Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 125: 125 The Prophecy

Chapter 125: 125 The Prophecy

      The economic development of the country at a leap forward. This fund makes the private enterprise that Zhao Lingxin owns, the assets are of great value. However, he used this part of the support to purchase a large number of spiritual stones from outside.

Zhao LingXin Guan bought spirit stones from various regions to fill his system. Now, the price of the spirit stone was more than twice as high. Many people in business found that the emperor purchased large quantities of spiritual stones.

They began to import spirit stones into the country to sell to Zhao Lingxin. Furthermore, the reputation of Zhao Lingxin was rumored among the Empire's elite that the emperor was very fond of spirit stones.

It was causing some merchants and people in business to hoard spirit stones to bring to the palace, bribing Zhao Lingxin to build a good friendship with the emperor. Of course, Zhao Lingxin did not deny the reasonable hopes of the capitalists. That brought the spirit stone to the place.

Besides, with modern mining engineering and technology, As a result, Zhao Lingxin digs up 20 percent of the Spirit Stone Mine, creating the Spirit Stone for Zhao Lingxin. About four thousand cubes per month.

And this time, Zhao Lingxin poured out a super spirit stone that accelerated the Empire's development to another level.

Of course, the National Space Agency received a lot of equipment from Zhao Lingxin to expand space operations.

This made the National Space Agency the first agency to receive a large number of resources from Zhao Lingxin's system. Even the scientific research institutes are inferior to this.

In just one month, the National Space Agency launched four more satellites. Both satellite survey resources, Military satellites, and communication satellites.

Zhao Lingxin wanted to put up a communication system in the country to stabilize the signal transmission. Including entertainment such as television.

The satellite survey of resources is explicitly used for searching for resources. With high accuracy and fast timing. Able to relieve the burden of the survey unit a lot.

And a satellite to explore the resource itself, Allowing the Empire to discover more valuable resources in the country's borders. Especially the special economic zone.

It is estimated that there are more metal reserves, including iron, copper, nickel, and other heavy metal ores, than previously surveyed.

But they are sending communication satellites into orbit, Causing great problems on the Great Yanhuang Continent.

At the Taishan Mountains in the Holy Sacred sect.

Millions of devout followers of the God of Light have gathered in this mountain range. According to the order of the sect master to arrange a worshiping ceremony for the deity. Who showed a miracle to the human world last month.

"It is said that when the gods looked into the human world, The Profound Realm Martial Artist were all aware of his majestic eyes. But only the Lord of our sect knows that it is the great eyes of the deity."

The disciples praised the gods as well as accepting the sect master who can recognize his great individual.

The rest of the major sect had all speculated what the mighty power above the sky was. However, the Sacred Sect Master revealed that the events of that day were related to the Great Light Deity.

      But the head of the Headquarters still couldn't believe these words. Because according to the old texts, the gods had left this world for more than ten thousand years, Never appearing since then.

But the long-lost god reappeared.

The Major Sect was a little unbelievable. Combined with the words of a sect master's identity, that person of this level must not be delusional for sure. It made many people start to believe that the mighty sight of that day was a long-lost god.

A religious holy sect that glorifies the deity of light. Would you feel more pleased than others? They scrambled to take over a seat in the Taishan Mountains to participate in this grand ceremony.

Millions of disciples sat calmly, waiting for the time of the worship of the gods. And finally, the sect master walked out of the cathedral. Reveal himself to the disciples to admire.

"Worshiping the Great Sect Master, Greatness above heaven," the millions of disciples shouted at the same time. Until it made a loud sound and trembled until the surrounding valley trembled for a moment. If millions of Martial Artists voiced their calls in unison, There was enough pressure to take a city to collapse completely.

"Don't waste your time. The ceremony now begins. "Sect Master Yao Huang turned to speak to the two lawmakers.

"Yes, sect master."

The grand ceremony has begun. Millions of disciples prayed on high. The sect master closed his eyes and sat cross-legged. They were entering a calm state.

The ceremony lasted for several hours. The disciples continued to pray indifferent to praise the gods they revered.

At that moment, as if a coincidence in a world that seemed perfect, Resource exploration satellites send radio waves to the Earth to detect resources. And accidentally, a radio wave hit the sect master meditating.

"It has arrived." The sect master's eyes widened. He was staring at the distant sky.

"The Lord has sent a signal. He has been aware of our actions." The sectarian has rejoiced. The happiness in the body overflowed. Spread throughout the body, Tears flowed respectfully, staring at the sky. He could feel the powerful eyes penetrating through his body unconcernedly. It was as if the gods above had all known his secret.

The attendant, who had heard this, quickly knelt down and said in a loud voice:

"Everyone, the gods, has performed a miracle once again. Keep praying. Praise to the gods."

As soon as millions of disciples heard that, He heated the atmosphere to another level. They hurriedly respect the skyall of the praise.

"Praise the Goddess, The light ruled under the yard. Ten thousand years, tens of thousands of years."

Suddenly, as if another coincidence happened. Communication satellites, located thirty-five thousand kilometers above the ground, have sent signals back to Earth.

The sect master could feel something. Before he closes his eyes, concentrates, and expands the senses, Go out all over the area; he found microwave signals sent by satellites on Earth. The sect master then detected that someone was sending him a message.

The sect master hurriedly gathered his Qi to its maximum. Explosive divine energy level.

Focussed telepathy towards the detectable signal waves.

"What is this?" The sect master felt that his head was filled with some information, filling his brain that he could not accept. The sect master felt pain in his brain as if to explode until he had to hurry to disconnect from above.

"Ugh," the sect master spat out a large amount of blood.

      "Sect Master, What happened?" The regulator hurriedly said. Because the cultivation power of the sect master was at the divine qi level, One level higher than the Profound King. But there was something that could make the sect master spit blood. This shows that there must be something unusual happening.

In the Holy Land of the Great Da Zhou Empire. Ground command center National Space Agency.

The officer received a notification from the satellite.

"A moment ago, We have discovered an intrusion on the satellite communication network, Chief. The intrusion has now disappeared. Should we notify the government?" The official said.

"This is impossible. This shouldn't happen. On this planet, no technology can meddle satellite communication networks. Only the Empire had this technology. I think there must be a satellite error." The commander refused to believe this incredible. And there is evidence to suggest that the invasion lasted for a fraction of a second. Before it stops, Which indicates that the communication system was likely to have an error at that time.

Even the officers themselves felt skeptical about it either. Causing them to infer that there may be an interruption of the communication system, The National Space Agency officials, therefore, returned to their duties to continue their duties.

Back then to the holy sect. The sect master, who was coughing up blood, raised his hand to show that he was fine.

"Don't worry about me. Just a moment ago, I received a prophecy from the gods above. "

"A prophecy from the gods!" The guards shouted loudly in shock. Tens thousands of years had passed, the gods had finally chosen Sect Master to send down a prophecy.

The sect master didn't explain anything to everyone. But raised his hand to spread his profound energy. Cut off a portion of the mountain to become a hundred meters large stone platform.

The Sect Master controlled the stone to fall on the Taishan Mountain Range top until the stone sinks into the ground and sits firmly on it.

The sect master pointed out. He was using energy through the index, Engraved letters inscribed in a hundred meters of stone. Not long ago, the podium was filled with numbers 0 and 1, making up binary numbers. Carved out tens of thousands to seal the stone slab.

This became a slab of stone in which he recorded the divine characters. Towering over the holy land Let billions of disciples go on a pilgrimage once in a lifetime.

"The character of the god is great. Even I can't comprehend it." The lawmaker bowed down and bowed respectfully to the slab engraved in the divine script. He bowed down a thousand times and did not use his power to protect his body until his forehead bleeds.

"The deity has a great prophecy to all human beings. Sect Master, do you understand the meaning?" The Sect disciple asked the Sect Master.

The sect master who heard the question was straight upstaring at the slab with deep eyes that would be hard to guess.

"I am the chosen one from the gods. Is the only person in the world to receive this honor? Of course, I would understand the meaning of the divine character. The gods prophesied that the human world would be in turmoil. Only his divine light can wash away all the chaos." The sect master closed his eyes to describe it deeply.

      "Sect Master, I volunteer to bring your light to cleanse the entire land," the lawmaker said with a joyful expression to lay down his life for the light.

The Sect Master turned to the millions of disciples who had waited below Taishan Valley.

"The Lord has commanded. Let the Holy Sacred Sect direct his inexhaustible light. Comforting the Earth's creatures, bringing back peace, the Holy Sacred  Sect take the order to wipe out the heretics who do not believe in the light. Bringing light to rule under the yard once more."

"YES, SIR.," millions of disciples said simultaneously.

And this is the beginning of the great Martial Artist. In which the holy sect was the one that started this war. Claiming to have received divine verses commanded by the gods to rule, bring peace to the great Yan Huang continent to be under the god of light.


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