont misunderstand i am not scared of you ... however i beleive that with my support and your knowledge both of us will profit a lot , I am showing faith in you today soo that you will repay me tommorow ". Ethan said

" This contract here states that Grey Corporation will provide you with funds and backing without the pressure to make profits and will stand behind you for all logistics, hiring, PR and securities while also promises to never extort more than 30% of your guild shares ..... But in exchange you must provide relevant information to the Grey main guild while also actively promote your guild as a part of the Grey international conglomerate ".

Rudra was extremely touched and elated by the conditions of this contract.... he was genuinely feeling demotivated these days since he was under Ethan .... the pressure to make money had made him alter a lot of plans , which were not really beneficial for his guild's future .

Also he always felt threatened .... what if tommorow Ethan Grey decided to own 70% of his guild? Or kick him out of his own guild over a difference of opinion ... it was not like he could fight back with his family being hostage. Hence he started to loose the motivation to make the best guild out there but with this now .... He felt his confident and ambitious self again .

Rudra said " Since you are showing me soo much favour ... i being the younger brother will not let you suffer too ... wether it is my guild or real life i ll help you too".

Rudra paused .... Ethan was indeed intrigued

" I assume your investment knowledge ends here with 2100 rolling ... But i know some stuff ".

It was Ethans turn to have his eyes widen ..... Indeed he was troubled lately about being at his knowledge 's end .... without his future knowledge was he still the investment genius he was called? But with Rudra the game changed in his favour again .

Rudra wrote some names on a piece of paper and passed it to Ethan ... Ethan signed the contract and passed it to Rudra .

With this exchange ..... The deadliest duo who would conquer the world made their first step towards alliance building genuine trust with each other. Someday in future history this day will be noted as the most remarkable event of the century .


( Present day after the auction , At the Grey towers press conference )

Ethan Grey seated in the centre , to his right was Rudra and to his left was the Guild master of Grey Warrior's the main guild of Grey conglomerate

He said " Welcome ladies and gentlemen , today..."


9/10 For me???????????? ///


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