Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 135: The Deceptive Trainer

Kangseol, looking embarrassed, turned his head away.

“I told you, nothing happened.”

“That’s not the issue.”

He must hate the slave mark engraved on his beloved wife’s body.

Seeing Kangseol’s reaction, I almost wanted to keep it there out of spite.

Gayeon put her hands on her hips and sternly admonished Kangseol.

“You heard him, only Taeyang can remove this mark.”

“I’d rather beat him to a pulp and force him to remove it.”

“You think I haven’t thought about that?”

“Then why…!”

“Have you been listening to me at all?”

Gayeon took my and Cecilia’s hands.

“Both of you, come in and cool your heads!”


As expected of the Sword Empress, she’s strong.

Maybe it was too much to ask for her to have a calm conversation with her husband in the first place.

Especially after he found out about the womb tattoo on his wife’s body….

“You’re in the wrong too, Geum Taeyang.”

“I apologize.”

“You know how Kangseol feels, so why were you being so difficult?”

“I lost my temper.”


Cecilia and I naturally began looking around the place.

It had the atmosphere of an adventurer’s guild.

There was even a girl who looked to be about Cecilia’s age.

“Surprised? This is a secret hideout for people from other worlds.”

“I expected as much, Cecilia was right.”


I patted Cecilia’s head.

Gayeon watched us and smiled faintly.

“He’s been working hard to protect people from other worlds who are being chased for no reason in the Devil’s District.”

“That’s admirable.”

I wasn’t being sarcastic; it was my honest opinion.

People who prioritize others’ needs over their own were rare in any world.

Maybe he couldn’t stand to abandon dying people from other worlds, even while his own wife was being hunted?

It was a testament to Kangseol’s upstanding character.

“That’s why Kangseol was so meticulous in making sure you were trustworthy. Please understand.”

“I guess I failed the test?”

“Even I can tell you failed.”


Gayeon lowered her voice as if someone might overhear.

“Who would trust a guy who brands a woman’s body like that?”

“Yes, yes, I’m the only villain here.”

“Hehe. Don’t be upset. I explained the situation back then, so he just needs time to process.”

“So, what are you planning to do, Mr. Kangseol?”

“Have a seat first.”

Cecilia and I sat across from Gayeon.

“I’m called the Collapser in this world, right?”

“Yes, you’re as strong as Master.”

“I don’t like that the power I earned through hard work is called a disaster, but it can’t be helped.”

As I expected, Master didn’t gain her power through cheating.

The opposite of me.

I benefited greatly from the fateful development and inner monologue.

They were useless except for leading me to have sex with beautiful women, but that was enough.

I could make up for the rest with my own strength—my Destructive Cock.

“Power that can’t be understood only breeds fear in people. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trying to capture us.”

“…What if we surrender?”

“To become slaves?”

“Cecilia is a slave, but she’s happy by my side, isn’t she?”

“Cecilia is happy being with Oppa!”

Gayeon’s lips curved into a smile as she looked at Cecilia.

“I can tell that you two are happy because you found each other. But you have to fight for your own destiny, not leave it up to a roll of the dice.”

“What if the dice are rigged to always land on one?”


“Wouldn’t it be more rational to leave it up to fate and see what happens?”

How could I tell them, without spoiling anything, that the future they desired didn’t exist in this city?

Maybe they didn’t intend to tell me at all.

Gayeon and I were looking at different things from the start.

“I will carve my own path. The people here need a righteous sword.”

“Are you saying that Master is the righteous sword?”

“If it’s not right to lend a hand to the weak and guide them, then what is?”

“Is there a plan?”

“I hear there’s a group of Collapsers in this city.”

“A group of Collapsers?”

“They call themselves ‘Breakers.'”

A chill ran down my spine.

I thought the city’s system was keeping them in check!

I had no idea how many Collapsers there were or how strong they were, but….

‘So there was backing even in this place.’

“While he was gathering people from other worlds on the streets, they approached him first.”

“Let me explain, Gayeon.”

Kangseol pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

“Have you cooled down a bit?”

“Thanks to you…. I apologize for my earlier outburst, Mr. Geum Taeyang.”

“What do you mean by a group of Collapsers approached you?”

“You’re interested, aren’t you?”

Damn, was I being too obvious?

“Actually, I did a little digging on you, Mr. Geum Taeyang. There are many talented individuals here, and I hear a lot of rumors.”

“You investigated me?”

I tensed up slightly.

I had too many skeletons in my closet.

“Don’t worry, I’m not talking about your personal life. What I heard was that you have a grudge against one of the four families that rule this city.”

“A grudge?”

Did I?

“Ariella Raven… she’s the target of your revenge, isn’t she?”


From an outsider’s perspective, that’s probably what it looked like.

That I had been sharpening my blade for revenge….

But I didn’t hate Ariella as much as others might think.

Belita’s hatred for people from other worlds was far more intense. Ariella was a cold, ruthlessly forged blade, and I accepted the judgment she passed on me.

Inwardly, I acknowledged her.

I might have thought about making her mine someday, but I didn’t hate her.

“I understand if you don’t want to talk about it. But if that’s what brought you here… then this is fate.”


“Won’t you join us?”

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Is that their conclusion?

The world doesn’t work that way. Besides, this group was destined for destruction.

I had to get out.

However, there were things I wanted to know.

“Specifically, what did this group called Breakers promise you? Did they promise to help at a crucial moment?

Or provide you with supplies?”


As Kangseol hesitated, Gayeon interjected.

“Tell him, Kangseol. Taeyang needs to know.”

“We’re doomed if we stay here anyway. If we all join forces, others who share our cause will move as well.”

“Are you saying that the Breakers are the ones who share your cause?”

“They desire the destruction of the districts, that much is certain. They’ve lent us their strength so that everyone here can be armed.”

Breakers, what are they thinking?

The people gathered here were insignificant, except for Master, the Collapser.

I could tell just by looking at the flow of their mana.

What about the Breakers?

How terrifying was Ariella Raven?

“Cecilia, Taeyang. You two were going to go to Ariella even without me, weren’t you?”

Gayeon asked.

“Because Oppa wants boobs!”


“Then let’s join forces.”

“Are you planning to storm the castle directly?”

“That’s the plan. We’re all gathered here to move at dawn.”


It was the perfect time for a surprise attack.

“Taeyang’s contribution to figuring out the Princess’s movements played a big part in making this plan possible.”

“The Princess’s movements…”

I felt another chill.

Because I knew where Ariella’s plan began.

If she was intentionally removing the Princess to lure us in, we would surely be devoured.

This was all Ariella’s script!


I felt cold sweat running down my back.

Should I stop them and save their lives?

Or should I prioritize my own goals?

In times like these, I always….

– Geum Taeyang moves according to fate.

Choose the path that leads to fucking the most MILFs!

“With such reliable comrades by my side… how can I refuse?”

“Mr. Taeyang!”


“If you accept, I will give it my all.”

I’ll give it my all to fuck all the MILFs.

Zero pretense, 100% sincerity.

I decided to throw them headfirst into the trap Ariella had set.

As long as Cecilia and I had Liruke’s support, we would be fine.

“I misjudged you. I thought you were just trying to survive in this cruel city…”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m talking about what you engraved on my stomach, Kangseol.”

“Now that we are comrades who can trust each other, will you please remove the mark?”

“Wouldn’t it be alright to do it after we achieve our goal?”

As I tried to slip away, Kangseol grabbed my arm.

“You never know what might happen in a real battle. We might get separated, so please… cleanse my wife’s body.”

“Taeyang, I’m asking you too.”

I knew how much they hated the mark.

Even without the special effects of my engraving technique, the MILF Hunter mark was a brand in this city, signifying that she was my property.

It was a reasonable request to remove it. In fact, it was strange to refuse.

Everyone was looking at Kangseol and me, their heads bowed.

‘I have a plan, but…’

I had to be careful.

The Sword Empress was sensitive to lies.

“Please, raise your heads. There’s no need for this.”

“Mr. Taeyang…”

“I’m just doing what I should.”

“Thank you!”

Gayeon didn’t object, so I must have passed.

I couldn’t let them see through my intentions.

“Given the location of the mark, it wouldn’t be appropriate to do it in front of everyone, would it?”

Gayeon nodded.

“Please wait for me in the room, Lady Sword Empress.”

“Alright. Do I need to take off my underwear?”

Kangseol’s cheek twitched.

He probably imagined his wife undressing and getting on the bed.

I could understand his worry, having a beautiful wife like Gayeon.

“We’ll discuss everything in the room.”

“As her husband, I’ll be present as well.”

He really emphasized the word “husband.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“Is there a reason?”

“It disrupts my concentration.”

It wasn’t a lie, but it was a major deviation from the main point.

I focused on my breathing to maintain my composure, and Gayeon looked at me suspiciously.

“I wouldn’t mind if it was just Kangseol…”

If my lie was exposed, I had no choice but to push through.

“It requires a high level of concentration, so if you want me to successfully remove the mark, please don’t enter the room.”

“How long will it take?”

“About three hours.”

“Then, our operation plan will have to be slightly adjusted…”

“Weren’t you the ones who asked me to remove it immediately?”




I delivered my prepared line.

“I also have an engraving specialist in my workshop. Please follow my instructions.”


“Cecilia, wait for me.”


It wasn’t as grand as Adrian’s place, which had a second floor converted into a workshop above the tavern, but this tavern also had a few rooms that were temporarily remodeled for use.

I took over one of those rooms and was left alone with Gayeon in the small space.

A small shower stall and a double bed.

With the dim lighting, it had the complete atmosphere of a love motel.

“So, are you going to tell me?”

“Tell you what?”

Gayeon glared at me sharply.

“Why you lied.”


“It wouldn’t have mattered if my husband was here, would it? Why did you lie? Tell me honestly.”

“Because I wanted to be alone with Master.”


Gayeon strode towards me, tilted my chin up, and looked down at me.

“Get a grip. I may look young, but I’m older than you.”

“Was I being childish?”

“Very childish! Stop fighting with my husband. I’m his woman. A married woman. Do you understand?”


“I’m even going to have Kangseol’s baby someday.”

“I apologize. I’ll remove the mark.”

“Second lie. It doesn’t actually take three hours, does it?”


“And also…”

I cut Gayeon off before she could finish.

“I apologize for fighting with your husband.”

“…Sigh. You have a cute girlfriend too. Really, how do you plan to handle all these women with that attitude…”


She didn’t catch on to the fact that I could remove the mark instantly.

By concealing the unfavorable truth, which was true but not the whole truth, with silence, I rendered the Sword Empress defenseless through deception.

Master, are you watching?

This time, the Master I was picturing in my head was Bior.

While Gayeon was showering, I lay on the bed, waiting for her.

When the Sword Empress came out of the shower, she looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

“Are you my husband?”

“It’s all part of the fun.”

“You’re such a child. If you want to be loved by a woman, learn to be mature.”

“I’ll do my job properly.”

“Move over there. You’re going to try and push me down, aren’t you?”

Ah, my dick is getting hard….

“D-don’t get hard! It’s scary just looking at it!”

“That’s Master’s fault for saying that!”

“Are you a teenage boy? Getting hard just from hearing the word ‘push down’.”

“My libido isn’t that different from a teenage boy’s.”

“…Sigh. Fine. Just get it over with.”

Gayeon took off her bathrobe and climbed onto the bed.


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