MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 127 Eric's Journey

127  Eric's Journey

The interior of the palace was even more magnificent than the exterior. The walls were made of pure ice, with frozen arches and columns rising towards the ceiling. The floor was a mosaic of shimmering tiles, depicting scenes from ancient myths and legends.

Eric could hardly believe his eyes as he gazed around the hall. He had never seen anything like it before, and he knew that he would remember this moment for the rest of his life.

But there was no time to marvel at the beauty of the palace. He could sense the presence of danger lurking in the shadows, and he knew that he had to be on his guard.

He drew his knuckles and moved cautiously through the halls, his senses heightened as he searched for any sign of danger. But everything was eerily quiet, and he began to wonder if he had been mistaken about the presence of creatures in the palace.

Just as he was beginning to relax, he heard a faint rustling sound behind him. He spun around, his The rustling sound grew louder, and Eric could feel the presence of something approaching. He tightened his grip on his knuckles, preparing to defend himself.

Suddenly, the yetis emerged from the shadows, their grey fur blending in with the darkness. There were at least a dozen of them, each one larger and more formidable than the last.

Eric's heart pounded in his chest as he faced off against the yetis. He knew that he was outnumbered and outmatched, but he was not about to give up without a fight.

With a fierce battle cry, he charged at the yetis, his fists flying as he pummeled them with all his might. The yetis roared and swung their claws, but Eric was too fast for them. He dodged and weaved between them, striking blow after blow as he fought for his life.

The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity, but eventually, the yetis began to fall one by one. Eric was panting and covered in sweat, but he refused to give up. He knew that he had to keep going, no matter how difficult it seemed.

The Yetis continued to fall, their numbers dwindling as Eric's strength and skill proved too much for them to handle. But just when it seemed that the battle was won, a massive yeti, larger and more powerful than the rest, emerged from the shadows.

Eric's heart sank as he saw the massive yeti emerge from the shadows. He had never faced an opponent like this before, and he knew that it was going to be a tough fight.

The yeti let out a deafening roar as it charged towards Eric, its claws extended. Eric braced himself for the impact, but at the last second, he sidestepped and delivered a powerful punch to the yeti's stomach.

The yeti staggered back, surprised by the force of Eric's attack. But it quickly recovered and swung its claws at Eric, who barely managed to duck under the attack.

"Not so tough bastard!"

The two continued to circle each other, neither one gaining an advantage. Eric knew that he had to find a way to take down the yeti, but he was running out of ideas.

He had fought countless battles within the last week, but this one was different. The yeti was bigger, stronger, and more relentless than any opponent he had faced before.

As they exchanged blows, Eric could feel his energy beginning to wane. He had been fighting for what seemed like hours, and he knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer.

Eric knew that he had to find a way to get the upper hand. He remembered what his experiences taught him about finding an opponent's weakness. He just had to figure out what the yeti's was.

As the yeti swung its claws at him again, Eric noticed that it was slightly off balance. It was leaning too far forward, leaving its midsection vulnerable.

Eric seized the opportunity and delivered a powerful punch to the yeti's stomach. It let out a roar of pain as it stumbled backwards, and Eric knew that he had found its weakness.

He quickly followed up with another punch to the yeti's head, and then another to its chest. The yeti swung its claws wildly, trying to fend off Eric's attacks, but its sharp nails couldn't reach Eric.

Eric jolted forward and gave a powerful punch to the yeti's chest. The monster let out a whimper of pain as it stumbled, trying not to fall.

Eric continued to hammer away at the yeti, his fists moving with lightning speed as he sought to finish the fight. The yeti roared and swung its claws, but it was no match for Eric's relentless assault.

Finally, with a final blow to the head, Eric sent the yeti crashing to the ground. It lay there motionless, its body bruised and battered from the intense battle.

Eric stood over the yeti, panting and covered in sweat. He had never fought an opponent so tough before, and he knew that he had been lucky to come out on top.

But he had no time to rest. He could sense that there were more yetis lurking in the shadows, waiting for their chance to attack.

Eric drew his knuckles and ran through the halls, using his sixth sense skill as he searched for any sign of danger.

Moving through the palace, he could feel the presence of danger lurking in the shadows. He knew that he was not alone, and he could sense the presence of creatures watching him from the darkness.

But he did not let his fear show. He had higher goals and wouldn't let these imaginary creatures sway his decisions.

He moved through the halls, his fists at the ready, his senses heightened as he searched for any sign of danger. But everything was eerily quiet, and he began to wonder if he had been mistaken about the presence of creatures in the palace.

Just as he was beginning to relax, he heard a faint rustling sound behind him. He spun around, his fists at the ready, but there was nothing there.

The rustling sound grew louder, and Eric could feel the presence of something approaching. He tightened his grip on his knuckles, preparing to attack the attacker.


A head of a fluffy snow-white wolf emerged from the darkness baring its teeth towards Eric.

Eric's heart raced as he glanced over the beast. It was a large wolf, with piercing blue eyes and fur that seemed to glow in the dim light of the palace. The monster seemed menacing and its eyes, without a glimpse of intelligence, even made it look more ferocious.

Despite his fear, Eric stood his ground. He knew that he could not back down now. He had to stand strong and face the wolf head on.

The wolf snarled and lunged at Eric, its sharp teeth glinting in the light. But Eric was ready for it. He dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the wolf's attack.

As the wolf turned to face him again, Eric struck out with his knuckles, landing a solid punch on the side of the beast's head. The wolf yelped in pain and stumbled backwards, giving Eric an opening to attack.

He took full advantage of the opportunity, launching himself at the wolf with all his might. The two clashed in a fierce battle, each determined to come out on top.

Eric fought with all his strength, landing blow after blow on the wolf. But the beast was strong, and it seemed to be barely affected by Eric's attacks.

As the battle raged on, Eric began to tire. His arms ached and his breaths came in short gasps. He knew that he couldn't keep this up much longer.

Just when he thought he couldn't go on any longer, the wolf let out a final howl of pain and collapsed to the ground.

Huff... Huff...

Kneeling before the monster's corpse turning into Light particles Eric sighed in relief.

'I wonder if Leo would kill it...'

He frowned thinking about the hooded individual who seemed able fend off against everything that came after him.

He even managed to kill a group of 15 people and kill the boss by himself! Eric couldn't help, but agree it was cool, but demoralizing.

Looking at his Status screen Eric knew he had made some good progress, but would that be enough to compete against Leo? He didn't know...

Dusting off his orange robe he stood up and drank a HP potion.

Eric had traveled to the mountains, because of the Forum thread he came across a week ago. It was about the higher EXP drops the creature's on the mountain give.

He also tried to invite Eli and Ava, but both of them refused, saying that they have some prior things to do.

Eric was all by himself... It wasn't lonely! not at all...


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