Miss Demon Maid

Chapter 41: Into the Forest

Chapter 41: Into the Forest

Now that all members are here, well be leaving for the Devils Forest.

The members are Miss Minami, the green saint who is supposed to heal the forest, three palace maids, and five knights of the palace guard. There are a few hired baggage carriers.

From the magic academy side, there are ten volunteers who are the same senior students as milady. Among them are Mr. Sei and Mr. Hao.

They will be accompanied by Mr. Marceau and an elderly teacher to lead them.

And our Dangerous Body, Milady.

Letty, youre thinking strange thoughts again, arent you?

Milady is a real comfort to me, isnt she?

What are you talking about?

Milady is really lovely, as her face turns red when she is praised.

Not only the boys eyes were soothed, but even the seemingly withered old teacher was cheered up in many ways just by the miladys appearance.

Im so shaken up.

In the meantime, Ive sprinkled poisonous moth powder on those who look insolently at milady, so lets get into the carriage.

It would have been good if we could have used Nirs carriage, but we can only use the carriage up to the entrance of the forest and have to leave it there. If we leave it there, Nir would eat all the monsters in the Devils Forest, and we would be in a lot of trouble. Nir seems to be lonely because he cant go out with milady he loves so much. If I find a big thing like that firebird, I will hunt it down as a souvenir.

There are several carriages, but there are only two carriages for the nobility.

I heard that Miss Minami, Mr. Sei and Mr. Hao ride in one carriage together. In the other carriage are milady, I, and Dr. Marceau.

But how is it that so many of them are suddenly suffering from eye injuries

Its strange, isnt it, Doctor?

For some reason, some of the boys and their teacher were sent to the infirmary because some of them hurt their eyes when they were leaving.

There are too many strange things happening. Why did the Holy Beast disappear? That holy beast has been protecting this country since the founding era. How could Elias, who had tried to join us, get sick to death from the coffee he drank in a coffee shop? Sharon, can you think of anything?

No, I dont have a clue either..

I have a feeling that theres some kind of evil will at work here.

Oh, thats scary.

Anyway, a few hours later, we arrived at the Demon Forest.

Although our numbers are a little small lets head deeper into the forest. Yes, my saint.

The forest is calm as usual. There seemed to be a few more demons, but I killed the strongest demons beforehand, so it was only the familiar face of the griffon bowing to me from a distance.


Nice shot.

The lower half of the orc that tryed too attack milady got blown away.

Oh, thank you, Letty

Im glad youre not hurt.

The only things attacking us are weak demons. Its strange.. Strong demons dont appear, but around here, there should be a few more troublesome demons that use petrification and poison.

Just as conveniently, the level of things that appear are things even the knights and students here can deal with.

Its as expected of Mr. Sei. Using the holy attribute, isnt it possible for you to become a holy knight as well?

Mr. Hao is also very impressive. You took down three orcs at the same time with your amazing wind magic.

In contrast, some young lady is useless with her magic.

Its a break for lunch, but I can hear some uncomfortable words from those three royal maidservants that I cant bear to hear.

Miladys face looks down at such heartless words. According to milady, those three were the third and fourth daughters of the Count and Viscount families, and the maidservant who used words of condescension towards the lady in particular was a certain Marquise familys third daughter, who even the lady could not remonstrate with.

Milady grabs my hand as I start to rise quietly.

No, Letty

Im sorry

It would certainly make miladys position worse if she caused a scene here. but its also not in character for me to keep being passiv. What should I do..

You guys, you shouldnt say such things. These people are here to help our country in a very important way.

Im sorry, my saint,

It was Miss Minami who admonished them for it. If that was all, it would be fine, but Miss Minami smiled apologetically as she came all the way to miladys vicinity.

Miss Sharon, will you forgive them? They mean no offense, either.

Yeah, uh yeah.

Milady returns to Miss Minamis words with a puzzled look.

What she is saying is not wrong. But what she is doing is wrong.

She has gone out of her way to tell the others, who were unaware of who the maidservants were criticizing, that they mean milady.

Because of this, other people are looking at milady.

It looks like shes making a good argument, but whats hes doing is raising herself up and lowering milady. ..Shall I seriously turn her into demon bait? Just when I was thinking about such a dangerous thing, milady gently stood up, perhaps she read my thoughts.

Thank you, Miss Minami. I am only doing my duty as a nobleman. Theres no need for you to break your heart.

Milady looked straight into Miss Minamis eyes and said so in a resolute manner.

Her noble yet beautiful appearance caused faint sounds of admiration to leak out from the knights of the Kingsguard.

In the first place, the maidservants who only complained did not fulfill their duties as noblemen at all, turned reddish-black at miladys words.

The eyes of the students changed as well, aside from Mr. Sei who had exchanged words with milady, Mr. Hao and others turned their longing eyes to milady with their reddened faces.

Thank you for your understanding.

Miss Minami bowed her head with a dark expression.

Milady smiled slightly at her and returned to me and grabbed my sleeve with a faintly trembling hand.


Milady, you should be very proud of yourself.

Milady were afraid. Milady is shy by nature, and it must have taken a lot of courage for her to say such a thing in that place.

I was wrong. I knew that milady was well-built, but I must say that I still underestimated her.

Milady is more than just that giant melons!

What do you mean by that?

After the lunch break, we left with a different atmosphere than in the morning.

The one thing that changed was that there were more fond glances at milady. Another thing that has changed is that those three royal maids have disappeared.

What has happened to them, I wonder..

By the way, Im sure this has nothing to do with this, but I seem to have accidentally spilled some of my secret laxative on someones meal.

What is so special about it is that it not only makes your stomach slippery, but also your lower body muscles relax and go into a state of auto-discharge.

I spilled exactly three peoples worth of food, but lets hope that no one else ate it.

Then we made it deep into the forest without any problems.

Green Spirit, do me a favor..


When Miss Minami called out to the green spirit or something like that, the plants that had been dying revived their life force all at once, and greenness grew in abundance.

Letty that is a great powers.

Thats right.

Hmm? Its funny. Miss Minami said it was a Spirit, but I didnt feel any sign of the Spirit moving.

For some reason, the spirits didnt come near me in the first place.

Thats how easy it was for them to get things done, despite the exaggeration.

I heard that they have to heal it regularly every few years since the Holy Beast isnt there. But even if there is a next time, Ill refrain from coming along.

Besides, from what I saw, the wards and such seemed to be quite unstable. It wont be easy to destroy them, but..hmm. It looks like Ill be able to do something interesting.

Then we smoothly returned to the royal capital, and when we were dismissed, milady gave my sleeve a small tug.

Letty, Mr. Sei and Mr. Hao are waving at us.

When I turned around, I saw Mr. Sei, who had pulled the red-faced Mr. Hao, seemingly greeting me with a slightly amused look on his face.


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