Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 123: 123

Chapter 123: 123

      Many places on the Yanhuang Continent were full of mysteries and suspicions, prompting a group of Martial Artists to soar through the four directions, high mountains, jungle forests, even deep beneath the sea. Even though the trainees are traveling around the world, But it cannot be denied that there are still many secrets that no one knowslooking forward to a significant discovery.

"What do you think is there in the midst of the stars?" And this question bothers the minds of many Martial Artists. Try to find out this secret.

Some people wonder that above the sky and the clouds have located the land of the gods.

The Martial Artists stared at the sky. Observe the stars among the stars. They dream of traveling to the starsmany Martial Artists who can fly Therefore experimented up to the sky. But how much will they try? He was unable to escape from the Great Continent of Yan Huang. Successfully traveled to the stars among the sky.

Thousands of years ago, there was an Immortal Saint. The most advanced magic power to fly out into space, at last, The Immortal Saint discovered that the Yanhuang Great Continent was a spherical planet. Outside of the Great Continent, Yan Huang was full of darkness, enormous darkness, without light. Without which living things exist, not even breathing air, Even immortal masters have trained for thousands of years. He still feels terrified by this environment.

Immortal Saint discovers the fact that The individual stars are too far away from each other. Even the nearest moon has a very long distance. Immortal Saint, you can't stay in space for long. Therefore returning to the bottom composed a book on the boundless conditions of darkness outside the Great Yan Huang Continent. End the doubts that lie in everyone's heart.

And when the darkness of obscurity was devoid of living things and treasures, TheMartial Artists were no longer interested in the sky.

      Day 1, Month 6,  Kai Yuan Era, Year 2

This day will be inscribed in the history of humankind. The empire has plans to launch a satellite into deep space.

By launching this satellite, Zhao Ling Xin was summoned from the system. By choosing to be a military satellite with a rocket propulsion system.

Zhao Ling Xin had been summoning a satellite for a long time. But this he had to deliver to the Secret Science Research Institute to analyze the technology inside satellites with rocket propulsion. For the next time, the empire will be able to produce its own rockets and satellites.

Information is the most important thing. Satellites can monitor the ground. The empire had little knowledge of Martial Artists and the Great Yan Huang Continent.

Therefore, Zhao Lingxin wanted to collect as much information as possible, and that wouldn't be possible without a satellite.

Zhao Lingxin came to an empty area 100 kilometers from the capital. This was initially a restricted military area, But now it is under the National Space Agency's control. And this land became the rocket launch area of the empire.

Zhao Lingxin was seated in a white building inside the ground space command center and an aerospace control tower.

Inside the command room, the room is full of 1970s computers, which Zhao Ling Xin summoned from the system loaded with hundreds of scientists and soldiers. Controlling the control panel, holding documents in hand, chaotic conversations.

"Check the integrity of the rocket."

"How is the fuel system?"

"Currently, the fuel is 90 percent."

"The weather is clear. There is no problem with the weather." Many officials picked up the phone to coordinate various locations. Keeps confirming the validity status. This rocket launch cost a lot of money. And there is a risk that the rocket launch will fail. Officers must therefore ensure things entirely that there are no mistakes.

"Everyone remembers this is our first rocket launch. Never fail at all. We have to bet on the dignity of the empire," the commander said, encouraging everyone before departing for final preparation.

Above the ground command room, All the important figures of the empire were busy watching this event. The first launch of a rocket into space It's not something that is easy to find. Not everyone wants to miss this important event in history.

      Many of the ministers have sat in their positions. There are also many representatives from the Parliament. Including the Supreme Justice of the Judicial Office. Zhao Lingxin sat in front of everyone. Look at the scientists who are busy preparing to launch a rocket.

Zhao Ling Xin was proud of himself. That can bring the empire up to this point in the end because even he did not expect the kingdom to progress so rapidly in a year and a half until having the ability to launch satellites into space.

This plan has been prepared for several months since the completion of the empire's land Zhao Lingxin had many spirit stones and energy points in the system. He has exchanged a lot of necessary materials and technology, And the satellite is one of them. But months ago, the empire was not quite ready enough. The launch schedule has been postponed until today.

"How much time is left?" Zhao Lingxin looked at his watch. Then asked General Guo Ling.

"On schedule, there is an hour left," General Guo Ling replied.

"Then we can only wait." Zhao Lingxin closed his eyes to find time to relax for himself.

Countdown 55 minutes.

The rockets and satellites have passed final inspection. And completed installation ground engineers are filling the rocket with fuel. Double-check the details to ensure the safety of the rocket itself.

The rocket itself is named Xinghan 1st model. More than 350 meters in length, towering like a tall tower. There is enough driving power to escape gravity from the Earth. Towards the distant space.

Countdown 35 minutes.

"Everyone gets out of here immediately," the chief engineer alerted all field staff to retreat from the area into a safe place. Because the rocket will use high pressure, it emits a large amount of heat and flames. Now everything is checked. All officials, therefore, began to leave the rocket space gradually.

Countdown 20 minutes.

Far away, there are many people. People came to watch this rocket launch as announced by the government.

Everyone has heard the press release for more than a month that The government will send rockets into outer space. For everyone in general, the space area is a mystery that is hard to explain. In this world, there were only some Immortal Martial Artists. Who had been in contact with the dark and dark land? For them, the so-called space is a very foreign matter.

      More than ten thousand people came to see the excitement. Wen Jia also brought his two children to see as well. The atmosphere is full of energy. Even in the intense sun shining down, it Could not make people lose their way.

"This is a live report from the area. At this time, the 1st generation of the Xinghan rocket counted down. Just a few more minutes ahead, We'll be watching this historical picture," the reporter reported, broadcasting to the radio all over the land.

All the people now have stopped working. Each one attentively listens to the radio. Afraid that if they are a little careless They will miss important stories.

Cameras and video cameras record stills and movies from all angles. The government has also organized a special team to make a documentary program for this event.

5 minutes countdown remaining.

The sleeping Zhao Lingxin opened his eyes. Staring at his watch, he found that the time was near.

"Gentlemen, Let's witness this event together." Zhao Lingxin stood up to see the vision in detail in the foreground.

They counted the countdown closer and closer until the last 10 seconds.

"10 9 8 7 ..."

"3 2 1"

When the countdown is finished, The commander immediately issued an order.

"Rocket launch begins."

In the 1st model of the Xinghan rocket, there was a fire rising out of the rocket base and causing heat waves and haze. Before gradually propelling the rocket to float above the ground and heading at high speed into the sky.

"Oh wow," the public shouted with interest. A massive rocket of hundreds of meters into the sky was astonishing.

"The Xinghan rocket has been launched at this time," the reporter reported the situation to the people all over the country.

"Snap Snap" The sound of the camera is recording a lot of pictures. They try their best to get the best images.

In the command room, the officer looked at the control panel in front of him. Keep reporting the situation from time to time.

"The height is now twenty thousand feet. It is climbing more and more speed. The signal of communication is still in good condition. "

Zhao Lingxin looked at the screen larger than ten meters. That identifies the status of the rocket's body. He couldn't help but fist his fist a bit, and he had to admit that he was concerned about the rocket launch. They had never tested the empire in this regard. Everyone in the command room was filled with excitement and nervousness.

"The height is fifty thousand feet. Report: We have now lost contact with the Xinghan rocket. We repeat that we have lost contact." The official kept a close report on the situation.

Zhao Lingxin only prayed in his heart. The rocket is now entering a critical phase. They can simply wait for the time. Unable to intervene to help.

After everyone waited for several minutes, a signal finally came back.

"The Xinfeng rocket has sent the signal back. The rocket is now in space. The process of launching satellites is in progress. "

      All the officers in the control room shouted with joy. In the end, months of effort were a success.

The first rocket launch in history went well. No accidents happen as many people worry about.

"Your Majesty, we have succeeded," General Guo Ling said with delight.

"The empire has reached this point because of you all," Zhao Lingxin spoke to the cabinet, excited about the imperial launch of the rocket. Successful.

Above in the sky, The Xinghan rocket has separated the fuel portion. Then a military observation satellite was released.

The satellite entered the scientific orbit that the scientists designed. Then the satellite began to orbit the Earth. It was revolving according to gravity.

"The launch of the satellite has been completed."

"Military satellites, ready-to-use status," officials have controlled communications with satellites.

Zhao Lingxin looked at the front and said,

"It's time for the next mission for the satellite to explore the Great Yanuang Continent," Zhao Lingxin immediately ordered the mission to the space organization. He wants to know everything related to this world. And the satellite will open up a view of the whole world for him.


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