Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 692 In Search Of Information

The Tyrannosaurus Rex Projection that Lothur had met at the Immortals Well had given him a mission to exterminate the demon race!

He could not do this against Fabienne and the demons who had helped him, for he was not an ungrateful person. But he wouldn't mind exterminating all the other demons in this world.

The origin of his body didn't matter at all to Lothur. He cared about surviving, getting stronger, protecting his women, and having the chance to live in peace.

He wanted this, and he would do everything in his power to achieve it!

Knowing that Grapia was where the Rablus empire was today, Norid's neighbor, he would not waste his time in the middle of his path. He planned to travel to that location and, at most, stop to rest, eat and gather information until he reached that state.

From there, he would begin his investigations regarding the family of that soul fragment and, in the meantime, if he had the chance, chase demons.

So he soon ignored the special creatures, cities, and lands in his path, interested in stopping only when it was appropriate.


Lenz was not a state with a large territory. This kingdom had less than a third of the area of Leopoldine and a population of about half that of its neighbor to the south.

The average strength of the inhabitants of Lenz capable of cultivation was level 12, slightly above the level of Leopoldine, where few knew of the existence of powers in the shadows of the state and thought this to be a much weaker empire than it was.

But because of the exposure of the greater powers of Lenz, the services in that state were much better than those in Leopoldine, where one would have to have contacts with the families living in the shadows to be able to find 4-star professionals.

But in Lenz, it was not like that. Anyone with coins and crystals could hire powerful professionals since the largest families in the state did not prevent their professionals from selling their services.

Lothur had realized this after a full day of traveling through the kingdom, having seen a few cities quickly as he traveled towards the largest city on the northern side of the kingdom.

He had already stopped to eat and rest in local forests, where he had had no problems so far. But as he approached the northern border of this kingdom, he planned to stop at a large city that he had decided to visit before he even left Peters City.

He was not far from reaching this area, and as he flew through the vacuum of space, he could already see such a place from afar.

'Time to get a little more information.' He thought to himself, slowly lowering his speed and decreasing his altitude.

The information from the Koch family, one of Leopoldine's powers that had great information inside and outside the empire, was only basic and talked more about the neighboring states of the empire.

Information about places like Norid and Rablus was almost non-existent, and to identify where the Grapia Kingdom was, that family had taken a lot of time researching and buying information throughout the empire.

Therefore, Lothur intended to stop at the major cities on his way to collect more information.

From what many thought, the 5th stage was practically legendary, and there had been no reports of cultivators of this greatness for a long time.

But in the middle of the 4th stage, Lothur couldn't help but imagine that several Sages must be around.I think you should take a look at

After all, he had only 5 Soul Bones, and he was a Saint. There certainly should be people with more bones, and the accumulated bonuses of those people undoubtedly exceeded his!

It was true that much of his advancement had come from his Bloodline and Physique skill. However, many talented cultivators around the continent had had much more cultivation time than he had.

Lothur had only been in this world for a few months. Still, he had already seen people advancing rapidly through the cultivation ranks even without his help.

Larissa was a good example, who had advanced to level 16 at the age of only 26, using only her talent, luck, and the resources provided by her family.

There were certainly more talented people than her in this world, so when adding the possibility of Soul Bones, Lothur was almost sure that several Sages were hidden around the continent.

He was no longer afraid of Saints, so the information he wanted was very much connected to those who should be the actual peak cultivators of Concordia!

When he landed in a grove not far from that great city of Lenz, Lothur had in mind to seek information about the highest-level powers of this continent.

He left the vacuum of space and followed to the city ahead, a place a little larger than Peters City but from where he could sense the auras of even level 20 Saints.

He immediately hid his soul cultivation level as he approached one of the entrances to the city, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention.

Since his level was so high, he could end up attracting unnecessary trouble without even doing anything!

So while ingesting a pill to change the color of his hair and disguise his appearance, Lothur soon looked like a level 17 Transcendent, enough not to attract the local experts but also not to be ignored.

He passed through the city's entrance and soon made his way to the center of this place, ignoring the differences of this city to Peters City.

The place was quite busy and seemed richer than Peters City. Still, due to the number of wagons and carriages on the streets, the home of the Ritter Motor Company looked better when viewed from afar.

There was no more smell of manure on the streets in that city, and the noises of that company's vehicles were much softer than those of animals.

But despite the 'backwardness' of such a city concerning that, Lothur was not bothered and was soon in front of the local Cultivation House building.

'If there is a power capable of giving me the information I want without hindering my path, that is the Cultivation House.' Lothur looked at the building that looked like the one in Peters City.

That was a continental organization present in most of the Concordia states. Besides this organization, only the Seraphim Church, guilds, and associations of spiritual professionals were of similar sizes.

But only the Cultivation House was accessible to anyone with the coins and the interest to trade!

With that, Lothur entered that building without further ado, heading straight for the area where informants sold their knowledge.



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