Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 68: She Seriously Dont Recognize Me?, LOL

“You must be surprised by my sudden request…?”

I was more than surprised.

I was shocked.

“I was a little surprised.”

Fiona kept fiddling with her hair, stroking her ears.

If this is a show she prepared to deceive me, then the person next to me is not a knight, but an actress.

“I knew I couldn’t miss this opportunity the moment I saw you…. I mean…. I really wanted to have dinner with you….”

…The nuance is different, but what we’re thinking is similar.

I was also looking for a chance to meet Fiona separately…

“That’s a good thing.”

“Wh, what do you mean?”

“I was watching you from the window earlier. Your training…”


Should I just go for it?

I met Fiona’s eyes and smiled.


“I was curious about what kind of person you are. Thank you for asking me first.”

It’s corny.

But, it was very effective on Fiona.

“Eek…. We’re on the same page. So…. Our hearts…!”

It’s a rare sight to see Fiona so shy and rambling.

As soon as I said I was watching, Fiona hurriedly adjusted her clothes.

…Wait, she doesn’t think I’m someone other than Geum Taeyang, does she?

That’s weird.

Because Fiona called me ‘Trainer’.

But there was still a chance that she thought of me as a separate person.

Because there’s no other way to explain this situation.

‘Let’s see how it goes for now.’

I decided not to let it show.

I’ve shaken a woman’s heart this much, so I have to escort her responsibly.

Ha, this overflowing charm of mine!

It’s not like my face is lacking!

It’s just that the presence of my dick is so big that I’m called the King Dick of the Universe, so women are more conscious of my waist than my face…

MILF’s Choice, Number 1 handsome face with overflowing masculinity!

Of course, it’s just my imagination.

“Look over there.”

“What is it?”

“…Is that a knife fight?”

As soon as we went to the dining room, all eyes were on us!

Most of the people using the dining room were guards.

When we’re treated as guests, the maids bring us food.

Inevitably, the dining room in the castle is for the servants who work there.

Even if I had shown up alone, I would have gotten a lot of attention, but coming out with Fiona…

As expected, it was chaos.

“It’s a bit noisy.”

Fiona said coolly.

…She doesn’t know they’re talking about her, does she?

“…Sh, shall we go to the corner?”

Fiona smiles faintly, looking at me.

This is the first time I’ve seen Fiona smile.

I thought I’d never see it in my life!

Seeing her smile shyly at me, flirting, makes me feel emotional.


I have no choice. I’ll join the 「commoners」 for their meal.

As if I’ve been here several times before, I confidently walk through the buffet-style dining room, creating the optimal meal.

Meat and meat, with a bit of salad for conscience’s sake.

Fiona’s plate is… as green as a forest.

…Is she a vegetarian?

The opposite of me, who mostly chose meat.

Our differences are starkly apparent even in this aspect.

“Are you on a diet…?”

I asked honestly.

“I’ve been trying to lately…. My butt seems to be getting bigger….”


That’s a good thing!

Didn’t she wear leggings because she was confident in her lower body?

Could it be that she really wears them because they’re comfortable?

“Hey, look over there….”

“…They’re eating together.”

“What in the world is….”

“Is it the end of the world?”

…Cold sweat runs down my spine.

No matter how I think about it, it’s strange. Everyone knows who I am except for her!

We’ve become a spectacle.

“Have you… hit your head hard recently?”

I asked seriously.


Fiona, who was munching on vegetables with her small mouth, looks up in surprise.

“What do you mean?”

“I was wondering if something like that happened….”


“…Haha. Just kidding.”

Fiona covers her mouth and chuckles.

“You’re funny.”

…Funny? This?

Did she really hit her head?

Or is it like, handsome men are hilarious, or something?

I don’t know if the food is going into my nose or my mouth.

I don’t have to worry about getting stabbed anymore, but… I have other worries now.

What if she wants to get married?


What if she finds out who I am later?

She’ll blame herself for not recognizing me. Usually.

She’ll say it doesn’t make sense that she didn’t recognize me just because I dyed my hair.

How little attention did she pay to my original appearance…

Did she really see me like a bug?

…I don’t pay close attention to how cockroaches look either.

If a cockroach turned into a human the next day and appeared in front of me, of course I wouldn’t recognize it.

Is that how she feels?

‘That’s too much….’

I had a lot of thoughts during the meal.

Even if there’s a reason why she didn’t recognize me, it’s even weirder that she suddenly asked me to have dinner.

Maybe Fiona… likes blonde tanned guys…


Fiona, unaware of my feelings, focuses on her meal, moving her cheeks like a hamster.

She’s not the type to talk while eating…

Even though she fills her cheeks with food, she doesn’t spill anything messily.

“You eat well… It’s nice to see.”

Suddenly, I felt an appetite too, so I focused on my meal.

No matter what the people around me say, this is a good opportunity.

Things haven’t been smooth between us since we first met, and our breakup was the worst.

As the meal was almost over, I got up first and brought water.

“Thank you.”

“I’ve finished eating. What should we do now?”

“It’s your first time at the Chartreuse castle, isn’t it, trainer?

May I show you around the castle?”


…As expected, she doesn’t recognize me!

She doesn’t recognize me just because I’m wearing chroma skin?

Inside the illusion barrier, it felt like cracked glass, as if it would shatter at the slightest touch.

With a nervous heart, I followed Fiona.

“This is the library. The lord keeps his collected books here.”

Fiona’s profile, which I’ve never seen before.

Her beautiful smile…

If Fiona finds out that the person next to her is the same one who took her first experience like a devil…!

‘There will definitely be a stabbing…’

I couldn’t help but be bothered by the sword hanging from Fiona’s waist.


“Ah, yes. I’m listening.”

We’ve come to a place where there’s no one around.

Perhaps because the castle itself is so large, it becomes eerily quiet when there’s no one around.

Being alone together made the atmosphere even more awkward.

“Um… Trainer…”



“What do you think of me?”

Here it comes…

I clenched and unclenched my hands, clearing my throat.

“I think you’re a charming person.”

“…I heard the guards talking when we were eating earlier.”


What a coincidence. I heard it too.

“Since you know women well, trainer, you must think of someone like me as a child.”


Fiona seems to have heard a completely different backstory than I did.

“I’ll be honest. I was just going to say hello…

But you are… my ideal type… This is the first time I’ve felt this way, so I’m confused…”


“I know I shouldn’t be doing this to Lady Verdia’s guest, but could you… tell me your name?”


Just wanting to cherish your name in her heart, something like that?

Well, my client is Verdia. It would be presumptuous for her, who is just a servant, even if she is an elite knight, to expect to be with me.

But Fiona bravely confessed her feelings.

She really is proactive.

Just like when she cut me down with a sword, she is bold when she likes someone. Fiona.

“Don’t worry about my name.”

I quietly pushed Fiona against the wall.


She doesn’t resist even when I get close…

I boldly took Fiona’s hand.

And leaned down to kiss her.

I thought Fiona would jump in surprise, but surprisingly…

As if she had wished for this in her mind, she shyly accepted my kiss with flushed cheeks.

It would be quite tacky to thrust my tongue in like a charge at this point.

‘Even if she likes blonde tanning, she probably wouldn’t like me acting like a jerk.’

Why is that?

If you think about it with the genders reversed, it makes sense.

Even if she’s a rough woman on the outside, most men would prefer her to be demure when she’s with them.

If I suddenly went, “Woohoo! Got the elite knight’s lips!” with my usual energy, it would be a turn-off.

“Mmm… Chu…”

Surprisingly, Fiona takes the initiative and sticks out her tongue.

It made me laugh because it seemed like she was pretending to be a woman who wasn’t awkward with kissing.

When our eyes met, Fiona’s face turned even redder.

“S-sorry. I’m not good at this…”

“No, don’t push yourself. Just be natural.”

I’ll take the lead.

Just overlapping lips with Fiona and slowly, gently sucking was enough to create a great atmosphere.

Touching her hands… slowly…

“Haum… Mmm…”

I gently stroked Fiona’s tense back with my hand.

Then, as if she had come to her senses belatedly, Fiona opened her eyes wide and slightly pushed me away.


“You seem to be used to this kind of situation, trainer. Am I just one of the many women you have?”

I hugged Fiona tightly.


“This isn’t work. I’m doing it because I like you. You can trust me.”

“…Ah… Uh…”

This time, we cling to each other and mingle our tongues.

Fiona looked at me with her wet eyes, opened her mouth, and stuck out her tongue.

Haa… Haa…! Fiona is delicious!

I might unconsciously make a lewd sound and suck her in!

“Uumm… Mmm… Slurp… Mmm… Haah.”

I hug Fiona tightly with both arms and continue kissing.

It didn’t matter anymore why Fiona didn’t recognize me.

The important thing is that if our first meeting had been different, Fiona would have fallen for me.

So much that she couldn’t hold back her confession!

They say you never know what will happen between a man and a woman, right?

Sometimes, a passion that you can’t even control yourself burns like wildfire.

That kind of spark that comes once in a lifetime, maybe never again.

Fiona clung to me passionately and indulged in the thick chu-chu.

Then, my erect penis touched Fiona’s body, and she flinched, as if slightly surprised.

‘Did she notice the size of my penis?’

Looking into her eyes, Fiona’s dream hasn’t shattered yet.

She doesn’t think it’s strange because she hasn’t had any experience with men other than me.

I decided to just focus on the pleasure in front of me.

Hugging Fiona as if I already owned her, I overlap our lips and we passionately kiss each other.

I think a few people might have passed by the corner of the hallway, but I didn’t care at all.

“Chuup… Slurp…”

“Chuup… Chuup…”

After sucking on each other long enough to remember each other’s taste, I started to lose control too.

Fiona flinched when I rubbed my penis.

“No… That’s…”


Fiona’s sense of chastity isn’t so loose that she’d allow sex on the first day.

Even if it’s with someone who feels like destiny.

“Little by little… Let’s get to know each other slowly… Uh… Ah… Slurp. Suck… chuup.”

Should I reveal my identity now?

It wouldn’t be strange if I got stabbed now.

Even though I’m enjoying Fiona, I’m so nervous that sweat is running down my back.


That’s when it happened.

A voice that couldn’t be ignored came from around the corner of the hallway.

How could I forget? Verdia’s beautiful voice.

We both pulled away abruptly, as if we had been caught cheating.

An awkward atmosphere hangs in the air.

Of all people, to be caught by Verdia…

No, it’s okay.

I didn’t break my promise with Vatino.

Verdia just came this way first!

“Lady Verdia… I apologize.”

“Why is Fiona with him?”

Verdia seemed genuinely shocked.

‘That’ Fiona.

With her eyes wide open, she clung to me and was diligently chu-chuing, so how could she not be surprised?

Perhaps that’s why she was unusually accusatory for Verdia.

Fiona lowered her head in guilt.

“I’m sorry. I have no excuse…”

Fiona, who seduced me, the guest of the lord and Verdia’s guest.

She acts as if she would receive any punishment.

“Raise your head, Fiona.”


“I’m not angry. I was just very shaken. So, so…”

Verdia couldn’t meet my eyes.

The distance was quite far too.

Was she wary, in case I suddenly lunged at her?

Our madam is still beautiful….

If Fiona has a fresh charm, Verdia already has a completed sensuality….

Her meticulously set hair, skin that looks soft to the touch, and large breasts that overflow in her hands reveal their presence even over her dress.

I was happy to see that pretty face again.

So much so that it didn’t matter if I was stabbed and chased away in the past.


There was still an unresolved issue between the parties involved.

“Why are you with him…?”

“I, I invited the trainer to have a meal together.

And then I was showing him around the castle.”

The two people’s conversation is subtly mismatched.

I wasn’t the only one who fell into a strange world, was I?

Looking at Verdia’s expression, it seems Fiona was the only one who didn’t know my identity.

“No, in the first place, why…”

Verdia gasped as if she realized something.

“Lady Verdia…?”

“Fiona. You asked what kind of person the trainer coming this time was, right…?”


“Did you perhaps think another trainer was coming? I didn’t intend to introduce you with that in mind….”

Wait, did Verdia intentionally not inform me that I was coming?


A thought flashed through my mind like lightning.

Stupidly, why didn’t I know that until now?

If everyone in the castle knows but Fiona alone doesn’t, that’s not a coincidence!

‘She did it on purpose!’

Everyone kept their mouths shut!

It’s not a surprise show or bullying.

It’s just simple….

Because Fiona is the one who cut me with a knife!

I don’t know what happened in the castle after I was banished….

In reality, there’s no way an incident where a knife was wielded and blood was shed didn’t become a topic of discussion in the castle.

From the moment I contacted Vatino again through the Kondel couple, everyone in the castle must have been buzzing with my story….

Fiona alone was unable to participate in the castle’s network.

She was intentionally excluded.

Who would take responsibility for such impulsive behavior if she might pull out a knife again and try to kill me?


“Lady Verdia?”

As if realizing that Verdia’s reaction was unusual, Fiona looked back and forth between my face and Verdia.

“Um…. I didn’t mean to pretend I didn’t know.”

Actually, she totally pretended not to know.

Thanks to that, I even got a kiss. Haha. What a win~.


It’s time to reveal my 「Identity」.


“We’ve met before, haven’t we? Fiona.”


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