Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 131: 131 Monster birds

Chapter 131: 131 Monster birds

Sun Yuan was worried because of the economic crisis. Even Sun Technology companies were affected as well. But the company still has some cash flow reserves. But if the economic crisis continues for several months, Sun Technology will be shaken.

"Oh my, sales have dropped again," Sun Yuan sighed as he looked at the company's performance last month.

In this crisis, small private individuals almost collapse. The demand for high-tech machinery and products Sun Technology Company produces is also less sold.

The private sector has continued to invest in factory construction, and it has turned into a bubble. Many companies have begun to survive layoffs and cut production rates. As the business sector is shrinking steadily, they call on the government to find a solution to the crisis.

While Sun Yuan was sitting in anxiety, he turned to look at yesterday's sales report and found some numbers had changed.

"Huh, why is this number going up?" Sun Yuan looked at the negative performance. But only one item is profitable right now.

"The government ordered more ammunition yesterday," Sun Yuan looked at the government's orders. In regular times, the government couldn't order large volumes of ammunition. Few of the privately-held Sun Technologies companies have received patents and concessions from selling ammunition to the military.

"Does that mean it's going to be a battle right now?" Sun Yuan looked at the report paper in his hand. The empire was doing some military operations. Sun Yuan secretly expects this battle to have a way out in the impending economic crisis.

The Military Commission received good news from the Western Front, which can push the army to retreat. Meanwhile, on the northern border of the empire, the Air Force has sent more than 300 fighters into operation, dissolving military formations in two other regions.

Datang and Dajin are the two most significant regions, both military, economy, and culture. The two forces had gathered, but they both have a long history of fighting. Both generals intensely disliked each other. The two armies did not look at each other. Separate marches without unity, but they do not yet know the Four Nations alliance has fallen in half.

While the two armies were heading south towards the empire, the target was the capital Shenzhou, ten kilometers from the imperial defense line. They found hundreds of black spots in the sky. It's the FW 190 fighter plane, more than three hundred.

World War-era fighter planes could be easily produced based on imperial industrialization. Now the military factory can produce up to five of these aircraft a day.

The FW 190 has many advantages. Both use technology that is not very high. The performance is considered worth more than the price. This makes the Imperial Air Force now operate over six hundred aircraft. In this battle, the Air Force sent out half of the planes.

"It's a devil bird." General of the Datang noticed something unusual in the sky. Bigger than ordinary birds. The Datang General had already anticipated that things were definitely a demon.

"Why are there demons here?" General Datang said, curious. But after a second, he had thrown away his chaotic thoughts. Turn to gaze with concentration, preparing to deal with the enemy.

"The other is the devil. Prepare for a defensive procession." Datang is next to the Demon Realm. Has fought countless battles. They were not surprised to find a demon. But organized a procession to make an army to prepare for battle.

"The Great Dajin army, don't be inferior in front of the Datang people. Prepare to deal with the demons." General Dajjin gave orders as well. Although Da Jin had not fought as many demons as Datang. But the Great Dajin Army was regarded as a very experienced soldier, so they did not panic when they saw a demon in the sky.

Both armies set up shields to defend. The archers cocked the strings and prepared to shoot. The army of two hundred thousand people emitted a tremendous power that the common people saw tremble.

Above the sky, all 300 fighter jets. The squadron leader was a little stunned. The armies of both regions were not panicked when they encountered the jet. But preparing for a brave battle.

"Impressive for such encouragement. Don't let them be disappointed. Give them a full set," the squadron leader said over the radio, then asked for a command from the command center.

"Ask for an order to allow the attack," said the chief of the squadron.

At the Air Force Command Center

"Allowed to attack" Air Force Xiang Mu also approved the attack order.

The three hundred fighters lowered their ceiling to a hundred meters above the ground, bombarding machine guns at the armies below.

"Aaaaah!!" the sound of the soldiers cried out, a machine gunshot through the protective shield on the soldiers until they were killed in a row.

The fighter jet's attack looked like a demon bird spitfire to easily kill people.

A single set of machine guns destroyed the first line of defense, but the General of Datang did not have a shocked expression but gave the next order.

"Every unit dispersed. Don't be together." General Datang has a wide vision. He noticed that these demon birds could effectively attack if the soldiers gathered together. So fragmentation is a smart approach.

The fighter immediately lost more than 30 percent of its attack effectiveness. Not only that, General Datang continued to issue orders.

"Archers fire!!."

Twenty thousand archers shot their arrows up into the sky like a huge rain, attacking the aircraft.

"Hahaha, you demon birds. You will regret coming to attack us." General Datang laughed as if he was holding victory in his hands. But what he expected was wrong.

Arrows cannot penetrate through the hull, and some planes are too high for arrows to reach.

"This is impossible. Their bodies are as hard as iron." General Datang didn't expect that he had come across an enemy that was hard to kill.

On the plane, FW 190. The squadron leader saw that the enemy situation had no sign of defeat and ordered the next step.

"All units keep attacking, don't stop"

Commanded fighters continue to bombard the machine guns.

General Datang and General Dajin, who saw it, ordered the soldiers to disperse to avoid the incoming bullets and ordered the archers to shoot continuously.

"Damn it, are they immortal, won't they be killed?" General Dajin cursed. He took arrows aimed at the giant bird demon. When shooting, an arrow strikes the plane until it resonates. It was as if they were now helpless to fight these hundreds of giant bird demons.

Fighter planes have killed tens of thousands of enemies. But the forces of both provinces did not seem to surrender. Until the aircraft's bullets run out.

"Mission failed. Return to base." The squadron leader reluctantly gave orders, ordering all aircraft to temporarily return to base.

The two provinces' forces, when they saw, shouted loudly.

"The demons have retreated!."

"This battle, we won!."

"Bravo, we won!."

General Datang's face was distorted, not happy to win this time. They could not throw a giant bird. Not only that, but it also had to lose tens of thousands of troops. Such a victory, they were not the least pleased.

"Set up a camp to rest." General Datang decided not to advance temporarily, allowing his weary soldiers to rest.

But an hour later, they discovered that the Giant Bird Demon had returned.

"The demons have returned," someone cried out.

General Datang looked up at the sky and found it true, and it looked like this time. There will be even more demons than before.

The Imperial Air Force was very disappointed that the mission had failed.

"We cannot let go like this. Look at the Army. One set of attacks can drive out the enemy. The air force must never lose." Air Force Xiang Mu then ordered all six hundred of the army's aircraft to attack once more.

The morale of the army fell again. This time, the enemies returned twice as much, and they rested, took off their armor, not even in a combat-ready state.

"All units are preparing for battle," General Datang hurried to command. But not in time.

More than six hundred fighter planes suddenly attacked. Until the resting army was quickly defeated, everyone started running to find a way to survive, throw away their weapons, turn their backs, and flee the battlefield.

Both generals knew that the situation could not be controlled anymore. The Giant Demon Bird continuously spit out fire, no way to resist, and immediately ordered to retreat.

"Withdraw!, withdraw!" Both provinces have signaled their retreat. They could no longer stand in the same place to be the target of stillness and murder.

The two provinces were defeated, and it was clear that the Four Nations alliance's military formation had ended within a day.

"Mission accomplished. All units allowed to return to base." The squadron leader saw the attack as a success. Pressure the other party to retreat. Therefore, they ordered all aircraft to return to the airbase.

The victory report was quickly sent to the Military Commission.


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