Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 117: To the Devils District (2)

I asked Rufus about the detailed procedure for going to the Devil’s District.

He said that Otherworlders from other districts need a permit from the governor or the Four Great Families to cross over to the Devil’s District.

For simple matters, the governor’s permission is sufficient, but for long-term stays, a permit from the Four Great Families is essential….

This permit cannot be obtained without gaining the trust of the Four Great Families, no matter how high one’s social status or wealth is.

This is because the permit itself implies, “We will take responsibility if any problems arise.”

Although it is said that they don’t actually scrutinize that strictly….

The Devil’s District is an exception.

It is said that any act that goes against the principles will be punished without mercy.

As expected of a district ruled by Ariella.

But I expected as much.

As soon as Rufus left, I briefly explained the situation to Peridot and headed to the Chartreuse mansion.

“Verdia, please!”

Time to beg the madam!

“My husband… You’re really something else…. Fine….”

Verdia said, gently embracing me as I clung to her like a child.

Permit, secured.

“But are you sure it’s alright? I heard the Devil’s District is a dangerous place….”

“Does Ariella look like someone who would kill someone close to Verdia?”


Why didn’t you say that earlier!?

It’s not like Ariella wouldn’t do that!

“I’ve never seen Lady Raven being friendly with an Otherworlder.”

Fiona, who was watching me, said.

“Don’t think she’ll treat you like she treats me.”

“Are women who stab people with swords considered friendly these days?”

“Hmph, what are you trying to say?”

I spread my arms wide open, as if to show off.

Fiona hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly came into my arms.

“…Come here. I’ll give you a kiss.”

“What a steal.”

I shared a sweet kiss with Fiona.

I didn’t even need to cast the magic spell that weakens her, “Ugh! The wound from that day!”

“Seeing you so shameless, I’m sure you’ll adapt quickly to the Devil’s District.”

“I knew you liked Ariella, but… I didn’t know you’d go so far as to risk your life to find her.”

“L-Love, you say!”

“A pure, unrequited love. How sweet.”

What is this heartwarming atmosphere!

“Think of me as a trainer who braves the roughest waves, aiming for an impossible feat.”

“Ariella is a woman too. She must be lonely after losing her husband for so long… If you approach her sincerely, without any of your usual antics, I’m sure she’ll open her heart to you.”

I wish it were that easy….

A wry smile appeared on my face, knowing it wouldn’t be that simple.

“Ah, did you say goodbye to Belita properly? Dear.”

“I’m on my way there now.”

As I was about to leave, I remembered what Belita had said to me when I put on the leather boots she had given me.

“Come back and see me again. Don’t disappear without a word, you rude man.”

…I can’t be a rude man.

I visited the Grace mansion.

There was no one to stop me, so I easily entered.

Rondel was in the hall.

Belita’s son.

I tried to avoid him, but our eyes met.

“Where’s Mom?”

I was a little nervous, wondering if he’d suddenly tell me to get on my knees and start punching me like last time….

But Rondel grabbed my sleeve and pointed to the end of the hallway with his finger.

“She’s over there. Big brother.”

“You’re being a little….”

He seems different from before?

Was that day’s experience too shocking for him…?

Rondel is being unusually polite.

“I… I’m sorry about before.”

“It’s okay.”

I patted Rondel’s head.

“Why did you suddenly apologize?”

“Mom said… Mom said she belongs to big brother now, and if I do anything bad to big brother, she might take Mom away….”



What are you telling the kid!

“Big brother… Are you going to take Mom away?”

“No, I’m not taking her anywhere….”

“Then Mom doesn’t belong to big brother?”

“No… That’s….”

I can’t lie in front of a child.

“Your mom is mine. But I won’t take her away without telling you.”


I’m not sure if this is the right thing to say….

Seeing Rondel trying not to cry made me want to cry too.

“I’m going to be a cool person like you, big brother.”

“I’m cool?”

“You have lots of muscles, and you’re handsome.”

“What are you going to do when you’re cool?”

“I’m going to have a girlfriend like Mom!”

“You’re going to date someone. Right?”

“I’m going to have her! Just like you, big brother!”

“…Then you’ll have to train hard.”

Shouldering a destiny is no easy task!

“Taeyang! If you’re coming, let us know… Rondel?”

Just then, Belita appeared in the hall.

“I was talking to big brother!”

“What were you talking about?”

“I told him I want to be like him!”

Belita stroked Rondel’s head, just like I did.

“That’s right. You’re going to be a cool man like your big brother.”


“Then you have to eat your vegetables and not be picky, right? So you can grow big and strong like your brother.”


…She’s talking about height, right…?

“Now, Mommy and big brother have things to talk about. Why don’t you go play?”

“Okay, Mommy!”

Belita brushed her hair behind her ear and looked at me.

“You look beautiful today, Belita.”

“Of course. I’m always beautiful.”

As expected of Belita….

Such confidence.

You wouldn’t be able to wear such revealing clothes without that kind of confidence.

I made sure Rondel was gone, then grabbed Belita’s breast.

“M-Mmm. What brings you here?”

“I’m thinking of going to the Devil’s District. I came to say goodbye before I leave.”

“…So you’re really going. Men are so stubborn.”

“I’m sorry. If I could, I’d….”

“Enough with the excuses. I don’t want to be seen as a nuisance.”

Belita pressed herself against me and straightened my clothes.

Her breasts pressed against me freely.

It felt like she was doing it on purpose.

“…Your new assistant is quite capable. Everything is perfectly organized.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”


Belita had a displeased look on her face.

It was as if she was saying she wanted to take care of me herself, and it was adorable.

“…Come back safe.”

I hugged Belita, groped her breasts a little more, and then returned to the workshop.

Now it’s time to tell Cecil….

I decided to go see Peridot first.

“Master, please take this.”

Peridot was in the middle of making potions after hearing that I was going to the Devil’s District.

I put on the multi-purpose belt she handed me – it had a lot of storage space for potions.

“This is that High Potion I drank before, right?”

“Yes, there are 10 in there. It’s more effective than healing magic.”

I remember when I was fatally wounded and healed with healing magic….

This is more effective than that?

“I asked you to make them, but….

How much does it cost to make one of these?”

“About 30 gold coins.”



It’s as expensive as a person.

“I apologize. I was going to tell you the unit price beforehand, but Master….”

“Ugh…. I just asked you to make them and ran out.”

“I’ll explain the next potion in order. Is that okay?”

“Yes, please.”

Peridot pointed to each of the storage spaces on my belt and explained them.

“This is a truth serum. It makes it impossible to tell a lie for five minutes.”

“What’s this purple potion?”

It looks lethal.

“That’s poison. Unless you have the antidote I made, you’ll die in exactly three hours.”

“I’ve been carrying that around on my waist.”

“Don’t worry. You have to drink the whole bottle for it to take effect.”

“This is the antidote, right? The green potion.”


“It’ll be a bit difficult to use in battle… Why does it have a three-hour time limit?”

“It’s suitable for negotiation. The ratio of ingredients varies slightly depending on the maker, so the antidote is one of a kind.”

“You mean only Peridot can make it?”


It’ll be useful for threats.

“But why is the poison called ‘Tryst’?”

“It’s named after a man and woman who couldn’t get married because of their families’ opposition and decided to drink it together to die at the same time.”


“So, there are no noticeable symptoms after taking it, and then you suddenly die.”

Three hours….

Is it to share a passionate love for three hours?

Isn’t three hours a little short?

Three days and four nights would be more like it….

Maybe she didn’t have the power to make a poison that kills you after three days and four nights.

“If you give me a little more time, I can prepare five more useful medicines.”

“This is enough. I won’t be able to remember them all if there are more.”


Seeing Peridot fidgeting anxiously, I asked jokingly,

“Why, are you worried about your beloved Master?”



Why did you agree to that!

To think that she was so worried about her pervert Master….

“The Devil’s District is a dangerous place, Master.”

“I know, but I have to go.”

“Shall I go with you?”

“No, Peridot, you need to protect the workshop.”

“…I understand.”

“I can trust you, Peridot. I know you won’t run away even if I’m not here….”

Peridot’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if she were offended.

Kuh, so cute!

“I would never abandon Master and run away.”

“Are you mad?”

“I’m offended that you think so lowly of me.”

“I trust you, Peridot. How can I die when you’re waiting for me?”

“If you just stay like this….”


“If you just stay like this, Master will become a famous trainer invited to other districts.

As long as you don’t try to touch Lady Raven….”

“You want me to stay put in the workshop?”

“I-I apologize. I shouldn’t have said such presumptuous things….”

Peridot is right.

It’s a loyal retainer’s duty to stop their master from doing something foolish.

“But… I have to go, unless there’s a chance Ariella will come here.”

“Why go so far….”

“Even if I have all the women in the city, it means nothing if I don’t have Ariella.”

Was that too cheesy?

My cheeks felt a little hot.

“…Then I will… I will protect the workshop until Master returns, as you commanded.”

“Where’s Cecil?”

“Senior said she would wait in her room until Master returned.”

As I opened the door, Cecil, who had been curled up in a ball, raised her cat ears and sat up.


“I’m back, Cecil.”

“Where did you go?”

“I had some work to do….”

I hugged Cecil tightly as she ran to me and said again,

“I’m going to the Devil’s District now, Cecil.”

“I’m going too!”

Should I take Cecil with me?

It would be reassuring to have her with me.

But I also didn’t want to put Cecil in danger.

And I felt bad leaving Peridot and Calissa alone at home….

“Can you stay home and protect the house, Cecil?”


…I flinched.

It’s very rare for Cecil to be so serious.

“You want me to wait here safely while you go to a dangerous place?”

“Cecil…. It’s important to protect the house….”

“I don’t want to be protected by you, Oppa.”


“I want to be helpful to you!”

“Protecting the house isn’t helpful?”

“Well, it is, but….”

I gently stroked Cecil’s back.


“Don’t worry. You’re our house kitty no matter what anyone says.”

“…I’ve only ever thought about not being abandoned by Oppa.”


“As long as I wasn’t abandoned… As long as I could stay by your side, I was content…. But now that’s not enough.”

“Not enough?”

“I want to receive your love, Oppa. I want to be praised for doing a good job!”

“What does that have to do with going with me?”

“It has a lot to do with it…!”

Cecil clung to me.

I gladly hugged Cecil and gently rubbed her fluffy cat ears.


Cecil nuzzled her face against my chest.

“I want to have the same goals as you, Oppa, and live my life thinking about them together with you.”

…My heart skipped a beat.

It’s like a proposal.

“Cecil. My goal is….”


“To get my hands on the best tits in the world.”




Cecil turned her head away.

“It might take some time to process….”

“See? How can I share my goal with you?”

“If I try hard, I can…!”

“Tell me, why are you so anxious?”

“I feel like my role is diminishing….”

“You’re helping Peridot, aren’t you? With the cleaning and all….”

“She doesn’t ask me to help anymore after I broke a few expensive vases…. And I don’t know how to do the bookkeeping….”

“You’re a good cook, aren’t you?”

“Peridot is better at that too….”

I see.

She took over the chef position too.

It’s only right that the person who’s better at it takes the lead….

Our kitty must be feeling a little left out.

What Peridot can’t do and Cecil is good at… Fighting.

It must be hard for her to be treated as a non-combatant here.

“So, shall we go together?”


I changed my mind.

It’s wiser to worry about myself than to worry about robbers breaking into the Milf Hunter workshop, which has the backing of the governor and the Chartreuse family.

It’s obvious if I think about it, but I said something strange at first.

Because Cecilia is cute.

Cecilia, who is smaller than me, soft all over, and has big, beautiful breasts.

Even though I knew she was stronger than me, I didn’t want to take her to a dangerous place….

That’s why I said those things.

Not knowing that Cecilia wanted to look in the same direction as me and move forward….

I just thought of her as someone to protect and tried to keep her to myself.

“I won’t say anything strange anymore. Protect me, Cecil.”

“I’ll protect you with my life!”

“Not with your life. Let’s run if it’s dangerous.”

“Can I ask you just one thing? Oppa.”


Cecil said, pressing down on her own chest as if it were about to burst.

“Do you really have to go find those breasts?

I have breasts too….”


I silently buried my face in Cecil’s chest.

“You like Cecil’s breasts?”

“I do….”

My intelligence is diminishing thanks to Cecil’s boobs….

Cecil giggled and embraced me in her boobs.

“Oppa’s goal, achieved!”

“Achi… eved….”

I’ve gotten my hands on the “best tits in the world”!

Fanfares are going off in my head, and drool is dripping from my mouth.

“Should we go to bed… and do some more boob-chu ♥ boob-chu ♥, Oppa?”



I can’t give in to temptation!

I struggled to get away from Cecil.

It wasn’t even that Cecil was clinging to me. It was literally impossible to escape without a struggle.

Fearsome are the boobs!

“They have to be the best tits in the world!”

“Aren’t all breasts the same?”


“Hmm…. Peridot’s breasts were big and soft….”

“…You wouldn’t understand, being a woman, so there’s no need to think too hard about it.”

“Hmm? Hmm?”

Cecil tilted her head.

She seemed to be having trouble understanding how my goal was different from the boob service she had just given me.

I decided to hold Cecil’s hand and go out before I started getting confused myself.

“Let’s go, Cecil. It’s been a while since we went out together.”

“Ehehe, I’m happy…!”

“Let’s go buy some weapons!”

“Let’s go!”

We headed to Hephal’s blacksmith shop.


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