Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 98: 98

Chapter 98: 98

The long annual meeting has passed. This meeting is a very tiring marathon for everyone. Even Zhao Lingxin felt his body shattered as he read through numerous papers.

Today, Zhao Lingxin was lying in the palace and hadn't gone out for more than three days. The administration of the state government all gave General Guo Ling full responsibility. Zhao Lingxin's duty was to only deliver a small message for Parliament to approve of his orders.

8th Princess Zhao Min, She was sent to the Royal College. The newly established Imperial High School.

Even though the empire is only one year old, but the growth of the elite, bureaucrats, the capitalists, and the royal businessmen wanted to send their children to high schools so that their children are thoroughly educated.

That is why the Royal College was born. It is the number one school in the hearts of many people who want to send their children to study here to need a connection with a senior person of the empire.

The Royal College does not deny the general public. They only have to have excellent academic results. Moreover, this place does not collect educational expenses as well. As a result, many parents began to exert their children to concentrate on studying to be sent to the Royal College.

At that moment, the eunuch servant Jang Kong brought a red phone. Which symbolizes the top-secret Only Zhao Lingxin could use it. And also, through encryption for confidentiality, No one in the world would be able to intercept Zhao Lingxin's massage.

Zhao Lingxin saw the red phone. He immediately got up to answer the call.

"What happened?"

"Your Majesty, we have successfully made that thing." A voice buzzed from the phone.

"What? Is that thing successful?" Zhao Lingxin raised his eyebrows in surprise. Because after waiting for a long time, The first product prototype was completed, which was faster than he had anticipated.

"Prepare the carriage to go to a confidential location," Zhao Lingxin commanded.

The Royal Guards in a black suit came out from a dark corner. Zhao Lingxin's orders prepared them.

A chariot with a dragon stamp, with a royal emblem on it. It quickly moved them outside the capital. Along the way, there would be people from the Bureau of Investigation removing any traces of this trip and not allowing anyone to trace the trail.

Zhao Lingxin headed for the Secret Science Research Institute. Clear several levels of defense until he successfully approached Dr. Chen

"Dr. Chen, what you told me is it true?" Zhao Lingxin quickly asked. The person who called him earlier was from This man, Dr. Chen.

"Your Majesty, we have completed the production of the car prototype." Dr. Chen took Zhao Lingxin to another part of the Secret Research Institute. Which is full of scientists in white, taking notes of everything

Zhao Lingxin followed Dr. Chen until they met with a black car with a design similar to the 1950s. There is an eagle emblem decorated beautifully in front of the vehicle. Luxurious appearance, like Zhao Lingxin's former high-class car. It's a German car like twins.

"Dr. Chen, this thing can drive, right?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

"This car has passed the test successfully. Maximum speed 120 km per hour. A full tank of fuel can run 500 kilometers. There is an internal air conditioning system ready for His Majesty to try it first," explains Dr. Chen.

The Automobile Project was a long time assigned by Zhao Lingxin to the Secret Research Institute to test and invent. The research institute can develop the engine. But the empire had a shortage of oil that was too inadequate, including the problem of rubber.

All of which have been fixed. The southern region of the empire was filled with valuable resources such as oil and natural gas. When the oil is discovered, rubber can also be synthesized.

In the past, the government gave oil concessions to significant companies. The government also supports oil drilling technology. And processing of crude oil, including oil pipelines. This makes the country no longer lacking basic raw materials.

They thus started the car design process all over again. And finally, the private research institute handed over the prototype.

"Very beautiful," Zhao Lingxin caressed the shiny black car. Zhao Lingxin started with passion. Every man's ambition is to own a car like this in his life.

From now on, Zhao Lingxin did not have to suffer from the pain of the bottom of his carriage journey. However, his chariot has the technology to reduce the impact. But certainly not comparable to the cars in front of this, Zhao Lingxin stepped onto the car. Experience the softness of the cushion. That makes him feel very comfortable.

"Dr. Chen, you did a great job," Zhao Lingxin said, sincerely praising him.

"Your Majesty said too hard. For Your Majesty and the nation, we will sacrifice even our lives for you," said Dr. Chen purposefully.

"I don't want you to give up your life. Just as they invent technology, the nation is indebted to them." Zhao Lingxin explored the whole car and found that it was no different from the previous life vehicles. He could get used to it quickly.

"Then let me take this car."

Zhao Lingxin asked for this car to Dr. Chen.

"Your Majesty, this car is only a prototype. Although you can use it, it is not suitable for the emperor's glory. We will design a new car for you." For Dr. Chen's thoughts, this prototype car did not seem suitable for the emperor to use.

They want their cars to be at their best. They have loaded with lifesaving equipment Bulletproof glass, which all of these must be redesigned.

"It's okay, let me use this car first," Zhao Lingxin denied. He wanted to test this car as soon as possible. This car must be recorded as the first automobile on the Great Yan Huang Continent.

"If His Highness wants it like this, I won't mind, "said Dr. Chen.

"Dr. Chen, can this vehicle be mass-produced?"

Zhao Lingxin asked an important question. Because his real purpose was for the empire to have the automobile industry born, all past attempts are wasted if this car can't be mass-produced.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. We have established a production model. Both the engine and the car can enter the factory assembly line. If operating at total capacity, We can produce tens of thousands of vehicles within a month. "

Dr. Chen took out a blueprint, spread it on the table, and showed it to Zhao Lingxin.

"Well done, Dr. Chen. If this is the case, then I don't worry anymore. "

Zhao Lingxin nodded after seeing the blueprint. The secret research institute is considered very well prepared.

"Your Majesty, like that now ..." Dr. Chen paused slightly. While making gestures with the index finger and thumb rubbing back and forth, Zhao Lingxin realized that the other wanted him to pay for this car.

"Don't worry, I will allocate a secret budget to the research institute in a special case," said Zhao Lingxin.

A secret research institute is like a black hole. That sucked in unlimited money. No matter how much money is raised, and it will never be complete. Therefore, Secret Research Institutes urgently need funding. To use the proceeds to further research and develop things that are still in the laboratory.

The money shortage problem of the Secret Research Institute has been around for a while. Even Zhao Ling Xin could not help much. Because he still has to bring different parts of money to administer the country Can not focus on the research institute alone

"If Dr. Chen has budget concerns, I propose you sell this car patent; what is it like?" Zhao Lingxin offered a solution to the Secret Research Institute. This solution is the only way he can think of right now.

If business people take a glimpse of the cars that are made, they would have to compete with all their strength to get the right to manufacture cars, which would generate a lot of income for a secret research institute lacking money.

Zhao Lingxin had already summoned some World War II warplanes to reverse engineering. Which research institutes need to buy a lot of raw materials? Make it now, and they expect a massive clan of money.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Dr. Chen thanked Zhao Lingxin. He knew this would be the only way right now to help institutions become financially liquid. Research institutes cannot demand large sums of money from the government. The last annual meeting announced the five-year national strategy, which requires a considerable budget until having to issue government bonds.

"Dr. Chen, does this car have a name yet?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

"Not yet, Your Highness, We are waiting for you to give this car a name." The Secret Research Institute did not dare to name it. They intend to have this car do a great honor for the great continent.

Therefore, it is best for Zhao Lingxin to give it a name.

Zhao Lingxin contemplated the names of many models and brands. But he was afraid of the god of the copyright that crossed the wall of the universe to destroy him until he disappeared. Zhao Lingxin was so fearful of these gods that he could not resist.

Causing Zhao Lingxin to make a new name instead

"Then name it Xinfeng Model A, let this car be like the wind under the sky."

Thus, the Xin Feng Model A car was born. It was the first car on the Great Yan Huang continent.


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