Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 44: 44

Chapter 44: 44

All superpowers sent their troops to Shenzhou City at the same time. The spy of each party knew that the other was also sending force. This caused the invaders of Shenzhou capital to speed up their army to approach Shenzhou very quickly.

Emperor Zhao Tao and Zhao Wu's forces were much closer to the capital, causing these two sides to reach Shenzhou first. However, the forces of the First Prince Zhao Tao were much more organized. They were making it travel one step faster.

"Your Majesty, we are 30 kilometers from Shenzhou," warned Vice General Baijin.

"Send someone to check if there are any obstacles or not," Zhao Tao swiftly ordered.

"Yes, sir." One of the officers hurried away to carry out the order.

"Your Majesty, are we going to set up a camp for the soldiers to relax? In two days, we will be close to the wall of Shenzhou."

"Not necessary, the younger brother is not good at fighting. Our 100,000 forces could easily surround the capital on all four sides." Zhao Tao had a lot of confidence in himself.

He received some intelligence that his youngest brother Zhao Lingxin had less than ten thousand soldiers. In order to face such a small troop of soldiers, there was no need for a trick to come out. Put all his strength to subdue the other side.

"I want our soldiers to arrive at Shenzhou tomorrow. Commanded our troops to move forward another 20 kilometers. We set camp there. Tomorrow we will enter into Shenzhou," Zhao Tao said to Bai Jin.

"I will immediately order the soldiers to move forward." Bai Jin accepted the order. Even he, who was a Martial General, agreed with Zhao Tao's actions. Under the army, hundreds of thousands, it is difficult to find a contender.

The distance from the northern border, though, is not as far as the east as Dongzhou. But there are thousands of kilometers away, Zhao Tao's mind was hot, wanting to take over Shenzhou. Zhao Tao wanted a stronghold that could raise the emperor's honor like him. The city of Shenzhou was the first choice. Zhao Tao did not want someone to take advantage of an attack.

Together with the news he received, Zhao Wu from the south was also targeting the capital. Is raising an army to the capital.

Both of them thought that Shenzhou City was an easy-going persimmon. As if Shenzhou was the cake that was placed in front of anyone who arrived first, they could pick it up. No one thought that Shenzhou would be hidden in a grim reaper that would take their lives at any time.

On this occasion, only Bai Jin followed. As for Yi He, the Chief Minister, would like to take care of the orderliness of the northern districts. At that moment, a soldier rode on a horse to report.

"Your Majesty, in front of us, discovered an obstacle. The enemy digs a long, deep hole. No sign of a single soldier."

All the soldiers saw was barbed wire and trenches. As for the soldiers, they crouched, preparing a machine gun, awaiting Zhao Tao's arrival.

"Little brother, how innocent, you think these items will hinder me like that?" Zhao Tao snorted in an insulting voice.

Alone, these barriers, although a waste of time, could not stop his army from moving forward.

"This must be little brother's last struggle. How sad this plan must fail." Zhao Tao could not help but feel miserable about this meaningless struggle. "Bai Jin sent ten thousand vanguards to clean up all obstacles." Zhao Tao proceeded to order.

"Yes, I would like to volunteer to go up to the front." Bai Jin asked for a volunteer to supervise the army.

"Do what you want," Zhao Tao allowed. This work was risk-free. Bai Jin wanted to have fun, let him go.

"Everyone follow me." Bai Jin recruited ten thousand soldiers into the trenches to remove obstacles.

The soldiers were excited. They were exhausted from traveling for many days. It's finally time for them to take action. The moral of the army soared beyond a hundred. Even if the other party was a god, they still dared to fight.

Bai Jin, with ten thousand soldiers, entered the trenches in front of him.

"Confirm the enemy position 500 meters from the trenches. There are about ten thousand men. There was a high-ranking figure of the enemy to lead the army." The soldier, with a telescope, monitored the movement in front of him.

"Report to the HQ," the commander ordered. "Yes, sir."

At the Royal Palace, the palace to the left of the Government House has been transformed into a headquarters. The Security Council four sat in an office. There were many high-ranking officers holding a map with a radio, waiting for news from the front lines.

Half an hour ago, a massive movement was discovered. There were hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It is estimated that there is a malicious purpose to Shenzhou City. The Security Council quickly came to the meeting, issuing orders, ready for battle. Command the army to prepare at the highest level.

There is constant communication from the front to the headquarters. Ready to receive orders from the commander

"The report found an enemy movement towards the defense line. There were ten thousand men. Repeat founded the enemy high-ranking military officer. Observe the attire similar to the general." A communications soldier wearing radio headphones reports the situation from the front line.

"We should destroy the morale of the enemy. This general, we absolutely cannot let go," said Major General Li Fengyang.

Even on the battlefield, killing is very effective, but there is still a chance for a general to escape. Fortunately, this time, the other side let the general come to the front. If letting go of such an opportunity, Major General Li Fengyang was probably not a high-ranking general.

"Commander, you can decide. I will not intervene in this matter," Zhao Lingxin said.

Zhao Lingxin decided not to intervene in the army's orders. Let the professionals in this field handle it directly. In principle, Zhao Lingxin was the supreme Commander. But he chose to respect Major General Li Fengyang's decision.

When receiving the green light from Zhao Lingxin, Major General Li Fengyang began to take full command.

"Command to allow the killing of the opposing generals" Major General Li Fengyang gave the order.

"Yes, sir." the communicator replied.

At the front, tens of thousands of troops led by Bai Jin moved closer and closer to the trenches.

"Received an order to kill the enemy general. The marksman prepares to take action." The Commander was ordered down from above.

The marksman turned the British Lee-Enfield rifle barrel. Slider rifle holds ten rounds. The effective range of 1400 meters

"Confirm the target, the enemy general Distance 450 meters Please give me an order," the marksman reported.

"Fire allowed." the Commander issued orders.

The marksman who received the command and then aimed at the enemy generals. And then fired the trigger


Bai Jin led his front line through his intense battle experience and suddenly felt a certain suspicion. As if death was staring at him closely. The hairs on his body suddenly rose, tears overflowing.

"What exactly is this feeling?"

Bai Jin had not finished speaking, feeling the image in front of him completely extinguished, his breath unconsciously fading away. A .303 British bullet exploded Bai Jin's head, shattered like a smashed watermelon. End of the life of the Vice-General.

The skilled general of the First Prince Bai Jin, who had a far-reaching future, hoped to be inscribed in history, died forever. However, Bai Jin himself was inscribed in history as the first person on this planet to be killed by a sniper.

"Confirm the enemy target died," the marksman reported.

"Well done, the soldier has sent this report up," the Commander said.

At the same time, the command center was quickly aware of this information.


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