Minute Mage: A Time-Traveling LitRPG Progression Fantasy

Chapter 42: Rescue Operation

Chapter 42: Rescue Operation

And then I was back, nine minutes beforehand, walking through the forest with Erani before we’d ever heard any signs of fighting. I immediately had a decision to make. I’d Leveled to 9 during the fight beforehand, and had gotten a Spell Choice. However, in order to make changes to my Status, I’d need to meditate for about ten minutes. And, by the time ten minutes had passed, there was no doubt in my mind that the Nymphs would be killed.

However, it could still be possible to catch up and kill a couple of the Infernals after the fight, if we were careful about the Infernal Commander. Again, the Nymphs would die, but we could likely get a substantial amount of XP.

…Yeah, no. Even though it was technically an option, sacrificing these Nymphs that had been nothing but kind to us for the chance at a measly Level or two wasn’t a decision I was comfortable making. Besides, gaining the Nymphs as allies could be hugely beneficial to us.

I’d already begun forming a plan to save the Nymphs without getting ourselves killed. Now I just needed to put it into action. And to do that, we needed to get there fast. I grabbed Erani’s hand and started running.

“Wha– Arlan!” She shouted in surprise.

“Time Loop,” I said. “There are Infernals at the river, and they’re going to kill the Nymphs.”

“What?” She stumbled, trying to keep up with my pace. “I really wish I could keep my memories after you use Time Loop, like you do. This stuff is bad for my heart.”

I filled Erani in and explained the plan to her as we ran. Within a minute or two, we could hear the fighting, and within another, we could see the battle. We’d gotten there a bit earlier due to our quick movement, so the situation wasn’t as bad as it’d been before. The two Nymphs didn’t look quite as exhausted, at least.

“You ready?” I asked Erani.

“Not really, but sure.”

We burst through the treeline, rushing into the riverside clearing and headed straight for the two Nymphs. The three Infernals noticed us and moved to intercept, but I slowed them down.

You have cursed Level 26 Infernal with Crippling Chill. For the next 15 seconds, it loses 6.38 Health and 5.1 Stamina each second, and its Dexterity score is lowered by 12.8.

50.9 Mana Cost. Your Mana is 444.

You have cursed Level 25 Infernal with Crippling Chill. For the next 15 seconds, it loses 6.38 Health and 5.1 Stamina each second, and its Dexterity score is lowered by 12.8.

50.9 Mana Cost. Your Mana is 393.

You have cursed Level 38 Infernal Commander with Crippling Chill. For the next 15 seconds, it loses 6.38 Health and 5.1 Stamina each second, and its Dexterity score is lowered by 12.8.

50.9 Mana Cost. Your Mana is 342.

The Infernals stumbled, but didn’t fall. One of them stayed back to continue the fight with the Nymphs, trying its best to deflect their quick slices and slashes, while the other Infernal and the Commander moved in to attack us. There were still around thirty paces between us and the Nymphs, and the two enemies were directly in the way.

“Left!” I called to Erani as we approached the Infernal and Commander. The weaker Infernal was on that side, and we strafed in that direction. Just as we got to it, Erani shot a Firebolt directly into its face. The ball of flames exploded in a loud blast against its head, and the Infernal stumbled back, roaring in pain. The Commander ran to intercept us, but I shot a Ray of Frost at it, slowing it down enough that we could slip past.

You have struck Level 38 Infernal Commander for 51 damage using Ray of Frost.

You have cursed Level 38 Infernal Commander with Ray of Frost. For the next 5 seconds, its Dexterity score is lowered by 6.38.

22.6 Mana Cost. Your Mana is 320.

The third Infernal’s back was to us, still fighting the Nymphs, but it heard the explosion and turned around, seeing us charging forward. Behind us, the Infernal and Commander chased. The only reason they hadn’t already caught up to us was because of the Dexterity debuffs they were under, I suspected. Plus, it still didn’t seem like the Commander cared much to catch us. I didn’t think it’d recognized me yet, and it was running with more of a lazy jaunt than a true sprint. It also hadn’t stopped and closed its eyes to call in reinforcements yet.

Surrounded by us and the Nymphs, the third Infernal didn’t seem to know where to face, turning back and forth between us with a confused expression. Before it could settle on a decision, Erani blasted it with a pair of Explosive Firebolts, knocking it back and allowing us to reach the two Nymphs.

The Nymphs were obviously surprised at the sudden rescue operation, but we didn’t have time for that. Erani and I each grabbed one of the Nymphs’ hands, and we started dragging them with us, heading for the rushing riverside about a dozen paces away.

I glanced back to see how close the pursuing trio of Demons were to us, and in that moment, my eyes connected with the Infernal Commander’s. Its lazy expression changed to one of surprise, and its run slowed. It barked something at its two subordinates, and they looked surprised, too. I didn’t have to guess at what they had just realized.

“Let’s pick up the pace,” I said to Erani. “Pretty sure they’re about to start trying a lot harder.”

Just as I said that, the Infernal Commander stopped and closed its eyes, just like it had done last time. It was calling in reinforcements.

“We’ve got a minute or two before this place’ll be swarming with Demons.”

We arrived at the edge of the river, but didn’t jump in to start crossing. Instead, I grabbed the two Nymphs and pulled them in tightly against my chest. Luckily, they didn’t do anything to resist, confused but at least understanding that we didn’t mean them harm. Well, we’d harm them a bit here, but for the greater good. I stood next to Erani as the Infernals closed in on us.

“Ready?” I asked.

“I don’t think this is a good idea,” she said. “Maybe–”

“Too late! Just shoot!”

She squinted and aimed her hands directly downward at the ground in front of us, and cast Explosive Firebolt. The projectile flew into the ground and blew up just as we jumped into the air.

You have been blown up. 49 damage.

Your Health is 117.

I heard a shattering sound as Erani’s Angelic Shield broke from the damage. The Nymphs yelped in surprise and pain. And suddenly we were in the air, sent flying from the explosion. We ragdolled into the sky and over the river before gravity pulled us back down to the ground and we landed with a heavy thud.

Coughing, I stumbled to my feet. My arms burned from the explosion, and I had to fight the urge to dunk them in the cold water. The Demons were stranded on the other side of the river, with us safely on the opposite side from where we started. But the two Infernals quickly waded into the pool, eager to catch up to us.

“Let’s go!” I shouted and started to dash away from the Demons. Erani followed suit, and, after a moment’s hesitation, so did the Nymphs. They were obviously dazed and bewildered, but they at least knew who was trying to kill them, and who was trying to save them.

We ran into the forest, weaving between trees as we put distance between us and the river. I glanced behind us at the quickly-disappearing Infernals who were still wading through the rushing water. Behind them was the Infernal Commander, which had just seemed to finish its call for reinforcements. It opened its eyes and saw us quickly escaping, then looked at the slowly-pursuing subordinates clumsily stomping through the water.

It didn’t seem satisfied with their efforts.

It took a few steps back, and then charged forward, heading straight at the river. And then, just as it got to the river’s edge, the Demon leapt. It soared over the entire river, no explosion necessary, directly over the heads of the other two Infernals, and landed on the other side with a massive boom as the ground shook under its weight.

Then, it took off after us, pounding through the trees and knocking aside the same obstacles that we had to avoid.

“Fuck! Run!” I shouted and pushed my legs even faster. The Crippling Chills had worn off the Demons by now, so I reapplied the curse on the Infernal Commander, bringing my Mana down to 269. I frantically shot a Ray of Frost over my shoulder, and missed. I shot again, and missed. I grunted and steadied my arm, shooting again and hitting the Infernal Commander square in the chest this time.

You have struck Level 38 Infernal Commander for 48 damage using Ray of Frost.

You have cursed Level 38 Infernal Commander with Ray of Frost. For the next 5 seconds, its Dexterity score is lowered by 6.38.

22.6 Mana Cost. Your Mana is 201.

The Demon slowed a bit, but not nearly enough for it to stop being a threat. It was quickly gaining on us, and I was out of ways to slow it down. The Nymphs seemed to understand the circumstances, and turned around to face the monster. The taller, clawed Nymph took the lead, baring its blades and charging headstrong into the arms of the beast. The Nymph leapt up and slashed at the Infernal’s face, but the Demon blocked the strike with a thick arm, the blades sinking into its muscled flesh instead.

The shorter Nymph lashed out with its whip from afar, the thorned vine striking into the Infernal’s torso and ripping into its skin. It roared and grabbed the whip, but before it could fling the shorter Nymph away like it had done last time, I shot it in the eyes with another Ray of Frost.

You have struck Level 38 Infernal Commander for 50 damage using Ray of Frost.

You have cursed Level 38 Infernal Commander with Ray of Frost. For the next 5 seconds, its Dexterity score is lowered by 6.38.

22.6 Mana Cost. Your Mana is 178.

The Demon roared and covered its eyes as the bright, cold light spread ice across its skin. The clawed Nymph, sensing an opportunity, charged back in and slashed at the Infernal Commander’s stomach. Its blades sunk deep into the beast’s muscle, spilling bright blue blood onto the ground. Despite its many wounds, though, the Demon seemed relatively unfazed. It snatched the Nymph off the ground, lifting it up with its massive hands and squeezing tightly. The Nymph yelped in pain as its body was crushed.

I raised my hands to try and shoot at the Infernal Commander, but the Nymph doubled as a hostage, blocking any shot I might try and take. The Nymph with the whip didn’t hesitate to move into action, though, jumping up on the back of the Demon, whose hands were now occupied, and wrapping the thorned whip around its neck. The Infernal pelted the clawed Nymph into the ground to free up its hands, and smacked the Nymph off of its back.

The clawed Nymph, who had just been thrown hard into the dirt, struggled back to its feet, obviously having taken a significant amount of damage.

We weren’t getting anywhere with this fight. The Infernal Commander barely seemed tired, the Nymphs were tiring out, and I suspected Erani and I could run our Mana pools dry before we killed this thing.

“We need to keep running, c’mon!” I yelled to the Nymphs as Erani and I turned and sprinted away. I knew they couldn’t understand our language, but they’d get the sentiment of us running away and gesturing for them to come along.

They followed, but I could see the clawed Nymph looked frustrated at our retreat. The thing had taken the most damage out of all of us – how was it the one that wanted to stay and fight?

We fled, but the Commander was still faster. Erani shot Firebolts behind us as we ran, doing her best to ruin the Demon’s footing. It stumbled as the explosions blasted against its legs, roaring in anger. If we could continue with this for a bit longer, maybe the damage would finally pile up enough, and Crippling Chill’s Stamina drain could tire it out enough that it would give up.

I took a deep breath as we ran. There was a chance we could all make it out of this alive and okay.

The Infernal Commander looked like it was getting angrier and angrier as the fireballs tripped it and burned its ankles. Until, finally, it snapped. It roared loudly, stopped running, and stomped its foot on the ground repeatedly. I didn’t stay to watch. Was it having a tantrum?

The ground was shaking under the weight of its stomps. Every time its foot impacted the ground, a tremble went through the earth. In fact, the ground was even trembling when it wasn’t stomping.

Wait, what?

Two Hellions burst through the ground beneath us! That bastard was masking their traveling through the ground with its stomping! One of the Hellions was aimed at Erani, and the other at the clawed Nymph. Erani tried to sidestep the one aiming for it, but it managed to glance along her arm. But as the monster’s teeth scraped against her skin, a matrix of glowing wires appeared, protecting her from harm.

The clawed Nymph wasn’t as lucky. The Hellion aimed for its thigh, and was too quick for it to dodge. It bit into the Nymph’s leg, removing a sizable chunk of its green flesh. It collapsed to the ground, its leg completely unable to support its weight, yelling in pain. I kicked away the Hellion and shot it with a Ray of Frost, scaring it back into the ground.

I focused on the ground as Erani helped the Nymph back to its feet, slinging its arm around her shoulders to support its movement. The rumbling faded away as the Hellions burrowed back deep underground. The damn things worked as ambushers, appearing at the worst possible times and staying away otherwise. They had low Health, sure, but that didn’t matter if you could never hit them.

The Infernal Commander, satisfied with its actions, continued its charge forward. And now, we had an injured member. I cast Crippling Chill once again on the Demon, the Spell already having worn off.

You have cursed Level 38 Infernal Commander with Crippling Chill. For the next 15 seconds, it loses 6.38 Health and 5.1 Stamina each second, and its Dexterity score is lowered by 12.8.

50.9 Mana Cost. Your Mana is 105.

Despite its deep wound, the clawed Nymph charged to meet the Infernal, limping ahead. It clearly didn’t want to get carried along by us. It stood in front of the Demon, baring its claws and prepared for a fight. As it approached, the Infernal grabbed a tree branch from the ground, the massive implement seeming like a simple club in its grip.

It swung the tree branch in a wide arc at the Nymph, but the Nymph leapt up over it, landing on a single leg so as to not agitate its wound, and swiped at the Infernal with its long claws. The Infernal raised the branch to block, but the shorter Nymph was on it once again, lashing out and cutting the branch clean in half, letting the claws strike their target. The Demon grunted and swung again with the cut branch. The clawed Nymph tried to backpedal and dodge, but it stumbled once it put weight on its wounded leg, and the branch hit it squarely in the side, sending it flying.

The shorter Nymph rushed to its side, and I stepped in to distract the Infernal Commander in the meantime. I was aware of the time; we were moving quickly, but so were the reinforcements, and soon they’d catch up with us and the Commander. Once we could slow down the Demon a bit, we’d be able to escape, but for now we were playing with borrowed time. I barraged it with Rays of Frost, keeping it on the backfoot while the shorter Nymph tried to help the clawed one to its feet. I could tell Demon was at least somewhat tiring out, at this point. I was also noticing our attacks sinking deeper and deeper into its skin, which meant its Health was lowering bit by bit. I didn’t think we’d be able to kill it, but it was possible we’d escape with our lives.

As the shorter Nymph knelt beside its badly wounded companion, I felt the ground rumble in that same, familiar way. I glanced around, preparing myself for a Hellion attack, but none came. At least, none near me. Right where the clawed Nymph lay, a Hellion burst out of the ground, instantly removing its arm from its shoulder. It screamed as yellow sap poured out of the wound and the Hellion quickly burrowed back into the ground, its meal still stuck in its mouth.

The shorter Nymph gasped and panicked, trying to stem the bleeding from the wound as the clawed Nymph groaned and glared at the Commander with hatred in its pitch-white eyes. It said something to its companion, who was still trying to stem the bleeding, which stopped it in its tracks. The shorter Nymph seemed to argue with its wounded counterpart, and a short conversation ensued. Eventually, the shorter one seemed to concede to the clawed one’s suggestion.

The wounded taller Nymph stood up and looked at Erani, making wild gestures that I didn’t immediately understand. I cast another Ray of Frost at the Infernal Commander, and my Mana hit 15. I couldn’t cast any more of them. The Demon quickly realized this, and smugly walked over to a tree to grab a new branch weapon. It clearly wasn’t in a rush; it knew we were wounded and depleted.

The Nymph continued trying to communicate with Erani. It pointed at the ground behind itself with its remaining arm, mimicking a huge explosion and then drawing a line between itself and the Infernal Commander. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was suggesting. Was it asking Erani to kill it, so that the Infernal wouldn’t be able to? It kept pointing to the ground behind it, though.

Erani lit a Firebolt in her hand, and then pointed to the ground behind the Nymph. It nodded frantically. The shorter Nymph began crying once Erani understood her role.

“You think this is a good idea?” She asked me.

“It obviously seems to know what it’s doing,” I said.

She shook her head and prepared to cast. The shorter Nymph backed away, wiping its eyes. The clawed Nymph held its remaining arm close to its chest and bent its legs, a resolute look on its face. The Infernal Commander snapped a branch off a tree and looked back to see the wounded Nymph staring at it hatefully.

Then, Erani shot the Firebolt.

It impacted the ground directly behind the Nymph just as it jumped forward, just as we had done at the river. The explosion propelled it toward the Infernal and the Nymph flew through the air, but its two legs were also completely destroyed in the process, its likely incredibly low Health doing nothing to protect it like it had last time. There was nothing left below its knees by the time it arrived at the Demon, its remaining hand of claws held out in front of it.

The blades impaled the Infernal’s neck, piercing all the way through and coming out the other side. The momentum the Nymph carried punched the Demon backward, and its throat was nailed to the tree behind it, the beast completely pinned in place. It shook in pain and shock as the Nymph, stuck to the tree alongside the Infernal, screamed at us in its language. Its companion hesitated, obviously torn between helping the Nymph, and doing as it had said.

I didn’t understand what the clawed Nymph was saying, but I understood what it was doing. It was buying us time. Despite the damage we’d dealt to it, the Infernal Commander looked nowhere close to dead. But, if we got far enough away, maybe it wouldn’t be able to track us anymore. The Demon at least looked stunned, and the Nymph would do its best to keep it there for as long as possible.

I grabbed the shorter Nymph’s hand, and looked at the other. I wasn’t able to save that Nymph. I was too weak.

But I could at least save one. So I ran.


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