Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 185: Her Confession (1)

Startled, I looked at Sihyeon, but it wasn’t a prank.

All corpses!

Bodies, pale beyond paleness, white as death, piled up like a mountain.


I immediately threw up next to it.


I thought I’d be okay seeing this, but I was completely wrong.

The disgust I felt from seeing the mountain of corpses wouldn’t disappear.

“Are you alright?”

Sihyeon patted my back.

“It’s hard to look at, isn’t it? I should have covered their faces.”

“Are you used to it, hyung?”

“It’s nothing to brag about, but I’m used to it.”


I hope she never gets used to seeing dead people.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the dead again, I noticed they were all wearing the same clothes.

They’re all young…. Are these the military uniforms of this world?

They resemble adventurer attire.

“They’ve been dead for over a year.”

“Huh? But….”

The corpses haven’t decomposed.

“They were killed by sorcery. That’s why they can’t pass on and are wandering the earth as ghosts.”

“You mean they’re not dead?”

“Do you believe in souls? Think of it as their souls being bound.”

Sihyeon said with a bitter expression.

“Don’t tell anyone what I’m about to say. Only you should know.”

Only me…?

Was there a reason why Ariel shouldn’t see this sight?

“These people are Kusley’s comrades.”

A chill ran down my spine.

A Collapser who uses sorcery, the Gumiho….

“It’s the First Number’s doing. They’re trying to destroy the empire I built.”

“Then, is Kusley also among them…?”


I can’t bear to look.

“I checked, but Kusley wasn’t there.”


Then there are more than a few strange things.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? Only Kusley was missing.”


“And these corpses were delivered meticulously after being dead for over a year.”

Only Kusley….

“If they died fighting the Nine-Tailed Fox, and for some reason couldn’t return until now….

Why did they return so long after their deaths?”

“What kind of person is the Nine-Tailed Fox?”

“A beautiful villainess. Voluminous, long platinum blonde hair with red eye makeup, captivating eyes and a smile that seduces men.”

“No way….”

“I think I know why Kusley hasn’t returned.”

“Did he betray them? Did Kusley betray his comrades?”

“Or he’s still being held hostage by the Nine-Tailed Fox.”

Sihyeon didn’t elaborate further.

Kusley betraying his comrades?

I never thought he was that kind of person.

“If the Nine-Tailed Fox has that kind of personality, wouldn’t this be a malicious prank?”

“Why now of all times?”


“Something is about to begin.”

Sihyeon said, seemingly tense.

“Tell me honestly what you heard.”

I told Sihyeon what I had heard from Evelyn.

That the Day of Dawn is coming soon, so join their side….

“The Day of Dawn…. So, they’ve already made plans.”

“Could the city be destroyed by a Breaker invasion?”

“If we can’t stop them, that’s what will happen. I’ve already lost many family members, but the enemy is still strong.”


“But there’s still hope, it’s clear they’re rushing because of the appearance of the Second Number.”

“Because of my appearance? I haven’t done anything….”

“Taeyang, you’re already caught up in this flow.”

Sihyeon said firmly.

“You tamed the Sword Empress, right?”

“Ah, yes.”

“Do you think she’ll fight for you?”


Considering Gayeon’s personality, I corrected my statement.

“No, Noona will definitely fight for me.”

“The tables have turned. They’re trying to settle things before the Transcenders send in the next Second Number.”

“Isn’t that something only you know, hyung?”

“It wouldn’t be strange if there were others who knew the structure of this world besides me.

The First Number has already lived as long as I have.”


Why are there so many immortal villains?

Qin Shi Huang would have cried if he knew.

Well, they would consider us villains….

“Even if they don’t know exactly like I do, they’re likely aware that ‘the tide is turning’.”

“What should we do?”

“I’ll inform the four great families to prepare for battle. All the empire’s forces are concentrated in this city to fight against the Collapsers.”

“…All the empire’s forces.”

“It’s a single nation without any external enemies.”

“We need to put all our effort into this.”

“We need to be prepared and see how they move, there’s something that’s bothering me.”

Sihyeon looked like she was contemplating how to bring it up.

“As far as I know, Kusley is a trustworthy man. He wouldn’t have easily betrayed his comrades.”

“How would Kusley move if he’s alive?”

“He wouldn’t be able to come to me and triumphantly return, so it’s highly likely that he went straight to the Devil District to see his wife.”

“Ah, right now….”

I’m away from my post.

I had a bad feeling about this.

“Seina is there, so it’ll be fine.”

“Still, I think I should go back quickly.”

“Alright, I’ll cremate the expedition members….”

“Wouldn’t it be better to return them to their families….”

No, I realized it was too late for that.

Why would they bring them all the way out here?

These are corpses that have to be disposed of secretly.

The disgust I felt wasn’t from the fear of death.

I think it was because I was directly facing the Nine-Tailed Fox’s malice.

Imagine their families seeing those faces transformed into evil spirits, it seemed more humane to cremate them here.

“Again, I’m the boss here, so I’ll do as I please.”

“Yes, hyung.”

“Be careful, Geum Taeyang. There are many who are after you.”

On my way back, I thought.

That I got caught up in a troublesome situation.

Kusley might be alive. It was a disturbing story.

It would be good news for Ariel, but.

No, is it really?

She might be angry when he returns safe and sound.

Like, I’ve been through so much, where have you been all this time?


Kusley is the hero of the city.

His holy sword is even stuck in the Devil District, and he betrayed them?

It was strange.

“Let’s go back, Sir Knight.”

“Someone is blocking the road ahead….”


It was Evelyn.

I got off the dragon carriage again and approached Evelyn, who was blocking the road.

“What is it?”

“Have you thought about it?”

“My choice is obvious.”

“Wouldn’t it be wise to save your life?”

“This could be the choice to save my life, Evelyn.”


At a moment when anyone would have raised their voice, Evelyn’s tone became calm.

“Master Geum Taeyang is my idol. Since you’re saying that, I think it makes sense.”


Right, I’m a Collapser.

Depending on how I use it, I have an ability that’s practically invincible.

But, it’s still not enough.


If I don’t learn the ultimate technique of Blood Art, it’s difficult to insert important monologues without manifesting an avatar.

“But it’s too late. Please choose whether to join me here.”


You want me to abandon Ariel and run away with you?

I can’t do that.

“Evelyn, who’s above you?”


“Can’t you even tell me?”


I’m your idol, aren’t I?

Tell me, Evelyn.

“I’m Sir Kusley’s adjutant.”

I got back on the dragon carriage without looking back.

“M-Master Geum Taeyang!”

“Sir Knight, to the Devil District!”

I’m coming, Ariella!

I even offered the knight extra money to go as fast as possible.

The wyvern roared as the knight whipped it furiously!

Are we going to fly off?!

“Hold on tight!”


Devil District, arrival!

Raven Castle was already in an uproar.

Oh no, Kusley must have already arrived.

Let’s trust my assistants, Gayeon and Seina. Everything will be fine!


Everyone was gathered in the largest hall on the first floor of the castle.


“A guest.”


Ariel’s expression darkened.

If she made that face because she thought I was a nuisance, I’m a bit shocked.

Kusley was a handsome blonde man. A sculpted face and a sturdy physique, I’m not losing in terms of physique, but this guy’s legs and proportions are almost model-like.

Ugh, is he a prince from a fairy tale?

Why is he so handsome?

“Ariella. Come here first.”

“She’s my wife. What are you talking about?”

A tense standoff.

Everyone’s eyes were on Ariel.

“I’m sorry, Kusley.”

Ariel hid behind me!

Do you understand what that means, Mr. Swordsman?


Ariel seemed very distressed.

“Right now, I’m in a… serious relationship with him….”

“A serious relationship…. While I was gone?”


He’s surprisingly understanding.

Well, he was gone for over a year without any contact.

You have no right to complain, you bastard.

Just seeing the man who took Ariel’s virginity in front of me makes my stomach churn.

I possessively put my arm around Ariel’s shoulder and showed off like a thug.


I did it to see Kusley’s reaction.

As expected, he couldn’t hide his agitation, and his facial muscles twitched.

Good, you came to get Ariel back, didn’t you?

I’ll accept that challenge.

“I think I should be the one asking what’s going on, Kusley.”

“First, would you please tell me your name?”

“Geum Taeyang.”

“Geum Taeyang. I understand that you’re Ariel’s lover, but I’m her husband.”

“By what right? Don’t be ridiculous.”

Ariel grabbed my sleeve tightly.

She shook her head, as if telling me not to fight.

“Right…. To hear the word ‘right’. I was fighting the Nine-Tailed Fox, prepared to die.”


“I threw myself into battle to save this city and returned. In the meantime, my wife… Yes, she might have gotten a lover, but it’s time to end this. This filthy relationship.”

This time, Kusley opened his arms and spoke to Ariel.

“Ariel, come to me.”

“Kusley, I’m glad you’re safe. But… we have a lot to talk about.”

Ariel said from beside me.

“Why haven’t you contacted me all this time? I thought you were dead, and for a while, I really hated you.”

“You hated me?”

“If you ever came back, I thought I wouldn’t be able to forgive you unless you were fatally wounded.”


Kusley had a bitter expression.

I understand Ariel’s feelings.

Ariel suffered greatly from the shock of her husband’s disappearance.

If he was alive and well, he should have contacted her.

I know why he couldn’t.

“You’re not a hero who fought the Nine-Tailed Fox to save the city. You might have been sleeping with the Nine-Tailed Fox.”

“I won’t tolerate such an insult.”

The Sword Saint placed his hand on his weapon.

Are all three swords on his waist magic swords, holy swords? It’s truly terrifying.

As I was contemplating whether to summon my avatar, a woman gracefully drew her sword, like a fairy, cutting through the hall where no one dared to interrupt.

“If you threaten my Master with a sword, I won’t stand idly by either.”

“Who are you?”

“There’s no need to reveal my name in this world. However, if you intend to use your sword, be prepared.”


Sword Empress sis…!

“This body has never lost a fight with a sword.”

Seina was bewildered, wondering if it was okay to make Kusley an enemy, and while everyone else was overwhelmed by the pressure Kusley emitted, unable to even breathe, only Gayeon moved freely.

And she declared that she would fight back.

As a result, Kusley removed his hand from his sword.


Kusley looked at me.

“Would you please stop accusing me of being a villain without any evidence, Geum Taeyang?”

“Do you have any evidence?”

“Evidence…. Actually, I didn’t even know Ariel had a lover until you appeared.”


“Ariel was still wearing the ring I gave her.”


Ariel hid her hand.

“I gave her that ring when I left to defeat the Nine-Tailed Fox. I told her that if she kept it, I would definitely come back.”

It’s something to brag about that he gave her the wedding ring late.

But I didn’t know the ring had that meaning.

The ring story is unfavorable….

“Now, let’s stop this. Mr. Geum Taeyang. I don’t even know why I have to explain myself to you.”

“First of all, I’m on my way back from seeing Her Majesty the Emperor.”

Kusley’s eyes sharpened.

“And I also met your adjutant, Evelyn.”

This time, Ariel looked at me.

“Evelyn belongs to an organization called Breaker, which leads the Collapsers. She named you as her leader, what do you think about that?”

Mr. Kusley, the hero of the city.

“What do you mean by that?”

As if to interrupt Ariel, Kusley continued.

“I was just about to talk about that. It’s a long story. She is indeed my adjutant. But are all Collapsers enemies?”


“Isn’t she also a Collapser?”

Kusley said, looking at Gayeon.

“I can tell she’s quite strong just by looking at her.”

Gayeon crossed her arms and didn’t answer.

“I’m surprised you even investigated me.”

Tsk, like husband, like wife.

Indeed… there’s no physical evidence to prove the connection between Evelyn and the Nine-Tailed Fox.

But this isn’t a trial.

It’s a fight I have to win no matter what.

If Ariel decides to calmly listen to Kusley’s story here, the tables will turn.

I couldn’t let that happen.

“Ariel, I know you must feel betrayed because of me, but please give me a chance to explain.”


“We promised, didn’t we? That when I come back, we’ll… have a baby too.”

Is he saying that for me to hear?

I’m trembling.

“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. For leaving you alone….”

Ariel stepped away from me.


Should I hold her back by force?

Ariel looked at me and then, as if she had made up her mind, said to Kusley,

“Kusley. Stop it.”


“I… I had sex with Geum Taeyang.”



Bomb… dropped!

Why is she saying that here and now?

I was so surprised that I just stared at Ariel.

I’m speechless!


“I’m saying this because I think it’s important to be honest. I slept with him.”

This is strange.

Kusley, you acted maturely, saying it was okay for lonely Ariel to rely on me….

Why does he look so heartbroken?

“Ariel, you….”

“I’m sorry for making you misunderstand, Taeyang.”

“No way….”

But in front of me, she….

She acted like she was experienced?

I was completely fooled and didn’t even check her virginity….

But, could it be?

“You were my first.”


Kusley’s lips trembled.

He seems to have never imagined that Ariel and I would sleep together…?

Acquired Ariel’s first experience.

Have I ever seen such a desirable situation?

“Fighting over emotions won’t get us anywhere….”

Ariel continued calmly.

“Listen carefully, Kusley. I tried to forget you and be with Taeyang. I don’t think it was just a fling. I have no intention of hiding what happened between us. So….”

She means she’ll lay all her cards on the table and settle this in a three-way confrontation.

“Let’s talk, the three of us. When you’ve calmed down, come to my room, both of you.”


The woman I fell for is truly amazing.

How did she come up with the idea of revealing everything and taking the initiative?

I’m satisfied, the husband is shocked.

Ariel single-handedly ended the men’s power struggle.

The conversation table was moved to Ariel’s room.

The bedroom where I had sex with Ariel just a few hours ago.

Ariel sat on the master’s sofa like a queen, crossed her legs, looked at me and Kusley once, and began to speak.

“Make your case, Kusley.”


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