Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 101: 101 Shocking at the auction

Chapter 101: 101 Shocking at the auction

      With the advanced construction technology, including skilled and experienced laborers. Causing many ten-story buildings to appear in Shenzhou City, the wealthy capitalists and businesses bought all these buildings.

      Zhao Lingxin, as the head of state, Would have some property personally. Zhao Lingxin owns many buildings in the city. We called a real estate mogul of Monopoly in this field.

      The population of Shenzhou is increasing each month exponentially. There is a congestion of the people in some areas. They have created a significant demand for land. Many people have to rent dormitories to live in to stay in the capital. Land prices soar like gold. Sometimes, even if you have money, you can't buy some land in prime locations.

  Some villagers became rich in the blink of an eye after selling their own land at a high price.

  Zhao Lingxin has his own construction team. Construction of high-rise buildings, allowing people in business to rent as offices, Make a substantial income to Zhao Lingxin.

  Zhao Lingxin had a building, which was converted into a high-end hotel. It is a private business of Zhao Lingxin. This hotel is called Wang Zhi Jian hotel.

  The Wangzhi Jiutan Hotel is adorned with a large number of valuable items. Zhao Lingxin designed this place like the Palace of Versailles. It has authentic French architecture that makes it very unusual for the people.

  However, everyone who came to stay at this place felt that it was so extravagant that it almost squeezed them down with humility. The interior of the Wangzhi Jiutan hotel was full of noble furniture. The glass, diamond, silver, and gold sparkled the light until everyone all feel dazzled.

      The hotel also provides deluxe rooms for the country's dignitaries. This thing makes the Wangzhi Jiutan Hotel a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Many people in business have chosen this location as a high-value negotiator. If anyone has stayed in this hotel, you can brag about it for days.

  Today, the Wangzhi Jiutan Hotel held a grand auction. Hosted by the Ministry of Economy and Trade, Sun Wanping was assigned by Zhao Lingxin to hold a patent auction.

  The merchants who joined today are the prominent capitalists of the country. Just by participating in the auction, a bail must pay for ten thousand yuan.

  Sun Wanping, who was behind the fair, was heavily coerced by his vital father.

  "Sun Wanping, you must help me. I am your father." Sun Yuan was using his connection lines to gain an advantage at this auction.

  "Father, I really can't help you with this matter. Although I am hosting this auction, but all the details are with the Ministry of Science. Even I don't even know much about today's work. "

      Sun Wanping shook his head in denial. This time, he couldn't help Sun Yuan. The Science Ministry is very well closed in the news. Even he only knows that today there will be an auction for a car patent.

  Sun Yuan went down and returned to his seat. He knew that in this country, his son was not the greatest. There are still many influential persons in the government that Sun Yuan has to respect in many esteem. Never dare to offend at all.

  As time passed, many merchants began to fill up the meeting room, the auction banquet. Many of them are very familiar with the process because this is not the first time the government has auctioned a patent.

  In the past, they participated in a number of auctions, including product patent concessions. And a lot more. The auction very hurt most merchants. Because each time there was fierce competition, They paid a lot of government bids.

  Even though a lot of money is wasted, but they agreed because what the government gave was very rewarding. Can make a profit without loss. There are many examples of modern government products in great demand. Not to mention domestic The outer regions appreciated their everyday products and demanded a lot. Can generate huge profits. Many capitalists love and hate this commitment very much.

  This car patent auction There was a significantly more significant number of participants than every time. The rumors of a new type of vehicle called cars are all the rage in the capital.

  Many people felt that this would replace the carriage soon to revolutionize the way of transportation forever. They did not want to fall in the carriage to catch up with others. Everyone pondered in the same direction. They will have to win the patent and be the first to enter the market. Collect a lot of profit from the people.

  So the auction was crowded with capitalists. Until having to use an extra chair But even an extra chair was not enough. Many were willing to stand at the rear end. Some people do not care much about sitting on the floor on the stairs and taking some space for themselves.

  Sun Yuan was fortunate, and he had a unique chair that his beloved son had reserved. He does not have to compete with other people. At this moment, Sun Yuan turned to the left and saw his opponent sitting beside him.

  "It's actually the President of the Council," Sun Yuan said in a hostile tone. He saw Gu Heng and the Dongzhou merchant sitting beside him. Sun Yuan showed signs of being ready to fight.

      In fact, the two of them rarely had the opportunity to sit next to each other. But there is a hand behind this mystery. A noble mysterious person admires bullying people. He wants to see the fight between the two of them. They were secretly ordered to have Sun Wanping sneakily take action.

  "Father, I'm sorry. I can't deny that noble's order." Sun Wanping secretly apologized to his father. That may be unfortunate today. He must blame his father for bullying and bullying people around, Causing that noble person to persecute Sun Yuan to the underdog constantly. If he does not have his ministerial status by now, Sun Yuan would have been dealt with for a long time.

  "Will the Dongzhou party have money to bid? I heard that Dongzhou is lagging like an uneducated man. If you are without money, you can borrow me." Sun Yuan sarcastically said, Gu Heng. If one day he did not quarrel with Gu Heng, then he would be heartbroken.

      "Although Dongzhou is lagging behind, But there are more manners than you," Gu Heng replied tactfully. The bump until Sun Yuan felt tight in his chest, wanting to spit blood on his face. Sun Yuan was ready to act. But when he observed all around, he found that there was no one on his own side. The Shenzhou party capitalists were all sitting on the other side. Only Sun Yuan was sitting in the middle of the Dongzhou capitalist alone. As though he had an invisible hand that secretly proceeded to handle it

      Sun Yuan hurriedly remained calm and calmed his mind. Sit down calmly, no longer arguing about Gu Heng. Even though he is a very skilled martial artist in the kingdom, the protagonist whom villains surrounded had a bad ending. Sun Yuan did not want to have a humiliating condition. The revenge is not too late for ten years. So he laid all grudges. He was sitting calmly, ignoring external actions, like a monk sitting in meditation.

  "Lord Sun Yuan still knows a lot. Not as brave as before." Gu Heng smiled triumphantly. He was able to suppress the other side, Gu Heng's heart grew joyful.

  At that moment, the auction was about to begin. The host is a beautiful woman that affects the hearts of people. Flirts with a charm that all businessmen cannot take their eyes off.

  "The auction has begun. As you all know, today we will be doing a car patent auction." The host explained the blueprints and manufacturing technology that the winners would receive and distribution rights for a period of five years.

  "This car is called Xinfeng Model A, the gross bid amount is one hundred thousand yuan, and each addition cannot be less than ten thousand yuan. And today, there will be only one winner." The emcee then makes a noise in the auction room.

      The noise of chatting in the meeting room rang. The value of this auction was very high. One hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount that can cut off many competitors. Only a handful of capitalists can compete. Moreover, the auction requires cash. Most business people use the money to reserve their business, unable to bring large sums of money. Many people withdrew from the auction.

  "Hehe, the only winner will definitely be me." Sun Yuan is determined to get the patent. The Sun Family on money wealth is second to none. He will not be lost for sure.

  "The auction began at 100,000 yuan," the host announced.

As soon as the sound rang, everyone had yet to raise their hands to bid. Sun Yuan quickly stood, gathering all breath to fill his lungs. Shouted out with his breath

  "One million yuan."

  Just one sentence drowned out every sound. Everyone in the room stared at Sun Yuan, his eyes not blinking. Even the host opened her mouth with boldness this time.

  One million yuan was not a small amount, and no one dared to bring this money out at all. They had no doubts about Sun Yuan, who was the number one deceitful in the land.

  It's just that this Sun Yuan would not accept the rules. Auctions are fun in the fact that the prices go up gradually. They are creating excitement and enthusiasm. It ended with vast sums of money, creating a buzz that was everyone's talk.

  But the auction started in less than a second. This Sun Yuan had spent a considerable amount of money finishing the auction. Overthrow all rules. Even the Dongzhou merchants didn't dare to fight. Gu Heng knew that he couldn't bring out more than one million yuan. Accept the defeat. This victory already belonged to Sun Yuan.

  Sun Yuan stood with his arms folded with pride; today, he is the only winner and has won the patent. From now on, his Sun Clan will be great in the underworld, monopolizing only one car business.

  During that time, the host announced.

  "We have the only winner of the Model A car. Next up is the Model B auction to find the next winner. "

  Zhao Lingxin wanted cars to be diverse and had various methods for using each condition. Zhao Lingxin ordered the Secret Research Institute to add that, drop this on the car, add some equipment? Then a new model car came out. Such an approach would help Zhao Lingxin to collect more money to fund the Secret Research Institute further.

  One million yuan for a single patent is too much. The actual price is only 2-4.5 hundred thousand yuan. Sun Yuan wanted to close the auction as soon as possible. Seized the right to produce exclusive Monopoly on the car market alone does not share curry with others. Not knowing that he had been trapped by a nobleman, allowing him to walk into the full of trapped. Until much money is lost

  Sun Yuan was dazed. He can hardly accept the truth this time, and he made a mistake.


  This time, Sun Yuan spat out the actual blood.


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