Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 35: 35

Chapter 35: 35

1 month has passed, more than five months have passed since the Cabinet has taken power to administer the State affairs. Urban development and construction are progressing rapidly. The modern city plan has made Shenzhou a city that is unique in the Yanhuang Continent. Excellent drainage makes it raining on roads, free of mud and flooding.

Under the Cleanliness Act, Shenzhou is clean and has no rubbish. Sewage and garbage collected and disposed of outside the city Make Shenzhou not smell of sewage like a fairy tale town.

The roadside lights illuminate the night. Making the whole street full of people walking at night gave rise to new businesses, and merchants started to run restaurants. Tourism activities in Shenzhou are slowly emerging under the city's development process.

Today, Zhao Lingxin is scheduled to visit Shenzhou. Although there was a cabinet to report the meeting's situation, the left and right inspection bureau reported the situation to him at regular intervals. But Zhao Lingxin, as the supreme ruler, wanted to see Shenzhou's transformation for himself.

Zhao Lingxin sat in a specially made chariot with a mirror attached to the side. Making it possible to see the scenery outside,

"Shenzhou has changed a lot, even I don't even remember." Zhao Lingxin recalled his memories. He has lived in this world for 16 years. He would be familiar with the capital as well. However, with his policy, it changed this capital forever.

"It is His Majesty's great goodness that changes Shenzhou for the better." Qin Bo said as the Minister of the Secretariat. The Emperor's Immigration Inspection required him to travel with him.

Qin Bo had lived in Shenzhou since he could remember. If counting time, it is more than 60 years. He's the most excited about the change. In less than a year, Shenzhou was like moving forward for another century.

Zhao Lingxin looked outside the window of the carriage. Saw many large construction projects that were not finished.

"It will take a while for Shenzhou to complete the construction." Zhao Lingxin said.

The chariot drives around in a circle at the orders of Zhao Lingxin, who wants to see the transformation of the city as much as possible. Then the carriage convoy arrived at a certain location.

The carriages traveled out of town and then arrived at a specially constructed factory through a collaboration between the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Science.

Zhao Lingxin got off the carriage, and someone came to greet him. That person was Lieutenant Colonel Mu Kang, Minister of Science.

Lieutenant Colonel Mu Kang salutes Zhao Lingxin according to military customs.

"Welcome His Majesty to our special factory"

"I'm delighted too, Minister," Zhao Lingxin said.

"Invite Your Majesty to come in." Lieutenant Mu Kang invited Zhao Lingxin and Qin Bo to enter the factory.

"Your Majesty and Lord Qin Bo, please wear this too." Lieutenant Mu Kang handed out a mask to both of them.

Zhao Lingxin received a mask and was expertly worn. Only Qin Bo had a hard time wearing it, not knowing what this mask was for.

Lieutenant Colonel Mu Kang leads both to observe the factory's chemical production process.

"Minister, when will the full production process be completed?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

"According to our assessment, it is expected that in about two weeks will begin producing ammonia on-demand," said Lieutenant Mukang.

"Great, the hope of the empire has been deposited in you, Minister," said Zhao Lingxin.

Finally, the self-reliance plan has taken a step further.

"All hail his Grace" the commendable Lieutenant Mukang couldn't resist.

"But what is Ammonia Minister?" Qin Bo said, extremely curious.

Although Qin Bo was already familiar with the ministers' strange vocabulary But faced with something called ammonia Qin Bo's head turned white.

Lieutenant Mu Kang listened to the question, smiled a little before saying, "Ammonia is a chemical." Lieutenant Mukang then began to describe the properties of the element. Qin Bo felt dizzy as if he had faint.

"Let's just say this will help the Great Zhou Empire to develop to the next level," Zhao Lingxin cut off Lieutenant Colonel Mu Kang to save Qin Bo. For fear that if one step too slow, the empire needs to find a new minister. Qin Bo is very old. He did not want this confidant to leave because he received so much information that his brain shorted.

This is a factory for producing synthetic ammonia. Important chemicals of the industry It was an important technology in the 20th century. Invented around 1900 One of the key parameters that made European countries advance their industry and made the German Empire a continental power

Synthetic ammonia has many uses in industrial applications such as the steel smelting industry has taken the imperial good steel quality to the next level. The steel smelting industry has improved significantly. Ammonia is an essential ingredient in modern chemical fertilizers. Fertilizer increases agricultural productivity.

Zhao Lingxin wanted to revolutionize agriculture, and the importance of fertilizers could not be lacking. With this chemical fertilizer, potatoes can be grown 5 thousand kilograms per rai. Double the amount and increase agricultural productivity for other crops as well. Fertilizer is like a plant's magic potion. If the surrounding region knows that Dazhou has such a thing, there may be a fertilizer battle.

Food has been the top priority since ancient times, being able to double the yield. There is no doubt that this chemical fertilizer is a treasure that everyone needs. Causing this factory to be kept secret and the empire prohibited the export of chemical fertilizers.

Ammonia is also important in many industries. Both the production of paper, rubber, synthetic fibers, detergents, food, and medicine are useful in all areas. Only this factory could make the great advancement of the Great DaZhou Empire.

However, the most important and important benefit that Zhao Lingxin emphasized is that ammonia can be used in the explosive industry and is an important raw material for producing projectiles. Zhao Lingxin could never rely on the exchange of ammunition from the system forever. Besides, modern armies are consuming massive amounts of ammunition. Zhao Lingxin didn't want to be bankrupt because of the bullets. So, ammonia is essential.

According to world history, England holds many of the world's major gunpowder production sites in Africa and South America. European countries need to find a way to produce synthetic ammonia to rely on security. Because if there is no gunpowder, a rifle is just a normal wooden barrel.

The upstream industry of ammunition such as mines, iron mills, and chemical industries is now ready. Lack of factory ammunition only When the ammunition factory was built, the empire no longer had to worry about the ammunition, and the ammunition factory's construction was completed.

"Minister, if the ammunition factory is completed, how much ammunition can we produce per month?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

Lt. Colonel Mu Kang, who heard the question, was silent for a moment. Before answering.

"Your Majesty, since the ammunition factory was not finished yet, I cannot assess for sure. But I think the production capacity of the factory should be around five hundred thousand shots per month."

"Very little," Zhao Lingxin exclaimed. "This amount is not enough. You have to work with the Ministry of Industry to find a way to produce more ammunition," said Zhao Lingxin.

If it is a time that soldiers use only the rifle. The capacity to produce five hundred thousand shots per month is enough to be able to export. But since the Maxim machine gun's advent with a fire rate of 500 shots per minute, if one hundred Maxim machine guns fired simultaneously, one minute had already spent over 50,000 rounds of ammunition. If there is a prolonged battle, fearing that five hundred thousand ammunition rounds can only be used in one day.

Backup ammunition can only be used for one day. If it is the Armed Forces Chief of Staff to meet this message, it must not agree. No matter how weak the enemy is, military security needs to be prepared at all times. As well as begging Zhao Lingxin to speed up the ammo reserve quickly, Zhao Lingxin was aware of this critical message and promptly issued an order for his Minister to develop a mass method production.

"Then, I will hurry to coordinate the Ministry of Industry to build three more ammunition factories," replied Lieutenant Colonel Mu Kang.

"You can fully request financial resources. I am ready to support you in this matter," Zhao Lingxin said. At the moment, he is wealthy if he is short of money. Zhao Lingxin will order a small print of banknotes to finance the construction of the factory.


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