Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 46: Who Messed With My Cat? 2

The interior of the Adventurers’ Guild felt familiar and bustling, as if it had been converted from a tavern. Round tables were spaced out on one side for parties to sit and talk, while the opposite wall was dominated by a large bulletin board. Further inside, female receptionists in waitress-like uniforms were dealing with adventurers. Looking at the tables, it seemed like they even served simple food orders.

‘It’s more well-organized than I thought.’

Observing the people, I felt like I could now naturally distinguish between locals and otherworldly beings. Their clothing and atmosphere stood out too much. It wasn’t necessarily that they were flashy or brightly dressed, but their dress code subtly clashed with this world’s… Just by looking at them, I got the feeling, ‘Ah, this person came from somewhere else.’ Conversely, my black hair seemed quite unusual to them. From my perspective, the people here had overly exotic appearances…

But I didn’t particularly dislike it.

The women in the street were all quite beautiful. They weren’t inferior even compared to the modern world with its advanced makeup and plastic surgery techniques.

Why is that?

Because if a woman wasn’t beautiful, it would be difficult for her to survive in this district.

One reason could be that most people who came through the gate were young, so it was hard to find elderly people. The guild was full of young, healthy, and energetic people.

Thinking about it that way, it seemed like a place you should visit at least once before you die…

But people are replaced too easily in this city. To put it bluntly, even if everyone here disappeared the next day, no one would care. The empty spaces would be quickly filled by new foreigners.

Adventurers might be the closest to death in this city.

I quietly found an empty seat and sat down. I ordered coffee and bread, and discreetly observed my surroundings.

‘There they are.’

The pink-haired twin sisters. Found them.

They were so noticeable as soon as they entered the guild that it was harder to pretend not to see them.

No wonder Cecil found them so quickly.

“Ugh, it stinks. I want to leave this district quickly.”

Sona, who seemed to be the older sister, grumbled.

“We can’t help it since Sir Cren said we should look around a bit more…”

Lena sighed as if frustrated and looked around as if waiting for someone.

It was easy to guess that the someone they were waiting for was Cren, the leader of Cecil’s party.

They’re both pretty.

Two girls with slender and delicate physiques.

The younger sister, who was said to handle a sword, showed signs of training, but she was still a delicate girl who stimulated the protective instinct.

Their heights were both around 162 to 164… Was the younger sister a little taller?

The older sister, the mage, had bigger breasts. Cecil’s volume was a clear victory, but their slim figures weren’t bad either.

At first glance, they were quite lovely.

The older sister had long hair, and the younger sister had short hair, but both styles suited them very well.

The only thing I didn’t like was that they were members of Cren’s party.

‘What the hell does that guy do?’

Not only was I envious that all his party members were women, but those women were pink-haired twin sisters and a silver-haired cat-eared beautiful girl…

At this point, I wished Cren was a bad guy who was into women.

That way, I would have an excuse to approach them.

Right now…

I couldn’t find a way to deeply infiltrate their lives, unless it was just a simple greeting.

Adventurers wouldn’t have a fixed residence, and if they had just entered this city, the profession of a trainer would only arouse suspicion.

“Your order is here.”

“Thank you.”

The twin sisters looked over at me.

As I focused on my meal, pretending to be an ordinary person, the sisters started chattering again.

“We should just leave that idiot and go. Sigh…”

“Sir Cren is really insensitive. He doesn’t even know how much effort we’re putting in.”


The atmosphere is unusual.

Their complaints have been giving me a bad feeling from the beginning.

“Maybe we should have used poison instead of mushrooms.”

“Cecil is perceptive, so she would have noticed something like that right away.”

“She’s half beast, right? She may be perceptive, but she’s stupid.”

“That’s why she came back without even realizing it.”

She came back without even realizing it…?

“Why doesn’t she realize that she’s a hindrance to us? Maybe it’s true that big breasts make you stupid.”

“She should have understood after we said that much, sister.”

“She better have. It’ll be a headache if she shows up in front of Cren again.”

“It was funny how her expression changed when I yelled at her that we didn’t need a bitch like her.”

“She really thought we were friends or something. Idiot.”

I figured it out.

The reason why Cecil was holed up in the workshop and crying.

And also the reason why she was incapacitated after eating mushrooms in the dangerous land of the other world.

I remembered Cecil, who couldn’t leave my side even though I was a perverted jerk, and who smiled foolishly.

Were you afraid of being abandoned by me too, Cecil…?

You must have vaguely known what was happening to you…

But you still ran around looking for your companions?

This is truly a sickening story.

My mood turned sour because of the jealousy and envy of these bitches with pretty faces but rotten insides.

But on the other hand, I also thought it was an opportunity.

Thanks to Sona and Lena revealing their dark intentions, a plan came to mind.

If things go well, not only can I teach these guys a lesson…

I might even be able to get my hands on Cecil.

Is this the end of eavesdropping?

The two suddenly lowered their voices as if they were concerned about the people around them listening.

‘It’s too late.’

If I had enough influence in this district to freely control Belita’s private soldiers, I would arrest these two right away.

But time doesn’t wait. Cren might give up on finding Cecil and go to another street.

“Have you been waiting long?”

Soon, Cren joined Sona and Lena’s table.

Cren was a handsome man, just like Cecil had described.

He had a good physique that looked good even in armor, and for a moment, the eyes of the female adventurers were drawn to him.

“Cren! We just arrived too. Let’s get out of this district quickly.”

“I agree with my sister. Cecilia is definitely not in this district.”

Sona and Lena spoke in bright voices, as if they were different people.

“I’m sorry. But let’s look a little more. Cecil must be looking for us too.”

“We did well without Cecilia.”

“My sister and I will work harder.”

Cren had a troubled expression on his face.

Sandwiched between two women… He’s such an enviable guy.

If I hadn’t known the true nature of the sisters, I would have been truly envious.

What I was paying attention to was ‘Did Cren know about the plan to get rid of Cecilia?’

“I know you guys are working hard. But just like you, Cecil is also a necessary member of our party.

Think back to what happened in Minak’s cave and Gina’s ruins. If Cecil hadn’t been there, we would have all been wiped out.”

“Sigh… Cren is too kind for his own good.”

“Maybe Cecilia left because she didn’t want us in the first place…”

“…You said she was already gone when you guys went there?”

“Yes. She was gone.”

Sona’s voice was chillingly calm.

“Maybe she had a lot of complaints inside, Cecil.”

“She didn’t say anything, but I saw Cecil cursing by herself…”


Stop making false accusations, you bitches.

What did that kind girl do wrong to deserve this?

I was so angry that I thought it was strange that I hadn’t jumped out of my seat yet.

“If Cecil did that, if she had complaints that she couldn’t tell me…

That means I’m lacking as a party leader.”

“That’s not true. We’re all actually satisfied with Cren’s leadership.”

“Sir Cren doesn’t need to feel guilty!”

“Thank you… But I still want to find her. I want to find her and hear it from her directly.

I don’t think Cecil left on her own without saying anything.”

I concluded that Cren was not involved in the bullying.

In the first place, if they hated her enough to bully her, there would be no reason for them to stay in the Beast District and look for Cecil.

But seeing him trying to meet Cecil again even while soothing the twin sisters… It’s hard to see that he implicitly noticed Cecil’s suffering.

‘Should I be happy about this?’

The fact that there was at least one person on Cecil’s side.

Even though my head thought it was fortunate, my heart wasn’t happy at all.

The more I confirmed that the bond and connection between Cecil and Cren were real, the less happy I felt about having her as my assistant.

Then is there a possibility that they know I’m eavesdropping and are acting?

That’s just ridiculous.

How would he know me and act?

Cecil also said she didn’t meet Cren.

She must have come back crying after hearing the sisters’ cold rejection…

‘I’ll take her away.’

According to my destiny.

“Sona, Lena. Let’s look for Cecil a little more.”

“…Sigh. Alright.”

“Then my sister and I will look around too.”

“Let’s retrace our steps from where we searched yesterday.”

Cren diligently explained the route alone, while the two just passed the time, barely listening.

I waited for the right moment and naturally left my seat.

Leaning against the wall, I carefully observed the movements of Cren’s party, and when Cren went to the bathroom alone, I secretly approached him.


Cren turned around and looked at me.

Why is this guy so handsome? I almost felt intimidated.

“Excuse me, but how do you know my name?”

“I overheard it at the next table.”

Cren frowned.

“Do you know our missing companion?”

“Let’s move. Somewhere out of sight of the twin sisters.”

“I can’t do that. They are my trusted companions.

Why would I follow you to wherever you’re going?”

“I’m protecting Cecilia.”

Cren glanced at where the twin sisters were and then looked me straight in the eye.

“Tell me. Where is she?

If you’re up to something, I’ll subdue you by force.”

“This isn’t the place to talk. Follow me if you want to hear.”


I turned around without hesitation.

Since I revealed that I was protecting Cecilia, Cren had no choice but to follow.

Because if he informed his companions or used violence, something might happen to Cecil.

I entered a dark alleyway where the sunlight didn’t reach and waited for Cren to come.

“Where is Cecil? Who are you?”

“Don’t worry. Cecil is safe now.”

“That’s for me to decide. Tell me the truth before I draw my sword. Who are you? Where is Cecil?”

Cren was really about to draw the two-handed sword on his back.

“Geum Taeyang.”

“Geum Taeyang?”

“I’m a trainer in this district. And I’m also Cecil’s master.”

Cren’s eyebrows twitched.

He must have been bothered by the word “master”. A desirable reaction.

“What did you do to Cecil?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

It’s more accurate to say I couldn’t do anything…

Let’s stop acting pathetic over a woman between men.

I got to the point before Cren could draw his sword.

“I’m serious, Cren. I didn’t do anything. I can let you meet her if you want. If you just listen to my story first.”

Cren didn’t ponder for long.

The two-handed sword returned to its sheath, and he slowly lowered his hand.

“Did you tell them you were coming here?”

“I didn’t. But if I’m gone for too long, they’ll start looking.”

“When I found her, Cecilia was in the forest on the outskirts of Isil, out of her mind after eating mushrooms.”

“Mushrooms? What kind of joke is that? There’s no way mushrooms that could incapacitate Cecilia would grow naturally…”

“We’ll talk about that later. Anyway, that’s what happened. I’m not lying.”


Cren stared into my eyes for a moment and then let out a sigh of relief.

“Alright. I believe you. Thank you for rescuing Cecilia.”

“Eating mushrooms and collapsing, that’s so like Cecil, right?”

“…You talk as if you know Cecil well.”

“We’ve been together until now.”

“I knew Cecil wouldn’t have left without saying anything.”

“Are you two dating?”

Cren’s eyes widened, as if he hadn’t expected this topic to come up suddenly.

“N, no… Why do you ask?”

“I’m just a little curious.”

“Taeyang. She’s my companion. A companion who has fought alongside me for a long time, trusting each other with our backs.”

“I’m Cecil’s master.”

Cren seemed a little uncomfortable.

“What’s this ‘master’ thing? Is it a tradition unique to this district?”

“All otherworldly beings are treated as slaves here. I decided to look after Cecil. I gave her two gold coins and I’m using her as my assistant.”

“T, two gold coins?”

Oh ho.

As expected of an adventurer, it seems like he already understands the market price through experience.

Yeah. I gave her two whole gold coins.

No matter how much time and effort a slave puts in, it’s difficult for them to earn gold coins.

“Are you really saying you were protecting her…”

“That’s right. I’m Cecil’s protector. I even paid money.”

“Then… the problem is money… right?

Actually, I lost my money when I crossed the gate, so I don’t have anything…”

“Of course, if you want to take Cecil, you have to give me money.

I’ll give you a discount for the time I’ve had her.”

I continued the conversation naturally, saying things I didn’t mean.

I have no intention of giving Cecil away.


“Thank you, Geum Taeyang. You are my benefactor, no… our benefactor.”

Cren bowed his head.

He’s a decent guy. He knows how to be grateful.

I didn’t rescue Cecil, I kidnapped her, so I don’t deserve this gratitude…

But whatever. That’s not what’s important right now.

“The others don’t seem to think so.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cecil said so. That she met you guys. To be precise, the twin sisters in your party.”

“What? We never said anything like that.”

“Of course not. Cecil didn’t pick up those mushrooms out of curiosity, she was tricked into eating them by the sisters.”

I explained what kind of conversation took place at the Adventurers’ Guild while Cren was away.

“I’m currently Cecilia’s guardian.

Cecil wants to go back too. But after hearing this, do you think I can entrust Cecil to you?”

“There’s no way…”

Cren seemed shocked.

To think that malicious bullying was happening behind his back.

And the perpetrators were his trusted companions!

It’s natural to want to look away.

And if you keep looking away…

“How can I trust your words?”

The arrow of suspicion turns towards me.

“Can you prove that you’re not falsely accusing my companions?”

“Why would I falsely accuse your companions?”

“I heard that slave trading is rampant in this city.

Then you must be trying to… take Cecilia!”

He got it half right.

Cren’s suspicion is justified. There’s no way someone who believes the words of a complete stranger and doubts their own companions could be a leader.

Right now, all sorts of suspicious circumstances must be flashing through Cren’s mind, but for now, he believes them.

Because they’re his companions. His party members.

Let’s break that flimsy trust.

“Then why did I appear in front of you? Don’t you think it would be more advantageous for me to just pretend I don’t know anything?”

“B-Because Cecil found us!”

“You only believe that part? If that were true, you and Cecil should have met already. Why did Cecil have to go back? I think what I told you explains it perfectly.”

“Sona and Lena… sent Cecil back?”

“Judging by the way they handled it, they wouldn’t have cared what happened to Cecil. And they call themselves companions? How disgusting.”


Cren finally seemed to grasp the seriousness of the situation.

“I’ll go back and talk to them. It can’t all be true! If we talk, there must be some misunderstandings.”

I grabbed Cren as he turned to leave.

“As if they would honestly tell you the truth.”

“Th-Then what should I do…?”

“How about this?”

And I threw out the bait.


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