Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 167: Ability Awakening? (2)

I struggled to suppress the corners of my mouth from twitching.

I didn’t want to embarrass the sensitive virgin who hadn’t been with a man for a thousand years.

Let’s pretend nothing happened just now.


Cecil ran over and offered Seina a hand.

“Are you alright?”


Seina’s ears turned red.

The floor might be slippery, anyone could fall.

The problem is, she’s so cute that I can’t hide my dad smile.

Ah…! Damn it!

I think I understand how Her Majesty the Emperor, who raised Seina, feels….

“I’ve come… to teach you two blood arts… by order of Lady Ariella….”

“Ah, I’m the one who wants to learn blood arts.”

I said, stroking Cecil’s hair.

“Could you give her physical training instead?”


“Like, martial arts?”

Come to think of it, I’ve never seen the Princess fight seriously.

When I’m face-to-face with her like this, everything feels like a lie.

The fact that Seina is a grim reaper-like being who strikes fear into the hearts of Collapsers, the fact that she captures otherworlders and turns them into slaves.

“I can’t do martial arts.”

“Then I want to learn blood arts like Oppa.”

“Should we? Is that okay?”

Seina nodded.

“It’s a bit surprising that Seina doesn’t know how to fight physically.”

“If you can use blood arts, there’s no reason to fight physically….”


It sounded like she was saying, “Why bother punching when you can just shoot them with a gun?”….

“Can I use blood arts too? Teacher!”

It seems Cecil decided to call Seina “Teacher” instead of “Master.”

“Yes, anyone can use them.”

“Anyone can use them?”

“As long as you’re an animal with blood flowing through you….”

Ah, so that’s why it’s called blood arts?

“It feels like magic that uses blood.”

Seina shook her head.

“Am I wrong?”

“Blood arts are magic that proves one’s existence through blood….”

“That’s profound. Teach me. How do I do it?”

“First…. Hmm…. P-Please take a deep breath.”

Seina’s cheeks flushed after she stuttered, probably embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, I’ve never taught blood arts to anyone else before.”

“Are you nervous?”

I acted friendly and grabbed Seina’s shoulder, massaging it.

“Yes, a little….”

“Let’s take it slow together.”

Maybe I can use this training as an excuse to have sex with Seina?

I was expecting hellish training, but it’s more relaxed than I thought.

“Please sit in the lotus position and concentrate.”

Cecil closed her eyes and entered concentration mode.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate too.

I spent about ten minutes like that, not even knowing what I was supposed to be concentrating on.

“Do you feel it?”

This suddenly feels like a cult.

“No, not really….”

“It’s pitch black! Teacher.”


It seems like she doesn’t know how to teach.

“How about Seina shows us an example, and we follow?”

“Ah, if that’s the case.”

Suddenly, the flow of air changed.

No… it’s the flow of mana that changed.

The flow of mana is expanding around Seina.

Both Cecil and I were startled by the storm-like flow and opened our eyes wide.

It’s the same as with Liruke….

The flow of mana is supporting a form.

In Seina’s case, the color was also changing.

A red skull…!

Cecil and I instinctively jumped back and leaned against the wall, wary of Seina.

Cold sweat dripped down my back.

This is scary. I want to get out of here…!

As Seina got up from her seated position, Cecil became aggressive, as if she was about to pounce at any moment.

“This is an Avatar. It’s a manifestation of one’s existence through blood arts….”

“Can you put it away? It’s scary….”

I feel like I’m about to draw my sword too.

Seina deactivated her Avatar and exhaled.

Oh my god… just looking at it made me lose the will to fight….

“Once you’re able to summon your Avatar, you can use proper blood arts.”

“Is it like a special move?”


“It feels too difficult….”

“The fact that you saw my Avatar means you have a solid foundation.”

Cecil and I made eye contact at the same time.

“Well, our first master was the Sword Empress.”


“I can see the flow of mana. You too, Cecil, right?”

“About half…?”

Ah, it seems Cecil can’t see it completely yet.

I was a little envious.

That skull I saw earlier, it’s definitely going to appear in my dreams….

What is Seina, exactly?

The phrase “proof of existence” is also hard to understand.

What does that terrifying form have to do with the beautiful and sexy Princess?

She doesn’t seem like the type with a dark heart….

“Being able to see means being able to understand. Your Avatars will also want to come out.”

“Want to… come out?”

It wriggles.

A monologue….

My guide.

This ability has been helping me regardless of my will.

My destiny….

Do you want to come out?

There was no answer.

But as the monologue said, I could feel something wriggling.

“What exactly is an Avatar? Does it think and move on its own?”

“It’s different for everyone. The ability and potential of blood arts… are innate talents.”

I instinctively knew that my abilities were deeply connected to my Avatar.

“It starts with summoning the Avatar. Then….”

Do I have to do boring meditation training?

“Oh, Oppa!”


Seina and Cecil looked at me at the same time.


“It’s out, Oppa!”


I looked back, but I couldn’t see anything.

I felt like an idiot who had a post-it note on his back and didn’t know it.

If I turn, my Avatar turns too….

“If you feel it, you can grasp its form.”

“Oppa’s Avatar, it’s something, something…!”

“What? Is it cool?”

“It’s something… something….”

Cecil’s words trailed off.


I hope it’s not an Avatar that looks like balls.

If it is, I’m sealing my blood arts.

“Ah, I can’t concentrate because I’m impatient! What does it look like?”

I spun around like a puppy chasing its tail.

Seina observed me closely and then….

“Hmm…. A sack…?”


“It looks like a sack used to hold something!”

“No… way.”

I stopped abruptly and asked Cecil,

“Cecil, is there….”


“…’Five Grains’ written on that sack?”

“…Uh, hmm…. Yes!”

“I see….”


You were watching over me.

Surprisingly, my Avatar was the rice sack I used during doggy style training.

I wrote “Five Grains” on it myself, so I’m sure.

The Avatar of Five Grains!


“I’ve realized everything.”

“Oppa…. You’re not going to suddenly transform, are you?”

“My destined Avatar has to be Elizabeth.”

I believed in you…! Elizabeth!

Seina nodded.

“It seems like Sir Geum Taeyang’s Avatar was ready to come out.”

“What about its abilities?”

“That… I’m not sure….”

“I feel like power is surging through my body….”

“When you summon your Avatar… it varies from person to person, but you become about ten to twenty times stronger.”


Am I in Five Grains mode right now?

“Cecil, wanna arm wrestle?”

“Oppa, your arm might break….”

“Don’t underestimate me now that I’m a bloodline user.”

The first thing I do after summoning my Avatar is arm wrestle with a girl….

Even I think it’s a bit pathetic, but I have to test it out.

Since I’ll probably die if I ask Seina, I lie down on the floor with Cecil, belly down, and get ready to arm wrestle.

Watch me….


“Seina, be the referee!”


Seina knelt down, her knees together, and signaled.

“One, two….”



The moment we put strength into our arms, the match was decided in an instant.

Cecil’s… defeat!

My victory!

“I was completely overpowered!”

“When you’re in Avatar state, your strength and agility increase dramatically.”

“Hahaha! Don’t underestimate Five Grains mode.”

“I’m going to summon my Avatar too!”

“Cecil, you’re so weak.”

Cecil narrowed her eyes as if she was offended and stomped her feet.

“Just you wait!”

I punched the air.

“Five Grains Punch!”


The sound of my fist cutting through the air echoed through the training ground.

What’s with this impact? I could easily knock out a heavyweight boxer.

I couldn’t figure out the ability, but it was a tremendous boost.

“Teacher, please teach me too!”

“Summoning an Avatar depends on your intuition…. People with good intuition learn it quickly, but some can take years.”

“Years…?. Sob….”

Seina thought for a moment and then came up with a training method for us.

“Then, I’ll scatter mana…. Let’s start by stabilizing the mana.”

“Yes! Teacher!”


I felt the strength drain from my body.

“Oppa, what’s wrong?”

“Uuugh…. My body….”

“There’s a backlash after your Avatar retracts.”

I feel dizzy….

I couldn’t move an inch due to the severe dizziness.

I only maintained Avatar mode for about 40 seconds to a minute….

Maybe it’s because it’s my first time, but I’m a total premature ejaculator.

“Is there a way to increase the duration?”

It doesn’t make sense for Geum Taeyang to be a premature ejaculator.

“You can learn that through this training as well. If you can ride the flow of mana….”


Like surfing?

As Gayeon said, mana is abundant in the atmosphere.

Seina described mana as water.

Just like how your body becomes sluggish when you walk in water due to water resistance….

The logic is that you need to learn how to swim to be able to swim in mana without getting tired.

It’s a bit different from the mana in the fantasy worlds I know.

It’s not fuel, but an environment….

Only those who adapt to the environment of mana can become stronger.

“Let’s begin.”


I realized as soon as we started that this training was more difficult than I thought.

It must be especially hard for Cecil, who can only see half of it.

When Seina creates ripples in the flow of mana with a wave of her hand, we have to prevent those ripples from affecting us.



Cecil and I concentrated in silence.

“Can’t we just stay far away?”

“You can try.”


Oh no, my movement is creating ripples!

Seina effortlessly absorbs the ripples I created.

We’re on different levels….

I already felt the difference in our skills.

Seina can do this as easily as breathing….

What’s the principle behind it?

“How do you control it?”

“It’s not about controlling it, but more like riding it.”


“If my body accepts it, I won’t be shaken….”

Ah, I don’t get it….

I understood the mana reading lesson quite well, but I couldn’t grasp the concept of riding mana.

“I think… I’m starting to get it….”

It seemed like Cecil figured out the trick first.

I can’t lose.

The mana riding training continued for two hours.

To others, it might have looked like we were doing some strange dance, but we were focusing all our attention on navigating the ripples created by Seina.

Sometimes we stood still, sometimes we crouched or moved to counter the ripples.

It was so exhausting that I felt my concentration burning out.

If it was something that could be improved through daily cardio like physical training, I wouldn’t have to worry….


That damn intuition is the problem.

What kind of intuition? Ugh…. I wish someone could just download it into my brain.

You have no choice but to learn diligently.

I know, I know!

“You seem to be doing something interesting.”

Just then, Gayeon entered the training ground.

Sword Empress Noona!

Since we were in the middle of mana riding training, there were ripples all over the training ground….

“Tell me what you’re doing.”

At that moment, Cecil and I shut our mouths and watched intently.

We silently observed the moment the ripples touched the Sword Empress’s body…!


The Sword Empress gracefully walked forward, taking control of the space.

The vibrations of mana….


“You’re both staring like you’ve seen a ghost…. What’s going on?”

“Master…. You’re amazing….”

“Even the Sword Empress does it as easily as breathing….”


After hearing our explanation, Gayeon burst into laughter.

“Ah, it can be difficult for beginners.”

“But Noona came later than me….”

“How long do you think I’ve lived facing martial arts? We’re not starting from the same point.”

“Master is so cool….”

Gayeon and Seina’s eyes met.

“This is the first time I’ve seen you without your mask.”

Seina, flustered and not knowing what to do, ran out of the training ground as if escaping.


“Ah! Teacher!”

“Cecil, bring the teacher back!”

Cecil hurriedly chased after Seina.

“What was that about….”

“Seina has extreme social anxiety, Noona.”

“To be so shy in front of others despite possessing such immense power…. She’s a strange woman.”

“Seina is a bit immense, yeah.”

“I’m not talking about her breasts, you brat.”

I subtly tried to disrupt the flow of mana, but the Sword Empress didn’t even react and let it all flow through her.

That’s amazing.

“Noona, give me some tips.”

“There are no shortcuts. Work hard.”

“Teach me and Cecil some tricks!”

“Hmm. If that’s the case….”

Noona Gayeon grinned and uncrossed her arms.

“I’ll teach you if you can touch my body.”


“Not that!”

Gayeon hurriedly shouted, covering her stomach with her hands.


She means I can’t use Branding Skill, right?



Five Grains mode…!

With Elizabeth’s power, I closed the distance between Gayeon and me.

And the moment I was about to touch her forehead…!

A swirling pattern appeared on Gayeon’s body, and the world turned upside down.


Am I flying?

The ceiling and floor spun, and then I was slammed into the ground with tremendous force.




Noona rushed over and helped me up.

“I-I thought I was going to die….”

It was a miracle that the floor was intact after I crashed into it with enough force to shatter my spine.

I deactivated my Avatar, retching, and let Gayeon support me.

“Uuugh…. Could you… control your strength a little….”

“I was so surprised! I didn’t expect you to move that fast, so I instinctively hit you with all my might!”

Gayeon seemed genuinely worried and massaged my body all over.

“Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?”

I see….

Noona, who has become careful even with pinching my arm, wouldn’t do something this violent without a reason.

It seems my movement with the Avatar activated greatly exceeded Gayeon’s expectations.

“As expected… Cough, I can’t beat the Sword Empress….”

“I asked if you’re okay! Taeyang!”

“I’m fine. I’m not hurt.”

“You took it like you wouldn’t mind dying….”

“Was it that strong of an attack?”


Gayeon lowered her head as if in remorse.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s my fault for surprising you without warning….”

Even with Elizabeth’s doping, I was asking for it by trying to touch the Sword Empress, who reached the pinnacle of martial arts in another world.

Honestly, I decided to admit defeat.

“Did it hurt a lot?”

“Noona, I’m really okay. If you’re that sorry, teach me the trick.”

“Alright. I’ll teach you anything. So… get up carefully.”

You’re worrying too much.

Thanks to my Avatar, my body’s durability has also increased….

I could withstand a full-powered punch from the Sword Empress.

Soon, Seina returned with a flushed face….

“I brought the teacher back, Oppa!”


I looked at Gayeon and Seina and said,

“Please give us some special training. Master, Teacher!”

“More importantly….”

Gayeon said, looking at me seriously.

“Explain to me what that was just now.”


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