Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 874 Nearing the End

Chapter 874 Nearing the End?

Even though it took her much longer than her harem sisters, Victoria would soon reach the completion of the absorption of her 9th Soul Bone, advancing from level 25 to level 26 in both soul and body cultivation!

As she opened her eyes and stood up from where she had been, everyone in the large training area turned their attention to her, seeing one of the strongest human beings that had ever appeared in this world.

Lothur smiled at his wife as he looked at her impressive status, which had several attributes superior to that of the Demon Emperor.

[Name: Viktoria Frost]

[Soul Cultivation: level 26]

[Body Cultivation: level 26]

[STR: 95,040] [CON: 106,656]

[DEX: 94,336] [AGI: 96,800]

[INT: 38,616] [PER: 26,928]

[WIL: 96,393] [SOU: 95,412]

'She totally beats him in physical attributes.' Lothur smiled, pleased with his wife's progress, as he imagined that with her current strength, she could handle him very well.

Even if she had to face the Demon Emperor, Viktoria would hardly fall to him!

As for the other three women, Lothur also felt comfortable with their situation. Although they probably couldn't fight at the same level as Viktoria, they would certainly be able to find ways to escape from the enemy.

As long as they had each other's help, they could roam this continent freely!

'Very good! Very good indeed!' Lothur clenched his fists, imagining that in the future, all his women would advance to level 27 with him.

With 9 Soul Bones each, they could absorb one new bone each, guaranteeing further advancement in their physical and spiritual powers.

Then he said with a smile. "Alright, now that you've all reached the Demon Emperor level, it's time to fight the damned demons!

They've been acting pretty bold lately, so let's show them who's really going to win this war!"

The Sages of the church were encouraged to hear this, seeing in these women and in Lothur the victory of the continent over the demons.

'They are even stronger than the high-level Sages we had in the last battle against the Demon Emperor...' The level 25 man felt his hopes return as he looked at these 4.

The power configuration of the continent would certainly change in the future because of these 5 beings, which was something to worry about in the future, considering that Lothur was a hybrid that could become even worse than the Demon Emperor. But right now, all that mattered was the current war.

At the same time, these beings had already reached levels where only they and their enemies could interfere. So this level 25 man put aside the problems they might have in the future to ask.

"How are we going to do this?"

Lothur replied as he looked at his women. "Rebecca, I want you to go with Viktoria. You two should stay in the northern region and help the continental coalition protect this part of Concordia. Since this area is the strongest on the continent, the demons will try to decimate more cities from here.

As for you, Elke and Annaliese, I want you to move to the southern region to protect that vital part of the continent. The Ritter Motor Company and Leopoldine are critical in the war right now. They cannot be destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, I want you to stay close to protect our interests in the southern region."

He looked at the Church elders and said. "You can act as you wish. If you want my opinion, stay in the northern region with Victoria and Rebecca. In my opinion, there will be more enemy attacks here. Meanwhile, send the people you want to protect to Linn Province in Leopoldine. It will be the safest place in the world until the war is over."

These people looked at each other and felt what Lothur had just said was true.

At the same time, with Elke and Annaliese around, it would be very difficult for the demonic plans to succeed in such an area.

Lothur sighed and said. "As for me, I'm going to Demon Island after saying goodbye to you. That place is still home to demons, and there must be hundreds of thousands of demonic creatures there.

I'll do the world a favor by destroying them and, if I'm lucky, luring the Demon Emperor there.

If he moves to Demon Island, that will be the time for you to counterattack the demons on the mainland and win the war!"

The women of Lothur and the Sages agreed, looking at each other as they felt this would lead them either to victory or to the end. Either way, the end of all this was near!

With that decided and everyone there ready to do what they had to do, they soon said their goodbyes.

Lothur and his women wanted to be together. But the continent was going through a very complicated situation. Not only that, but this was a great moment for them to finally reach the level they had wanted to reach ever since they came together.

The peace Lothur so desperately wanted was within his grasp. As long as he took one more step in his cultivation, he would be strong enough to face the last opponent in his path and finally have a chance to live in peace.

Confident that they would reach this dream point, the five companions did not want to waste any time at this crucial moment in their lives. Thinking that they would soon be able to live side by side for thousands of years, they decided to spend time together when all their problems were solved.

So, in the blink of an eye, they separated again, with Viktoria and Rebecca going to Rablus while Elke and Annaliese went to Leopoldine.

Lothur once again used the Space Crystal to travel from Norid's capital to Ashen, from where he planned to go to Demon Island!


Appearing on the coast of Ashen, further west in that state, near the border with Thasan, Lothur took his time to figure out exactly where he was.

The Space Crystal was excellent, but it could cause problems if the user weren't careful.

Since Lothur had never been to this place before, nor to his destination, he immediately took precautions, hiding his aura and trying to better understand his surroundings.

As he did so, combining his current sensations with his knowledge and the information he had received from Fabienne, he looked to the southwest and saw a large, seemingly endless greenish sea in front of him.

'Demon Island is in that direction!'

At this thought, he didn't hesitate to fly in that direction, leaving Concordia to fly at high speed towards the island where no living being on the continent had ever set foot.

But with Fabienne's information, Lothur knew precisely where he was going and how to get there!

In the next few minutes, he would become the first Concordia native to set foot on such a place!


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