MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 160 - 160 The Unknown Player

160 The Unknown Player

The battlefield was a chaotic scene, with skeletons falling left and right as the players fought trying to gain as many contribution points as possible.

Out of the corners of their eyes, the players caught glimpses of shifting shadows, darting and striking with deadly precision. As they turned to face the strange beings, they were taken aback by what they saw.

Creatures unlike any they had encountered before were moving through the shadows. Their limbs were elongated, twisted and contorted into various weapons. They moved with fluid grace, their attacks so fast that the skeletons barely had time to react. With each strike, another undead warrior was sent tumbling to the ground, its bones scattered across the battlefield.

The players stood in awe, watching as these mysterious creatures took down their foes with ease.

As the mysterious creatures continued their relentless attack on the skeletons, one of the players decided to test their strength. He raised his weapon, ready to strike, but his blow met with no resistance. To his surprise, his weapon passed right through the creature’s form as if it were nothing more than a shadow.

Realization dawned on the player as they understood the truth – these creatures were conjured by someone on the battlefield, hence couldn’t be hurt by ally players. Slightly nervous by the possibility of a new competitor, the players frantically searched for the summoner. Their eyes scanned the chaos of the battlefield, searching for any sign of a new arrival.


In the distance, they saw a figure standing in the shadows. The figure was draped in a dark cloak, the hood pulled high, so its face would be visible. But it was the mask that caught the players’ attention. It was a gleaming, dark creation that covered their entire face, with only a pair of purple eyes shining through the slits.

As more and more players noticed the figure, the whispers grew louder, turning into gasps of excitement and disbelief. The player’s purple eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight, casting an otherworldly aura around the masked figure. It was as if he was not one of the players, but rather a monster.


The players stood frozen, staring in disbelief at the figure that had just appeared before them. The encounter was so shocking that even the most greed-driven players, who wanted to gain as many contribution points as possible, seemed to have forgotten about their enemies. The players were lost in the presence of the mysterious figure, their thoughts a jumbled mess as they tried to process what they had just seen.

And then, suddenly, one voice broke through the stunned silence.

“That’s him!”

Others joined in, their voices growing in volume as they recognized the figure before them.

“He’s wearing the mask like in the video!”

“Is that his summons?”

The players were beside themselves with excitement, their minds racing with questions. This figure was a legend, rumored to be one of the most mysterious players and one of the strongest at that.

Just a day prior to the encounter with the mysterious figure, the players had witnessed another appearance from the unknown player. And what a show it was! With ease, he had decimated an entire guild, wiping out over 200 orc berserkers, all on his own.

Now, as they stood before him in real life, the players were struck by the change in the summoner’s appearance. Even though they’ve seen the changes in the video, the video recording quality wasn’t that good...

Strange bone blades extended from his elbows, and random bone spikes jutted out from his shoulder and back, lending him an even more fearsome appearance. The player also wore a mask, his hood not equipped, two imposing horns now visible to the world. The new mask made Leo seem even more menacing, as if he had abandoned his humanity and turned into a monster.

Some of the players were overcome with a desire to approach the unknown player, but before they could even take a step, the figure had already dashed through the crowd with remarkable agility, avoiding all attempts to stop him. Leo’s eyes were fixed on a specific target, the skeleton boss engaged in a fierce battle with a female orc.

The other players, seeing Leo’s sudden movements, shook their heads, snapping out of the trance that had fallen upon them. They realized that they were still in the middle of a battle, and refocused their attention on the task at hand.

For the players, Leo was a figure of both excitement and dread. He was like a being beyond the understanding, a monster that could literally be called a dream-shattering demon. The mere appearance of Leo on the battlefield was enough to shatter the hopes of most players, who had come seeking rewards for gaining enough contribution points.

The players reluctantly gave up their hopes of obtaining the reward, realizing that no matter what they did, it would likely be Leo who would claim the prize in the end. After all, he had already defeated multiple bosses and brought an entire guild to its knees, all by himself. And to top it all off, he had somehow become friends with the already world known beauty, Ava.

The thought of competing against someone with such incredible skills and accomplishments was overwhelming, and many of the players chose to resign themselves to their fate. They would simply focus on surviving the battle and hope for the best.


As the players watched, a bolt of lightning shot through the sky, and their gaze was drawn to the figure of the woman with black wings. She was staring intently at Leo, who was moving quickly through the crowd, heading towards the boss of the second wave. And as they looked upon the angel’s face, many of them felt as though they saw a smile flicker across her features.

The sight was enough to make the players freeze in their tracks, as they struggled to process what they were seeing. Was it really possible? Was the angel’s face eerily similar to that of Ava? The thought was almost too incredible to contemplate.

‘Why is every well-known figure gathering here?’

The players stood frozen, staring in disbelief at the unfolding scene. It was as if they were mere extras in a story that revolved around Ava and Leo.


At last, Leo broke through the throngs of skeletons, his eyes fixed on his target. He stood behind Eli, who was engaged in a fierce battle with a skeletal foe, its bony hand gripping a sword with deadly intent. The tension was palpable as the two combatants clashed, their weapons ringing out in the still night air.

Eli suddenly sensed someone nearby, and with a slight tilt of her head, her eyes widened in surprise.


Despite his best efforts to maintain his composed demeanor, Leo couldn’t help but feel a rush of emotions at the sound of Eli’s voice calling his name. Slight embarrassment washed over him hearing her joyous tone, however, he was determined to not let his facade slip, and kept his expression unchanging, his eyes emotionless.

“Hello to you too...”

As Leo greeted Eli with a slight nod of his head, his gaze remained fixed on the skeleton, who was now glaring at him with a venomous hatred. The boss had undoubtedly recognized him as a threat.

“Hello there...”

Leo said coolly, the sound of his voice like a quiet whisper in the wind. He raised his hand, and a Shadow Blast materialized in his palm.

“Do you mind if I take care of this one?”

He asked, his eyes never leaving the skeleton’s menacing glare. Seeing Eli slowly nodding her head in agreement, he saw as she retreated in a safe distance.

“You look good!”

Leo couldn’t help but smirk at the orc’s compliment, his dark eyes sparkling with amusement. The bone blades and the mask, though fearsome in appearance, had cost him a little bit of his sanity. But, as he looked at the orc admiringly gazing at him, he couldn’t deny the feeling of satisfaction that surged within him.

Leo watched as the Shadow Orb he had summoned, launched from his palm and streaked towards the yellow skeleton. It collided with the sharp edge of the undead’s sword, and the explosion that followed sent the skeleton flying through the air for a good few dozen meters.

Leo observed the skeleton’s movements with a hint of surprise and unease. Despite the severe damage inflicted upon its frame, its grip on the sword remained steadfast and unwavering. Even as it tumbled through the air, the skeleton held on tightly to the weapon, as if it were a precious treasure.

The sight of this unyielding determination caused Leo’s brow to furrow, and he couldn’t help but feel that the monster before him was more cunning and resilient than he had initially suspected. The simple act of clutching onto a weapon so tightly spoke volumes about the creature’s tenacity and intelligence.

‘It doesn’t matter...’


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