Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 63: 63

Chapter 63: 63

1st Division, 124th Battalion, Northern Operations Command Under the leadership of Major General Song Zihua, Zhao Ling Xin's new general had been summoned from the system. Proficient in performing a plan of assault as fast as lightning

"With our new generation of firearms, making a fire intimidates the enemy. Seize the strategic area around the final stronghold. "Major General Song Zihua ordered.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!" the distinctive sound of MG42 heavy machine gun Causing tremors throughout the battlefield

"Get duck quickly." Yi He's soldiers screamed in fear.

"I don't want to die ." Many soldiers threw their weapons and fell on the ground to avoid the MG42's horrifying attacks.

MG42 was named a Hitler saw blade. With unique sound Attacks with a high-speed rate of fire, up to 1400 shots per minute. It could quickly kill ten thousands men. In World War II, many Confederate soldiers who heard the sound of MG42 guns rushed to the ground in fear. Did not dare to raise their head at all

Several days ago, the northern soldiers had been attacked by the Zhao Lingxin Army. When they heard the sound of a gun, their body had a quick reaction. They looked for shelter, escaped, did not dare to fight. In just a few days, the Northern Army had to retreat for tens of kilometers even though it had not yet opposed. An army equipped with an AK42 assault rifle. It is more terrific than an army of demons mixed with MG42 support firing. The soldiers of the north could only escape and save their lives.

The soldiers fired the AK47, so the pressure was so dangerous that the soldiers could only retreat into the castle and the city. He didn't even dare to show up to fight. Many of the fronts lines have suffered from failures. They had resisted Zhao Lingxin's army for over 20 days. Retreated several hundred kilometers north until almost no more extended retreat

The Northern Army was not even an opponent. In the past, they couldn't kill a single enemy. Lost tens of thousands of troops Nowadays, just to hear the sound of gunshots, they will depart quickly. Find a sheltered refuge, do not arise to fight. As if this is not an army anymore, It's just a game of cats catching mice.

At the main military camp, the Northern Army Combat Command Center, the First Prince's final frontier, was within ten kilometers from the enemy invasion. This place became the last stronghold. They will never back down. On the conference table were generals with serious expressions. Some of them were injured. Yi He, who was sitting in the chairmanship, had a dull face.

"A letter of the report came in. Three more front lines have collapsed again." Yi He looked at some of the missing generals. Many people never returned to the conference table in this wara capable general who can fight against Datang. Not afraid to fight with demons, But Emperor Zhao Lingxin's army was different. They couldn't even resist. Some generals died immediately after heading into battle.

Yi He was able to remember this scary feeling very well. He had been at the front line before to prove how well-known Zhao Lingxin's army was. Yi He suddenly felt like a nightmare that he couldn't wake up.

The incident started twenty days ago. Zhao Lingxin's army began to invade the North. Yi He recognized the noise of a gun that was like an earthquake very well. Even he, who had gone through many battlefields, closed his eyes in fear and shock. Then a horrible scene happened. Ironically, thousands of people fell to the ground like fallen leaves. Yi He and the generals knew that they could not fight, so they continued to retreat further north.

Yi He has long been an army advisor. Loaded with many military tactics and strategies But these strategies, when implemented, are entirely useless. Whether it's a trap, Ambushes are in vain. In the face of the fierce attack of the AK47, Yi He's army could not even reach him. No matter how good the military strategy is in the face of modern attacks, no one can resist. Even if he summoned Zhuge Liang to help in the battle, there was no good.

Yi He changed tactics, trying to find a refuge. But can only slow downtime. These days, the soldiers lacked morals; they didn't dare to go out and face a demonic force like this. Even the army general would always hide from his eyes and refused to fight when Yi He asked for someone to take charge of the army.

The continued defeat and retraction had significantly reduced the control area. Until supplies are insufficient, Everyone is beginning to realize that the end is near. They do not dare to fight and try to avoid their confrontation. Gathered together in their last fortress barracks

The barracks were established on a high hill and were challenging to invade. Even with a machine gun, They prepared stones and traps to stop the enemy from attacking.

"Yi He, do you think we are relying on this fortress to resist those demonic hordes?" Said one general in a tired tone. In just 20 days, the courage in their hearts had wholly disappeared. Leaving only fear and not daring to enter the battlefield

Yi He shook his head slightly.

"I'm not sure either, but these are our last hopes," Yi He said in an uncertain tone. It was something that had never happened before in his life. When faced with the hundreds of thousands of the Great Da Tang Army, Yi He had not been so desperate before. In the past, if faced with a siege, Yi He could guarantee that he could last for three years.

"Why don't we surrender? The fight would not be useful." said one general.

"Yes. The battle continues; we only lose. Why do we have to risk everyone's lives? It is the best thing to give up right now." Support vote for surrender grew.

The idea of surrender arose after the sustained defeat, unbearable even the slightest. Despair scattered on everyone's faces, and the Great Prince was already dead, and there was no one left to support. Returning to Zhao Lingxin's banner was also the right solution. Zhao Ling Xin was a noble emperor with a powerful army. The unification of the land would not be far away. If they do not want to go out of formation, they must find a way to join Zhao Lingxin as soon as possible.

They had to persuade Yi He. Yi He was an army advisor whom everyone was respected as a teacher. Yi He's opinion was the absolute best. If Yi He is ready to fight until his death, They were prepared to follow Yi He's orders to preserve the military man's dignity.

"About this, let me think about it first." Yi He answered everyone's questions.

Even Yi He, whose heart was as solid as a rock, started to hesitate as well. Resistance is no longer useful. The wise Yi He knows that the future will never be the same from now on. Zhao Ling Xin returned with a powerful army without a match. Great Zhou's future could only rise above every region on the Yan Huang Continent. Yi He, a Da Zhou native, would definitely want to see the Great Da Zhou county's bright future. A feeling of submission appeared in Yi He's heart. The pressure of these decades has wholly changed Yi He's opinion.

After pondering for a while, Yi He made the decision. He couldn't bear to see the soldiers die anymore.

"Let's go prepare. We will surrender to the army of Zhao Lingxin,

"Yi He said to everyone in the conference room.

The faces of the general commanders quickly brightened. This war will finally end. They no longer had to face such a powerful enemy.

As the generals were rejoicing, an explosion sounded inside the camp.

"Boom!" the sound of this horrible explosion The generals were all so well remembered as if they were engraved in their blood.

"The enemy has attacked, the enemy has attacked." The soldiers shouted. Everyone's nightmares start all over again.


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