Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 136: 136 Economic crisis solve

Chapter 136: 136 Economic crisis solve

The situation in the imperial capital of Shenzhou was not very good. On the road, people had worried expressions. Many people are afraid about their future whether the factory will be closed today or not. Hundreds of thousands of workers are hanging on the line, full of worries that one day they might lose their jobs.

Conditions in the stock market are no different. Investors sell shares, hold cash in hand, refuse to invest. Small and large private companies were also affected by reduced sales. The purchasing power of the consumer cannot support a large number of products. The effects of the economic crisis have spread across the country and do not seem to improve.

Businessmen do not expect that there will be today. The day when wonderfully modern products were unsold in mass stocks. Businessmen have lost a lot of capital on the opening of an industrial plant. Now, most of the factories are being abandoned.

Economic activity has been disrupted. It is forecast from the Ministry of Finance that if the situation continues, the Empire's economic growth rate will be minus 5 percent. This is the first time since the Cabinet worked for nearly two years, where negative economic growth occurred.

People who buy shares choose to sell, bring cash to collect. Confidence in the stock market fell to its lowest. The imperial stock market index has dropped to 1400 points, half the point from last month's peak.

Fortunately, the government has released economic emergency relief measures. Inject money into the system. In the form of a low-interest loan to support small businesses to continue the business.

Under this terrible situation, at the Royal Palace, an enormous banquet was held. With representatives from the private sector, capitalists and famous businessmen, and members of the imperial parliament attended the banquet.

At the banquet, the great capital of the Empire, whether from the capital Shenzhou or the port city of Tongzhou, were all gathered here.

The economic crisis grew so severe that the government could no longer control it. If the last fortress like the capitalist fell, the Empire would go into chaos immediately. Prime Minister General Guo Ling invited Zhao Lingxin to come forward to alleviate the crisis.

Zhao Lingxin invites these capitalists to an informal banquet to comfort the capitalist businessmen. To ensure everyone that the government is doing its best, I wish everyone to trust the government.

Capitalists who can visit the emperor line up to briefly chat with the emperor, telling the difficulty. Wish for the emperor to sympathize.

"I promise that in the next month, this economic crisis will be resolved for sure," Zhao Lingxin made a promise to everyone. With the assurance that it will do the best.

The party continued. However, everyone's expressions were still not relaxed. As if the knot was not released yet.

During this time, Qin Bo walked to Zhao Lingxin at the banquet.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has submitted a report. Your Majesty, will it be convenient to watch immediately?" Qin Bo said.

"We have finished the treaty. The foreign ministry acted faster than expected." Zhao Lingxin knew immediately what the report had been submitted.

"Qin Bo sent a report. I want to read it now," said Zhao Lingxin.

"Here, Your Majesty." Qin Bo handed the emperor a multi-page document. Inside has summarized all important matters.

Zhao Lingxin received the report and read, shocked by the amount of money received.

"We really received 25 million yuan war indemnity?"

This amount was equivalent to the Empire's annual budget for two and a half years.

"War is really a way of getting rich." Zhao Lingxin wondered if he should act as a war dictator or not. In just a few days of the battle, this was a huge profit.

The budget of this war spent very little, only two hundred thousand yuan. Much of it was the cost of fuel and ammunition, which the Empire was able to produce on its own, resulting in significant savings. Profits, this time, the Empire was able to make a hundred times as much profit. If Zhao Lingxin waged a few more battles, it could turn his palace into gold.

Of course, this is absolutely impossible. The surrounding countries would not have much money for Zhao Lingxin to rob next time.

"Your Highness, an amount of more than ten million yuan. They can't afford it. They wanted to pay us a ten-million-yuan worth of spirit stones." Qin Bo said of the limitations. Each region didn't have a lot of cash to get out at once, so they wanted to bring out the spirit stone to pay.

"No problem in this matter. I accept the payment with the spirit stone." Zhao Lingxin certainly would not refuse. He didn't mind having more spirit stones in his pocket.

Furthermore, Zhao Lingxin split the war indemnity money he received in two. Part of it was arranged to the Ministry of Economy and Trade to implement a major stimulus policy after a long stagnation.

Another part of the budget will be provided locally across the country. Expedite the construction of basic utilities as soon as possible. So that the whole Empire can prosper equally, reducing the rate of inequality.

"Your Majesty, now the treaty is in effect, all four regions will open their borders. It is allowed to import goods without paying taxes," Qin Bo said.

"Great, this is what I want the most," Zhao Lingxin said with delight. This is what the Empire will do to resolve this economic crisis. The Empire agrees to devote its soldiers to the action only for this purpose.

In addition to bringing surplus products to be sold in different countries, Zhao Lingxin also wanted to import cheap raw materials. Afraid that after going through this crisis, the Empire's economy would grow unrestrained.

After reading the Foreign Ministry's report, Zhao Lingxin immediately brought this good news to all the banquet capitalists.

"Everyone, please listen to me." Zhao Lingxin signaled everyone to silence. Waiting for an announcement from him.

"Now the government has figured out a solution to the crisis we face." As soon as Zhao Lingxin spoke out, it immediately created a buzz at the party.

"Oh, is that true?"

"The government has found a way. My business will finally return to normal." Everyone hurriedly exchanged views. Afterward, everyone began to realize that there was still an emperor at the banquet. Everyone hastily heard the emperor's following speech.

"The details will be published in the newspaper tomorrow. You can read it later. But I assure you that you should restore the production line to its original state, there will be no more residual products. Because we've already got a place to buy our manufactured products," Zhao Lingxin announced and firmly assured that this crisis, the Empire can pass through for sure.

After the party, the capitalists and businessmen went home. That night they couldn't close their eyes and sleep due to excitement.

The next morning, the newspaper sold a high record. All radio stations were removed from the monitoring bureau. All media have returned to work as usual.

"Good news, there is good news today. Everyone, don't miss this newspaper." The newspaper salesman shouted loudly, attracting most people's attention to walk in and see what the big news happened.

Today, if anyone buys a newspaper, reads, or listens to the radio, they will see the country's great news that deletes the mist in everyone's heart.

"The Four Nations Alliance has ended. The Empire made an unequal treaty to the four regions."

"From now on, our products can cross the border without paying taxes." Many businessmen diligently buy newspapers and read them, and they finally realize the shocking truth.

In recent days, the imperial army had wholly destroyed the Four Nations alliance, forcing the other side to sign at a disadvantage.

"The Imperial Army is so strong." Even the citizens of the country were shocked by this news. They were proud of the strength of the country in which they lived. Proclaimed great dignity to be spread across four regions.

"I will open the closed factory right away." Some businessmen began to see the opportunity, in the past, because of the unsold products, they closed part of the production line. Now that they have a place to sell their products, it's time to open a production line.

Some of them began to assess the four countries' buying needs, definitely more than the Empire. Their production line alone will not be enough. Many businessmen started to use the savings to build new factories.

Labor and empire citizens all acknowledged this good news. They had a visibly relaxed expression. Today, the atmosphere on the streets of the capital has changed. People's faces began to smile with joy, unlike before.

As soon as the stock market is opened today, trading has become active again. The stock market index immediately rose two hundred points in response to the good news. Economic activity began to resume regular work. And it seems that most businesses and factories are beginning to process large quantities of goods even before the crisis.

Everyone wants to be the first to sell their products into foreign markets, creating huge profits. The employment rate has returned to normal again. Together with the government's economic stimulus policy has begun to affect.

Now the Empire's economy was as if it had been ignited. Every mechanism in the country has started to move with full force. The people's confidence has come back, and most of them dare to spend more because there is no need to worry about losing their jobs.

Now it can be said that the Empire has overcome the economic crisis.


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