Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 60: Geum Taeyangs Plan


“Oppa looks deliciously tanned!”

What do you mean deliciously?

Am I looking like a well-done steak or something?

Cecil approaches me, gulping.

“Can I lick you?”

“I’m not a steak!”

Still, I give her a ‘delicious’ hug.

Cecil buried her nose in my chest and sniffed, as if to check if I really smelled burnt.

“Oppa’s smell has gotten better….”

“It’s your imagination.”

“I smell that person too.”


“Yeah. An attractive person…. Oppa, do you like her?”

“I do.”

“I see….”

Is she jealous? Cute.

“It just means I’m working hard.”

“Oppa’s work….”

“You can help too, right? Cecil.”


I’m sorry, Master, but I don’t intend to stay in this shabby workshop forever.

The wall I must overcome to move on to the next stage…

Verdia Chartreuse.

I have the qualifications to meet her. All that’s left is to prove it.

I’m already looking forward to meeting her.

But I can’t just go to the main house and knock on the door asking to meet her.

The number 85,000 brand value is like a bubble that swelled up in an instant, with no substance.

‘For now.’

Like letting rice simmer, I need time for my reputation to change.

In short, for anything, sometimes doing nothing and waiting can be the right answer.

Staying at home…

Should I cuddle with Cecil?


I suddenly pounced on Cecil.

I imagined a romantic scene where we would fall towards the bed and roll around together, but Cecil slipped out of my arms like a cat passing through a narrow gap and went behind me in an instant.

Ah! I’m subdued like a criminal!

With my wrists restrained, I lowered my head.

“Caught. Perverted Oppa caught!”

“Let’s try again. Cecil. Stay still this time.”


I pounce on Cecil again!

As if she had been waiting, Cecil spread her arms and hugged me, burying me in her soft boobs.



It’s a bit different from the original plan, but well…

This was good in its own way.

I couldn’t catch Cecil off guard, but…

“Let’s eat, Oppa.”

I ate my fill with Cecil and sat on the bed together, cuddling.

Whenever I tried to do something naughty, Cecil quickly raised her guard.

She likes to be close, but she seems shy when it comes to actually doing something naughty.

She’s very skilled at twisting her body and escaping from blatant caresses.

“Oppa. No…. We’re out of condoms.”


Then it can’t be helped. Should I go buy some?

Cecil grabs me as I get up.

“I want to be with Oppa.”

“Should we go out together then?”

“Nnnope. I want to cuddle with you.”

“This is….”

A checkmate.

As Cecil wanted, I engaged in light skinship and rolled around on the bed with her.

As we lazed around like that, we both fell asleep quickly…

I woke up alone to the sound of knocking.

‘This pattern again….’

I peeled Cecil, who was sleeping soundly, off of me and opened the door.



The visitor was Cren.

I completely forgot about him… he was alive?

Did he even find my house by investigating on his own?

“Cecilia is here too!”


I went outside, closing the door behind me.

“She’s sleeping, so be quiet.”

“Let me meet Cecilia as promised!”

Tsk, persistent bastard…

I have a feeling it’ll take some effort to get rid of him.

My workshop is easy to find if you look for it, so maybe my plan was a bit lacking…

I seem to have underestimated Cren’s tenacity.

No, honestly, I was just annoyed.

Since I had a good excuse to leave due to the capture team, I thought the promise to let him meet Cecilia would be forgotten as long as I didn’t go looking for him.

But Cren didn’t give up.

He feels like a clingy ex-boyfriend who appeared in front of me, the current boyfriend.

“Cren. Calm down.”

Okay. If you want that foreshadowing resolved so badly, I’ll help you.

“I have something I must tell Cecil. I…”

“Shh. Just because you take a few deep breaths, Cecilia won’t disappear or anything.”

“…So, sorry. I was so happy to see her face that….”

“Would Cecilia be happy too?”

“What do you mean?”

“Wouldn’t Cecil, who was coldly rejected by your colleague, be surprised to see you? Think about it.”


Cren lowered his head as if dejected.

“That’s why I want to apologize to her directly.”

“Don’t rush her. Look, Cren. Listen.”

I put my arm around Cren’s shoulder and moved away from the door.

“Do you have any good ideas?”

“I’ll wake Cecil up now and tell her you came.

Let’s set a separate place to meet and meet in the evening. How about it?”

“But I want to meet her now….”

“Are you going to shove your face in front of her and shout as soon as she wakes up?”


“Women need time to prepare. Trust me.”

“Then where should we meet?”

Okay. So far, so good.

If I bluntly told him to give up because he can’t meet Cecilia, I don’t know what an agitated Cren might do.

I was confident I wouldn’t lose in a fistfight…

I need to show Cecil how much I like her.

Ha, right.

This is Geum Taeyang’s ‘fateful development’.

Even the god of fate cannot stop it.

I took out about 5 silver coins, put them in Cren’s hand, and said,

“If you go down that alley, there’s a bar called Adrian’s Scent. Let’s meet there in three hours.”

“This money…?”

“You said you didn’t have any money, right? It’s not like the capture team would have kindly taken care of our belongings.”

I got my clothes back from the Latex woman, but the rest of my stuff…

For example, I think the trophies I collected from hunting the shells are irretrievable.

My prediction was accurate. Cren was at a loss.

“Taeyang…. I’m really glad I met you.”

“You can lose your gao in front of me, but not in front of a woman.

You should at least buy Cecil something delicious, right?”

“I’ll definitely pay you back. But, I, I can’t drink alcohol….”

“You’re clueless. The second floor of that bar is used as a lodging house.”

“Lodging house?”

“You can get a room and talk calmly.”

Cren stammered, flustered.

“I, I don’t have such impure thoughts…!”

“You might. If Cecilia chooses you.”

“Chooses… me?”

“Right? You’re not thinking of dragging Cecil away by force, are you?”


“Whether Cecil stays here with me or goes on a journey with you…

Let’s both promise to respect Cecil’s choice.”

This is the key point.

It may seem like I’m pushing her to talk with Cecil…

But I can get rid of the obstacle and create plenty of time to be alone with Cecil.

Cren has basically stuck his head into a fight he’s bound to lose.

Nevertheless, Cren smiled confidently and cheerfully.

“Don’t worry about that.

I’m just worried that I might hurt Cecil again.

The time we spent together…. The time we spent with each other’s backs and sharing meals is not light.”

“Three hours later. Let’s meet at Adrian’s Scent.”

“Okay, Taeyang.

I’ll never forget this favor.”

Cren left without a fuss.

How can he do that? I don’t understand.

How can he leave with peace of mind when the woman he likes is sleeping soundly in front of another man, not him?

Maybe he’s so familiar with Cecil that he’s let his guard down.

Cecil can subdue even a healthy adult man when he’s drunk.

He might think that even if I force myself on her, I’ll only earn her hatred…


I hugged Cecil tightly and woke her up with a kiss.


Of course, it wasn’t a romantic kiss like a prince waking up a sleeping princess.

I rubbed my erect dick against Cecil’s body and sucked on her lips vulgarly.

Cecil met my eyes and stuck out her tongue, licking me back.

“Hoom…. Mm… Oppa…. Pervert….”

“I wanted to kiss you. Open your mouth.”

“Ahum…. Ung….”

As Cecil swallowed the saliva I passed on, she poked my side with her tail.

What an interesting reaction.

“Chu…. Chuurup….”

I finished the kiss and said, holding Cecil in my arms.

“Cren came by a while ago.”

“Sir Cren?”

Cecil belatedly smelled my scent and perked up her ears.

“It seems like he came to take you away.”


“Cecil. Are you going to leave?”

I kissed Cecil again.

Cecil hesitated to answer, then flinched and started kissing me back.

As I gently stroked her hair and brushed her cat ears, Cecil twitched with pleasure, her eyes glazed over.

“I like being by Oppa’s side….”

“Then shall we go say goodbye to Cren?”


“If he keeps looking for you, it’s pitiful, right? Let’s show him that Cecil is happy by my side now.”


Cecil clutched my sleeve tightly.

“Oppa. You won’t abandon me, right…?”

“I won’t.”

“Sir Cren was kind to me. Ever since I was little….”


“The thought of breaking up makes me so sad.”

I quietly waited for Cecil to speak.

I’ve done everything I can, so there’s no reason to rush.

That’s right…

They’ve known each other for much longer, Cren and her.

I can’t surpass the amount of memories they have.

But right now, the one by Cecil’s side, her master, is me.

Cecil can’t betray my expectations.

“But the thought of breaking up with Oppa makes my heart… feel like it’s tearing apart.”

“Then shall we go say goodbye?”


I kiss Cecil to seal the deal.

So that even if Cren, who has become alone after losing the twin sisters, evokes sympathy, Cecil won’t waver.

“We’re supposed to meet at the bar in three hours.

Should we wash up and go buy some pretty clothes before then?”

“Pretty clothes?”

“We have to show him that we’re doing well.”

“Ah, if it’s that….”

Cecil took out a few pieces of women’s clothing from the pile of clothes she had neatly folded and organized.

“I like this!”

“Why are there women’s clothes mixed in?”

Could it be, Belita…

Did she buy clothes for Cecil in that short time?

I looked at the back of the skirt Cecil picked up and chuckled.

There was a U-shaped mark on the lower back.

“What’s this, a tail sleeve?”

“Let’s try it on!”

Cecil put on the black skirt and white blouse that Belita bought, perfectly fitted to her body, and stood in front of me.

As I expected, it was a custom-made outfit considering Cecil’s body shape.

Cecil, revealing her healthy legs, looked even prettier than usual.

“How is it, Oppa?”

A happy smile naturally spread across my face.

Rather than pretty or hot, the word ‘lovely’ suits her better.

I felt like I could understand the feeling of a father looking at his young daughter.

Of course, when I see her boobs boasting their volume even through the clothes, I gradually get turned on.

“Oppa…. You’re only looking at my chest. Pervert.”

Saying that, Cecil straightened her back.

I immediately grabbed Cecil’s chest. Squishing it with both hands.


“You have to wear underwear inside, Cecil.”

“It’s stuffy….”

No matter how lovely the girlfriend look is, if she walks around with her tits bouncing without a bra, she’ll instantly become men’s fap material.

But well…

It’s not like her nipples are showing through, and considering what we’re about to do, I think it might be okay.

“Let’s get ready to go out. Let’s wash up in the bath too.”


Cecil smiled brightly.

“We have to buy lots of condoms for Oppa too♥”

Oh. Ohh…

Of course…!

Cecil and I finished preparing to say goodbye and headed to Adrian’s Scent, where Cren was waiting.

I arrived much earlier than the appointed time on purpose, and as soon as I entered the bar, I turned my head to look for Calissa.

Calissa, who was serving, spotted me first and came running.

Seeing Calissa’s tits jiggle, my dick naturally became majestic.

“Sir Taeyang. What brings you here today?”

It’s nice to see that she hasn’t forgotten the etiquette towards a VVIP customer, her master.

I openly groped Calissa’s tits.

“Ah…. Ugh…. People are watching….”

“Your husband is watching too. Is that okay?”

Calissa turned red up to her ears.

“Serving Sir Taeyang… is something we agreed on as a couple….”

“What kind of service?”

While still having her tits tormented, Calissa spoke in a slightly trembling voice.

“Pussy service…♥”

“Did you look forward to giving me pussy service?”


I pinched her nipples with my fingertips and pulled on her tits to stretch them out.


“Did you look forward to it?”

The customers stared at me with shocked expressions.

It was understandable for them to be shocked.

Calissa is just a bar owner who’s famous for her big, pretty ass in this area. She’s not a prostitute.

She doesn’t have such a loose sense of chastity to do anything resembling pussy service for others.

I’m the only one who’s special.

The audacity to have a beautifully dressed Cecil in her girlfriend look and sexually harass the bar owner.

And I grinned.

Could there be a more fitting picture for a blonde, tanned fuckboy?

I was proud of myself.

According to the Geum Taeyang Destiny Theory, taking women away from others brings me joy.

If you ask if I don’t feel any guilt, that’s a very uncool question.

Calissa is enduring.

With the expectation that she’ll get her pussy pounded by my dick later.

Her gaze quickly scanned my bulging pants.

“…Ah…. Sir Taeyang…. Hak….”

“Can you swear your obedience here?”


Calissa swallowed and fell into contemplation about whether to kneel or not…

Just as she was about to slightly lower her body, I hugged Calissa tightly and whispered in her ear.

“Just kidding. Just kidding.”

“Ah…. Ahhut…♥”

A madam who reaches a tit orgasm just from a hug, Calissa…

Did you miss my dick?

Her husband was looking at us with a complicated expression.

I should stop here.

If I keep going, Cren will come and my ‘plan’ will be ruined.

“I didn’t come to drink. Can you prepare a room on the second floor?”

“Al…. Alright….”


“Yes, Master.”

“Good. I like obedient milfs.”


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