M.I.L.F. Hunter (18+)

Chapter 1: Mysterious Master

Chapter 1: Mysterious Master

*PAP* *PAP* *PAP* [Punching sounds, not sex]

Uehashi Takeo was currently nursing several bruises as well as a black eye while punching a standing dummy with his greatest nemesis's face stapled onto it.

"Fuck!" Takeo growled as he rubbed his sore knuckles. "I just wanna beat that shit eating grin off his face!"

Takeo was a 17 year old high school boy with average height, but above average looks. He was of mixed descent; that being Japanese and European, with messy brown hair, hazel brown eyes, and fair skin.

As is unfortunately experienced by many across the world, he was currently experiencing a crippling bully problem at his high school.

The owner of that "shit eating grin" was Sawada Yoshi; who despite being the same age as Takeo, was built like a tank. By that, I mean he was a literal sumo wrestler who seemed to have made it his personal life goal to make Takeo as miserable as possible.

Takeo had no idea why however, as that 'fat bastard, Yoshi' never bothered to explain. he would just storm up, throw Takeo around, them stomp off.

"Fuck me in the aaassss," Takeo growled as he released a flurry of punches.

"Hmm, interesting hobby you have there son, but I do prefer beautiful women. Amitabha." An old croaky voice appeared from behind Takeo, causing him to stop immediately and turn around.

Takeo was currently residing in an old samurai era dojo that had been turned into a small apartment complex. It had belonged to his land lady's family for generations, and he was lucky that she had decided to allow him to rent out a room.

As such, he would often practice his shitty self made martial arts in an open area behind the apartments.

Sweat trickled down Takeo's back as he studied the old man. The old man looked to be roughly 90 years old, and had a severely hunched back, making him stand just under 5 feet tall. (1.5m) His bald head, brown robes and, cane added together to make the perfect esthetic of a monk.

"Can I help you, old timer?" Takeo asked without the tiniest bit of respect.

"Mh, amitabha, I was looking for you young man." The old monk replied as he neared.

Visibly intrigued, Takeo let go of the punching dummy and walked towards the man. "Sure, what can I do for you old man?"

"Amitabha, there was a disturbance... in the force... or something like that," the old man said scratching his head. "Look kid, I can tell you've got a lot of potential, and I'm willing to take you as my disciple. Amitabha."

"Oh? You know martial arts, gramp?" Takeo asked excitedly. Of course! An old master shows up one day, passes on a secret ancient technique, main character gets super strong, the end! Right?

"Mm, amitabha, have you ever heard of Ancient Arts?" The old man asked slowly.

"Yes!" Takeo said with excitement. "Do you perhaps have one?!"

"Sure, amitabha, here." The old man reached into the sleeve of his robe and pulled out a black book with gold lettering on it.

The title read: "Law of the lion." It even seemed to radiate the might of a lion! Takeo's eyes shone as he reached out and grasped the book.

"Amitabha, do you accept me as your master?" The old guy asked, as he took his hand back.

"Sure, sure!" Takeo agreed immediately. He could feel there was power coming from the book itself! No way he was going to let this pass by!

"Good then, amitabha. Give me a pipe to smoke." The old monk said as he sat down and lay the cane across his knees.

"I dont have a pipe," Takeo replied as he looked towards his 'master.'

"Then give me a cigarette."

"I don't have one," Takeo replied.

"Useless disciple. Amitabha." The old monk sighed. "Sit down now useless disciple."

"Old man, you don't have to say amitabha every time you finish a sentence," Takeo said as he sat down.

"Sure I do," The old monk replied. "I'm a buddhist monk. I even brought my prayer beads with me. amitabha."

"Sure, whatever, just tell me what this book does!" Why the fuck did this old guy keep talking? Takeo was ready to start training now!

"Mmm, yes, amitabha. I am a master known as Gihei the Lion. The 'Law of the Lion' you see before you is my personal life's work. *sigh* Unfortunately I am dying, and need to pass my greatest treasure onto someone who can use it to its utmost potential."

"That's tough, old guy. But how do I use is?" Takeo was struggling with the book as he noted each page seemed extraordinarily heavy, and even after he flipped a page, he would find it blank.

Gihei's brows twitched as he saw Takeo brush off his death that easily. "Youngers these days truly have no sympathy for the old. *Sigh* amitabha."

"Young man," He said calmly. "This sacred ancient art is something that every man in the world dreams of laying his hands on, amitabha. By agreeing to learn this art, you will be gaining the eminimity of every other male on earth should they find out. Do you still wish to accept?"

"Who cares about that?!" Takeo said excitedly. "Once I get strong enough, I'll fight off anyone who comes at me!"

"Very good, amitabha. Useless disciple, do me proud." With that, the old man pointed his finger at Takeo's forehead. Instantly, a flash of bright light obscured his eyesight before he felt what seemed like chains wrapping around his muscles.

"Useless disciple. Your master sets your first target as your current landlady. Once you read the book, you will know what to do. Farewell, amitabha."

In response, Takeo's body began to heat up and glow slightly. He was hit by an intense amount of pain, forcing him to fall prone on the floor and writhe in pain.

The pain started at his toes and slowly moved up. By far, the most uncomfortable part was when the heat reached his crotch.

The pain became unbearable as he felt his cock and balls contract and shutter, before they seemed to grow in mass.

The heat then made it up his spine and finally ended at the crown of his head.

Feeling his muscles contract and expand repeatedly, Takeo waited in excited anticipation as power welled in his body. It felt like the physical power of a lion was waking up inside him!

After about 5 minutes, he calmed down and turned his sights on the book and eagerly grabbed it.

"My first target... is my landlady? And i'll know what to do once I read the book? Holy shit! Is she some master I have to beat?!" With a feral grin, Takeo ripped open the book and began to read it greedily.



"What the fuck?!" Takeo shouted out loud. "This book only has drawings of porn in it?!"

"What's this? 'Aura of the lion. All women desire a 'real man.' This aura will be applied to the user constantly and unconsciously, causing women to feel a feral attraction to the user..."

"Hmm? What's this?"

He then saw a small blurb on the bottom of the first page, as he leaned in to read the small print:

*Warning, the techniques found in this book works only on sexuallly frustrated middle aged women, aged 30+*


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