Millennium Tension

Chapter 1: Make Up

Chapter 1: Make Up

It used to be said that there was a phase of child rebellion when it reached a certain age. Environmental conditions and relationships can affect how severe this phase is to the children. But this case looks different from Aizen Maxwell and his daughter Anastasia Maxwell.

Since Anastasia's mother died. Aizen must divide his time well between the time spent in his research with the attention that must be given to his only daughter. Although he is assisted by several servants to care for his daughter, Aizen is an example of a good and exemplary father.

But the warm story doesn't last long. When Anastasia became seventeen years old, her attitude began to change, she spends less and less time with her father, just like she preferred to live in the school dormitory rather than at home. Until one day Anastasia doesn't want to be hugged and to be caressed by her hair arguing that she is no longer a child and they rarely exchange words.

This situation confused Aizen and began to find out how this happened. he did his best for his daughter, even until now he hasn't remarried.

Aizen is a talented young scientist who began his career in his teens. The young man believes that if there is an Impartial Artificial Intelligence System and will learn new things without end, then all problems experienced by human deficiencies will be overcome.

Finally, the results of his hard work paid off. Aizen succeeded in creating an Impartial Artificial Intelligence System with the support of many organizations and governments from various countries.

The Impartial Artificial Intelligence System is called [Axel Goddess] by Aizen and has been implemented throughout the world. The success of the System is characterized by a lack of crime, a better governance System, efficient learning methods, easier information retrieval, and much more.

Everyone worn an interface device on the neck and that device will connect the user with [Axel Goddess].

But after all that achievement did not make Aizen's harmony with Anastasia improved. Anastasia who is already twenty years old currently working in one of the subsidiary companies under [Axel Goddess] and living in her new apartment which she bought herself. Aizen, who is now thirty-nine years old, wants to meet and speak frankly to Anastasia about what happened that made him confused even after all that investigation.


*Knock* *Knock*

Aizen knocked the door of Anastasia's apartment as if Anastasia had been waiting for him to come she opened the door and invite her father inside, now they were sitting facing each other in the living room with a rather awkward situation.

"How was your day Anastasia?" Feeling uncomfortable with the face to face event in silence finally Aizen opened the conversation.

"I have a good day father." Anastasia answered in a neutral voice.

'Since Elena's death, I have cared for my daughter attentively. I never thought her nature would change slowly like this. *sigh* Alright, I have to play clean here.' After thinking for a while, Aizen finally decided to be frank with his only family left in the world, before it was too late to make up.

"Anastasia, what do you think of your father?"

"You are a great scientist who can make a breakthrough in technology, a figure that is highly respected by many people."

"Then, do you hate father?" Aizen smiled with a slightly sad expression.

"No. Father is the most important person to me." Feeling guilty of seeing her father's sad face, Anastasia immediately responded with a slightly panicked expression.

Seeing this Aizen smiled in his mind. It seems that the main problem is not from himself but external factors.

"You know Anastasia, I'm a loner, but strangely I'm afraid of loneliness and darkness. I know that in this world benefits can be heavier than any relationship. Therefore I devote my time and energy to research for a better world. That way I can go with peace at the end of my time and my name will be remembered by the world." Looking at his daughter's eyes with a warm look, Aizen continued.

"I started my career as a scientist when I was in high school after finding the asteroid now known as [Mystical Stone], the main energy source at the moment. After two years with increasingly crowded work, I decided to find my chosen assistant from several channels that I have."

"That's where I met your mother, Elena Heather. A very beautiful, energetic, gentle, and caring young woman who I offered as an assistant in my research. Although she initially refused, after discussing with her mother who was her only family, Elena finally agreed."

"Our relationship has improved over time, and we finally married when I was nineteen. After that, we were blessed with a child, Anastasia Maxwell the fruit of our love. But the happy family story did not last long. Seven years later, Elena left forever and will never return, and my mother-in-law died three years later from cancer."

"Now I am alone with my daughter. Aside from the time in my research, I spent most of my time with her. However, my beloved Anastasia began to feel distant from her father, she spent less and less time with her father even she doesn't want to be hugged and to be caressed by her hair. H.. Hey... Anastasia, are you going to leave me too?" At the end of his story, Aizen chocked a bit because of past emotions that overflowed, now he is afraid of being left alone.

"Dad... Daddy... I'm sorry I.. I ..."

Seeing her father overflowing with the emotion of sadness. Anastasia hurriedly hugged her father and seemed to apologize for her wrongdoing, but she was unable to finish her words and cried in her father's arms.

'Finally, she called me Daddy again. it's been a while since she stopped calling me by that name.' Seeing his daughter crying in his arms, Aizen smiled and hugged her tightly while stroking her hair gently.

After a while venting out her emotions she calmed down a bit after feeling her father still cared deeply to her. Anastasia began to talk about the change in her attitude which ended up making her father sad.

"Dad, do you know that since you became a great figure and was respected by everyone, all who had been my friend started approaching me just so they could get something from you. Even my good friend Elma did the same thing." Hearing that Aizen frowned, but still listened to his daughter who was still in his arms and still stroked her hair gently.

"And then many things happened, which ended up confusing me. As time went by negative thoughts and worries always haunted me, like how long daddy continue to love me? When did he finally send me to get married? I'm confused Dad, actually I don't want to stay away from you."

After hearing the outpouring of his daughter's heart, Aizen finally knew where the problem lay. He stopped stroking her hair and then lifted her head slightly to meet her eyes in a warm gaze.

"Silly daughter of mine, you think too much. Whatever happens, daddy will always love you. If you don't want to get married, I will take care of you forever."

"In that case, I don't want anything else and I won't leave daddy." Happy to hear her daddy's answer, Anastasia smiled and returned to his arms.

Feeling his daughter's soft body on his lap, Aizen felt a little awkward about her sudden spoiled behavior.

"So, we make up?"

"Daddy already promised me."

"Hm. You have grown up but are still acting spoiled. Go back home and live with me. There I am lonely living alone and only accompanied by [Axel Goddess] as a conversation partner." While pinching Anastasia's cheek that made her pout.

"Alright, let's go now. You have to teach me a lot about technology and science in your research. That way you will always be with you hehe." Anastasia smiled mischievously while pulling Aizen's arm as if in a hurry.

"You don't want to bring anything? your clothes or cosmetics?"

"No. I haven't lived here for long, so I don't have any important personal items. Besides, Dad will accompany me to go shopping if I feel the need to go, right?"

Hearing that, Aizen just nodded with a smile and they went back home with his daughter.

The father and his daughter finally make up and they look very happy. But unknown to them, this is only the beginning of their story which will change dramatically.


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