MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 101 Walk

Walking out of the university Leo managed to squeeze through the crowd of students and get in his car.

Taking in a deep breath he held the soft surface of his steering wheel and hit his head against it.

'How did this happen?'

​ Leo just couldn't wrap his head around why Ava was seated alone. She was a top-class beauty and most of the males lusted after her, how come nobody sat near her?

Rubbing his templates Leo lifted his head only to see a crowd of students gathering around two people.

"This day can't get any better..."

Sighing, Leo looked at the scene where Ava was, once again, bothered by another guy with a bouquet of flowers held in his hands. The guy had a neat haircut and wore expensive clothes, his chin was raised high as was his pride.

'Can I offer you a ride, lady?'

Hearing the muffled voice of the man Leo couldn't help but giggle. He was almost certain that today the guy would lose his face.

Curiously looking at the scene Leo slightly opened his windshield to hear the dialogue better.

"No, thank you"

Of course, Ava gave the man with a bouquet of flowers a negative answer. The poor guy was startled, he didn't even take it into account that she could, so plainly, reject his offer.

Confused, the guy looked at Ava with a visible question mark hovering above his head.

"I do not need a ride, I have my own car..."

Elaborating, Ava didn't wait for an answer and went to pick up her vehicle.

Looking at Ava's back Leo smirked, she still bore resemblance to her past self. It was good to know that only some minor details have changed.

Leaving the university Leo drove off to his house before quickly picking up Ricky for a walk. As he was exiting his home he noticed Ava entering her driveway.

Since Ricky hadn't seen her before he started barking at her garnering the girl's attention.

"Come on Ricky!"

Trying to calm down his pet Leo tried to pat him and didn't even see the woman approaching him.

"Can I pet him?"

Leo froze hearing Ava's voice a few feet away from him. Turning his head he met her eyes but avoided eye contact.

"Sure, but he might bite"

Trying to act as normal as possible Leo warned her trying to avoid conversing too much. He felt her ice-like eyes study him for a second and couldn't help, but hold his breath.


Changing his attention to the dog and seeing him trying to jump on Ava's leg Leo felt troubled.

'Just please stop!'

He tried to beg, but unfortunately, this was not the game, but real life and Rick didn't hear him through the bond as Fenrir did.


Suddenly Ava's elegant hand landed on the dog's head, stroking it. As if the world around him stopped Ricky momentarily froze, feeling a soft touch on his fur, soon his puppy eyes were directed towards Ava with a tinge of happiness visible within them.

Wagging his tail Leo's pet even closed his eyes feeling its fur being massaged by the unknown lady's hand.

Seeing the scene of a beauty playing with his dog Leo had to redirect his attention, it was too cute and enticing.


Leo heard a sigh escape from Ava's lips and the corner of his eye twitched. Was she talking about Rick or herself?

After a minute or so of patting Ava rose and offered Leo a smile.

"Would you mind if I join you?"

Leo had to hold himself back not to frown. He couldn't quite get why a girl who usually avoids strangers wanted to join him on a walk. Was it because they were seated nearby?


Trailing off as if confused Leo saw Ava run back to her house and leaned on the fence nearby. Looking at Ricky a grimace appeared on his handsome face.

"No pork for a week!"

Rick tilted his head to the side not understanding what his owner meant, making Leo sigh in defeat.

'Fenrir would understand me...'

Looking at the small, clueless creature Leo wanted to pat it, but at the same time scold it.

By the time Ava got back, she had already changed her clothes into comfortable jeans and a stylish jacket. Following right behind her was a bulky, brown dog with a sheepish appearance.

'Isn't that Pifa?'

Amused, Leo looked at the dog behind her. In his previous life Leo has seen some pictures of Ava and in most of them, she had this dog by her side.

Looking at Pifa he smiled before taking out a dog treat out of his pocket. Throwing it towards her Leo smiled seeing the dog's eyes glistening, Leo was somewhat of a dog person himself.

happily chewing on the food Pifa directed its thankful eyes from Leo to Ricky, who was warily inspecting her.

Both of them tensed, but no aggression was shown, with a complicated look Leo approached Pifa patting her.

"No need to be wary~"

Seeing Leo's actions Ava did the same with Ricky. Looking at their owners both dogs felt somewhat safer and soon were playing with each other.


Leo, who was at least 30% sure that Ricky would attack Pifa, sighed in relief. Looking towards Ava he also saw her tense expression loosen up.

"My name is Leonard, nice to meet you..."

Acting as if he was introducing himself Leo offered her a smile, and got a beautiful one in return.

"Mine is Ava, nice to meet you too!"

Leo's face was that of a happy man, but inside his mind, there was a storm raging.

'Was it a mistake to attend the university?'

He felt like the more he spoke with Ava the more suspicious she got, she was already treating him out of the norm, as if she knew him.

'Act oblivious... think beforehand... speak only when asked...'

Reciting the same phrases as a prayer Leo followed whether both dogs went with Ava walking by his side.

The first few minutes were quiet, but soon Leo broke the third rule of his prayer.

"Why was nobody seated near you? I'd imagine many guys wanted to... at least it seems so by the number of death stares I got..."

Looking only at the front Leo held his clenched fists inside his pockets.

Hearing his voice Ava tilted her head only to see his expressionless face.

"I rejected the guy with red hair and he scared everyone away..."

Recalling the event that occurred in the classroom while Leo was still absent Ava slightly frowned. She really didn't like pushy people and the guy with red hair was the epitome of her dislike.

"He sure is scary..."

Not even trying to hide his sarcasm Leo smirked. If something really was scary it was not Theo himself, but the people behind him.

'Nothing that can't be resolved by money...'

Feeling Ava's gaze Leo hid his smirk and looked towards Pifa who was chasing after Ricky.

"That's a beautiful dog... What's her name?"

Following his gaze, Ava's eyes shone in satisfaction. She really did treasure Pifa.


After exchanging the names of their pets both, Leo and Ava got quiet. The Silence was strangely comfortable, especially for Leo who couldn't help, but enjoy taking his dog for a walk. With Ava or not he knew that with Ricky he'd relax and get some well-deserved rest.

Leo was surprised that communicating with Ava wasn't as hard as he thought it to be, she was a good listener.

'Maybe we can stay this way...'

Throwing his secret persona out of view Leo thought that Ava would be a good friend, especially when both of their characters were similar creating a comfortable atmosphere for each other.

"So.. you play Fragmental?"

Ava interrupted the silence with a sentence that made Leo vigilant. Keeping his face straight Leo slowly nodded his head.

"What class do you play?"

Her question got more specific as if she was trying to narrow the answers down.


Since he was not planning to use his hidden identity for a while, there was a chance that she could see him in game, so he only tell the truth.

"The game is very fun! I've actually been invited to a guild, because of my extraordinary close-combat power, they even offered me a blank contract"

As if showing off Leo quickly recited the line he had prepared beforehand. He was trying to act as out of character as possible, joining the guild and flaunting himself.


Feeling the bitter taste in his mouth Leo frowned, it wasn't easy to renounce his ideals.

Looking towards Ava he saw the embers in her eyes slightly dim hearing him speak. Containing his grin Leo stopped talking and with a quiet hum continued to move in silence.


"Thank you for keeping me company~"

Sheepishly waving his hand Leo bid Ava goodbye before walking back to his house. The white-haired girl also retired to her home. As soon as her doors closed she slightly giggled while her eyes glittered in the dark.

"Only a few people can keep their cool while being in my presence..."


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