Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 728 Pacific End

Chapter 728  Pacific End

Two more days have passed...

On this day, the 13th of the twelfth month of the Great Silence Calendar, year 490, Otto Leopoldine, level 18, died!

At the beginning of the day, the empire's capital dawned in silence, the sky filled with gray clouds. The weather was a bit chilly, which was unusual for this time of year, which was usually warm and sunny.

While the weather was not helping, the news of the emperor's death spread throughout the city, worsening the local situation and ruining the mood of the nobles and commoners.

The emperor was a vital person for the state, and not even the supporters of the princes wanted to see him go so soon.

They wanted their chosen ones to rise to power, but if it happened at the wrong time, the state could be weakened, and all sorts of problems could affect their families.

The emperor was a pillar that supported the configuration of the powers of this state, the lifestyle of the leaders of these powers, and also the state's peace.

Once he was gone, many things would certainly change!

The successor would establish a new order, but not only that, without the same trust the emperor had, groups would move on their own and make the first years of the new emperor difficult.

Greedy powers would have more courage to show their claws and act, while those who supported the family could change their rules, support, etc.

In short, instability lay ahead for any successor who would come to power in the coming days.

This made the mood in this city even worse, as the many local experts became more serious due to the dangers they might have to face in the coming days and months.

Amidst this, the sadness of losing a symbol of power in the state was not slight!

Many revered the figure of the emperor. Many loved him!

The murmurs of this part of the population would soon raise the local funeral mood as nobles began to arrive in the capital for the imperial funeral.


At the palace, Klaus was with the most important elders of the Church, attending to the affairs of his father's funeral and burial, as well as his ascension.

According to local rules, a new ruler could come to power seven days after the previous emperor's funeral.

That was too little time for such an important change. Klaus' group and the most important elders were already talking about it.

"Your Highness, we must choose a new crown. We already have some models in mind, and our designer will present them to you soon." Someone there, an ally of Klaus, told him.

According to local tradition, each ruler had his own crown and symbols. One could not wear his predecessor's crown, which should even be buried with its owner.

While Klaus was thinking about this, someone entered the room and asked for privacy.

When all the old men had left, he looked at the woman who had entered, his mother, the empress.

"Already talking about the succession, Klaus? Your father just died, and you are already thinking about taking over the state?" His mother asked him, holding a handkerchief to dry the tears on her face.

"That's why I have to be quick. My father is dead, and someone has to keep the empire stable. What can I do if that's my responsibility?" He asked.

"But it wasn't as if we didn't already know Father's time was coming. He lived long enough."

It was not a tragedy that someone as old as the old emperor had died. He had not died tragically but peacefully with his family, dying because he had reached his limit.

The imperial family had known for months that the old emperor could fall ill at any moment and die quickly. Only a breakthrough could save him. Thus, Otto's death came as no surprise.

But it was a sad event that the whole imperial family felt that morning. Klaus himself felt a lump in his throat, but things were as they were.

Of course, he felt he should rule in his father's absence, but the darkness in his heart was even more decisive. As he prepared to ascend the Imperial Throne, he planned to eliminate his younger brother.

Lothur cared nothing for the imperial family feuds, but Lars could not stay alive!

As the young knight's slave, Klaus would do his best to murder his younger brother!

"Sigh... I'm sorry, son. I guess I'm just too stressed." The empress sat down in a chair and felt her eyes become even more tearful.

"He was still conscious in the wee hours." She murmured, having been the last to see old Otto conscious. "He died muttering about Lothur Ritter."

Klaus' eyes narrowed when he heard his master's name. "What did he say? Anything that made sense?"

"No." She shook her head, smiling through her tears. Despite everything, Otto had gone peacefully, smiling before he stopped breathing.

"He said something strange. He said he was seeing Lothur and that his grandson was calling him." She answered her son's questions. "He said he would be fine. He said goodbye and wished we would meet one day again in a new life.

He believed he would be reincarnated..."

As his mother began to cry even more as she recalled these things, Klaus remained silent, trying to make sense of it all.


Soon, the hours would pass, and the envoys from each province summoned to the capital that early morning would arrive at the Imperial Palace to join the emperor's goodbye.

At the end of the same day, Otto's body would be carried in a golden coffin through the city streets, watched by more than 300,000 people who crowded around the funeral procession.

At the end of the procession, Otto's body was buried in the local mausoleum, where members of the imperial family were laid to rest after their deaths.

Fortunately for the people of the imperial family and this city, Otto left no spectre, dying peacefully from the exhaustion of his vitality after a long life.

He left the world in peace with no regrets or grudges, ending his life cycle.

He had been born, grown, reproduced, aged, and finally died. With this journey complete, it was time for him to return to the world in a new form!

Much was about to change in Lothur's homeland!

Meanwhile, he was meditating near where there were signs of Mathias' family.

'Hmm? Why did I see that guy's face?' Lothur opened his eyes as he finished meditating, remembering his grandfather's face for some reason.

Meanwhile, the Darkness Scythe was glowing in the area where the Blood Crystal was, even though it was inside his spatial ring without him using it.


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