Miss Demon Maid

Chapter 36: Saints

Chapter 36: Saints

Several months have passed since the restoration of the magic academy.

The graduation ceremony was at the beginning of spring. After it was the graduation party held in the middle of spring. The new semester began at the end of summer. And now it has become winter and the New Year has arrived.

To celebrate the New Year, the people gather around the royal castle to see the royals and the newly introduced saints.


In one of the antechamber from the castle, Minami sipped from a teacup with a relaxed gesture.

She has lightly arrange glossy black hair and long eyelashes. Her white skin, and petite body made her look pretty as a doll. But her gestures and her melancholy, pale eyes made her look more mature than her age.

Minami grew up in her grandmothers house, the head of a flower arrangement association. Her mother, who was strictly raised by her grandmother, rebelled against her as much as she could.

The wise Minami understands that her grandmothers strict discipline is a reflection of her inferiority complex as the head of a small family.

To relieve her stress, Minami first contact with the otome game. Was at the home of her friends, Akiru and Chisato, and she became addicted to it.

Minamis arrival in this world was an event she desired. She would be lying if she said she wasnt interested in the targets of this world. But she was more than happy to get free from her grandmother and possibly be free to fall in love in this world.

The two friends who knew the game were in a hurry to capture the targets. Or perhaps they were in a hurry to destroy themselves in the blink of an eye. Now their position in the academy was frail.

Minami had no intention of fighting with them. It seemed that they were proceeding with their game strategy without telling her, but Minami wondered how both of them, who had been working so hard on the game, destroyed themselves.

This world is very similar to the otome game, but it is a different real world than the game, and the targets are living person.

If you dont take this into account, theres no way you can capture the game. But that could not be the only reason why two people with a good point of view would fail easily.

Someone is interfering with the game.

Ginko and Fukiia, who are relatively close friends, dont play games. Those three bully also did nothing but chase trends and idols and had never once heard of the topic of gaming.

Then who? If it was a process of elimination, it would be that bullied Kamishiro girl. She wasnt even interested in what Kamishiro was thinking, but in that situation, its not surprising that she hates all the girls in her class.

And one more

Minami-sama, the Saintess of Light is here.

Oh, dear. Please let her in.

After giving permission for the chambermaid to let her in, the door quietly opens and a pretty girl with fluffy, golden hair and a gentle smile enters.

Im sorry, Minami. I just wanted to talk to you for a moment

Yes, thats quite all right, Miss Clarice.

The Lady of Light who ended the demon outbreak.

It was the main heroine of this otome game, Viscountess Clarice de Liniello.

Please have a seat.

Thank you.

Minami smiled serenely at the arrival of the heroine, who was a big deal and recommended a seat.

The maidservant brewed green tea for the two of them. After a casual chat over the rare green tea, Clarice asked with the same smile.

What is your target?

Well you do say some strange things, dont you?

A strange tension develops between them, and they both stare at each other in silence for a moment, both smiling the same way. It was unlikely that Clarice, a resident of this world, knew anything about the game, but maybe she knows something about it?

It wouldnt be you who doesnt know what it means, would it?

Isnt it not fair to ask me that?

When Minami replied that, Clarice, who asked, gave a small smile.

Thats right. I would like to be by His Highnesss side and light up this country with light.

Thats lovely. Im doing the best so I can take care of the two on our side.



With that much conversation, the icy tension between them vanished.

This is an agreement. They wont cooperate, but they wont get in each others way either.



A maid, who seemed to have developed anemia from the tension, wobbled and knocked over a vase with fresh flowers in it.

Im sorry ouch.

Dont panic, dear. Im not going to scold you.

When the maid cut her finger in a hurry to pick up the broken vase, Clarice cast a divine spell of healing on it and instantly healed it.

Oh, thank you very much!

A saint of light, beloved by the goddess. While admiring her divinity, the maidservants expression is clouded by the vase she has broken and the flowers she has scattered.


Everything that has a form will eventually break. But..

Minami gathered up the scattered flowers and arranged them in a flower arrangement. While a green light radiated from her hands, bringing the flowers back to their original state.

.Green hands

A rare skill to grow and restore plants. When the maidservant muttered in amazement at the beauty of the arranged flowers and the sight of them, Minami smiled softly.

At that moment, they heared a male voice from a butler outside the room.

Thank you for waiting. Saints of Light, Saints of Green, Your Majesties are waiting for you.


Its not too cold these days, how are you all doing?

Hello Fleurety here, a maid who knows the difference of every millimeter of daily growth.

How dare you, lowly one, to enter my realm of the goddess household!

Today, I went to the Devils Forest early in the morning to look for foodstuffs, but I was suddenly confronted with a fate.

As I recall, its a demon of a very large bird called a phoenix. I remember it was called a holy beast in some regions.

But still, a beast from the goddess.. I was just passing by, but it seems to be very badly trained.

Considering the misfortune that has befallen milady. Miss Ginkos and Miss Fua thoughts of the otome game that a former classmate said in her sleep is becoming more and more plausible.

It seems that the thing that supports the root of it is the order of this world, the Goddess.

According to what I heard from the head maid before, it seems that the administrator of the world is usually a great spirit or something like that, but on the rare occasion that an existence with power that surpasses the great spirit appears, they take away the role from the great spirit and start being calledGod Its a troublesome existence.

Do you ignore me, lowly one! I hope you will atone for that sin with your life!

I didnt know you were still here. At any rate, I wasnt interested in you a firebird because it doesnt have many parts to eat, but if you call yourself a goddess family member, it cant be helped.


The firebird falls as the walnut shoots him in the head.

Im a little late with the warning. Everyone please be careful when you shoot your nuts.


Oh? Im glad to see youre still alive.

I heard there are stories about resurrecting from the ashes or something like that. But if he was shot in the head and still breath, it cant be called an exaggeration.

I entrust the egg in my nest to you..

Im sorry, sir. I dont think its such a great idea to entrust the egg to your killer, but Im not so out of line that Id ignore a dying wish.

Im counting on you.

The firebird was reduced to ashes after saying that much, so I picked up an ostrich-sized egg from a large tree nearby and walk home with it.

Good morning, milady.

Good morning.

Milady is very pretty as she rubs her eyes and tries to get up.

Milady, breakfast is ready.

What kind of food?

Today we are serving a fresh omelet.

Speaking of which, I heard that when a firebird dies, its spirit takes over its own eggs.


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