Mightiest Melee Magician

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Herb of Awakening, Burning Flower.

As this potion exhibited an explosive awakening effect that allowed the user to exceed their bodily limits, it also carried a fatal weakness.

Which was pain suppression.

Just hearing about it may make it sound like an upside.

However, this was only an upside to soldiers who had resolved themselves for death.

And in this place where the flow of magic power was suppressed by 99%, in the <Mana Barrier Hall>, this ability was not an upside, but a downside.

At least when fighting against me.

He shouldnt have drunk this potion.


My strength isnt suppressed at all.

A whopping <1200>+++

If you were hit by my fist that could face evenly against an ogre, all the damage would be taken by the body without being about to feel the pain.

Im coming, Michael.

I used <Bend Time> to instantly leap towards Michael.

As if having waited for me, Michael used his specialty to show off his double casting.

In one hand, an Ice Wall.

In the other, a Fire Barrier.

Ching! Fwoosh!

The two conflicting elements rapidly flowed out from Michael, and


The ground froze over in an instant, and an icy wall erupted before me, blocking my way.

The spells had completely stopped me from approaching him.


Its useless.

Theyre gone if I destroy them anyways.

I spun my body 360 degrees in the air while I was running, and using that tension, I pivoted my body and smashed the ice wall in one blow.



The thick wall of ice shattered into pieces like a glass window, and the students could only exclaim at seeing such a display.

Woah, what magic is that?

I-is that even magic?

He looks like some rhino.

Even without casting magic, my physical strength was enough to destroy the ice wall.

It was enough to make Michael flustered.

You-you bastard

Michael panicked hard while spreading both palms in front of him.

As he did that, a massive lizard climbed out from behind the fire barrier he had cast before.


3rd-class magic that created the image of a flame lizard and turned everything nearby into a sea of fire.

Speed, Destructive power, Size.

They were all impressively strong.

However, this too could not stop my advance.

I leapt into the flames without slowing, and I slammed the ground with my fist to cast an introductory 4th-class spell called Earthquake.


Centered around my fist, a high-speed sound shockwave exploded out, and the winds created by it started to smother the flames.

Simultaneously, the ground began to shake, and the sandy floor of the testing ground shot up and started extinguishing the flames of the Fire Lizard.


He countered the fire element with an earth spell.

That wasnt all.

Ah Ack!

As the ground suddenly lurched, Michael Galehill lost his balance and started to stagger.

Now, its your turn, Michael.

I compressed my body, and as if fired from a bow, I charged towards Michael at high speed.

Michaels face had solidified in fear.

D-dont come here!

Michael stared at me with a face as pale as if he had seen a ghost, and towards that Michael, I lifted up my right hand.

Uh-uh Uh!

Michael bent his shoulders and clenched his eyes shut at the sight of my fist, but

Dont be a pussy.

I didnt launch my fist at Michael.

Rather, I bent my middle finger under my thumb and smiled brightly.

Let me flick you on the head once.

And I aimed at his forehead after I focused all my strength on my middle finger.

F-flick my head?

Before Michael could finish talking

I fired the cannon sealed in my middle finger by my thumb.



A flick containing a whopping 1200 strength had flung Michael off his feet as he gasped out.

About three or four steps away.

After getting hit by a flick and flying for about 5 meters, Michael hit the stump of a tree and went unconscious from hitting his head.

Stillness immediately dominated the testing grounds.

What was that just now

Did-did it finish?

O-of course its finished He just hit his head and


It hadnt finished yet.

If he had consumed the Herb of Awakening, Burning Flower.

Michael wouldnt have felt the pain just then.

He should be up by now.

Sure enough, it was as expected.

Ruin You scared us

M-Michael stood up!

The one who broke the atmosphere of silence was none other than Michael Galehill.

Even though he collapsed from nothing more than a flick, he stood up as if nothing happened.

And, as he shook his head trying to regain his senses, he spoke up.

You dare look down on me? Just a little flick


Just a little flick.

He didnt know if it was little or not.

Since he didnt feel any pain.

However, the damage had accumulated in his body.

Doing more than this was definitely dangerous for Michael.

You You shouldnt have done that.

Without hesitation, I ran up to Michael and planted my fist into his abdomen.



Experiencing another dizzying situation where he couldnt even breathe, Michael flew backwards again.

This was just a beating.

However, Michael

Keke Do you think you can win with such a soft fist?

He snickered while maintaining his half-gone consciousness without being able to fall unconscious.

I approached Michael.

Firmly gripping both of Michaels shoulders, I cast Frozen Tree.


In an instant, the tree branches sprouted from underneath Michaels feet and perfectly restrained his body. The branches then hung him freely in the air.


Hehe, kekeke

Excited by something, Michael was constantly laughing.


If he fell unconscious instead.

If he didnt stand back up again.

The fight would have ended long ago.

It was an image that vividly showed the horror of Burning Flower that pushed the user to the verge of death.

After constricting Michael, I turned and shouted towards the judge,

Michael has consumed a forbidden potion.

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The impact of this statement was quite huge.

There were murmurs from all around the testing grounds and the judge looked paralyzed for a second, and after deliberating, asked me again.

Are you confident he did?

Yes. I am certain.

However, during the potion test before the test, everything was confirmed to be in order.

There are many ways to make potions that can fool the potion test. Of course, only if the materials were provided.

What youre saying right now is

Yes. Someone who could handle multiple rare materials by themselves. Theres only one person in the whole academy.

My gaze locked onto Professor Elrick Galehill.

All of a sudden, all the other people looked towards him.

P-Professor Elrick?

Nah, no way. Even if he is his nephew

Professor Elrick, after feeling too humiliated, sprung up from his seat.

You- You dare doubt me, a professor?

And immediately used the Teleport spell to appear in front of me, closely approaching me.

You say Michael Galehill used a forbidden potion and I overlooked it?

I dont know if you overlooked it, or if you helped him get it.

So, you have proof?


Professor Elrick flinched at my confident attitude, but trying not to be pushed back, he shouted even louder,

Then! Well recheck it right here right now. Well do the Potion Test right now!

However, I declined this.

No. Theres no need to do all that. Even if you recheck it, itll just come out to be normal. Didnt you hide it? With the Flower of Whitening.

The Flower of Whitening.

To fool the Potion Doping Officer, you needed at least this rare of a potion.

At the mention of this name, Professor Elricks eyelashes shivered a bit.

However, he didnt back down.

Then what do you want to do? Bring me the evidence!


He was confident that there was no evidence that Michael had consumed a potion.

I shrugged my shoulders and stifled a little laugh from Professor Elrick.

Sure. Lets do that.

And then, I strutted towards a nearby tree trunk.

Watch closely.

I raised my fist against the trunk.

However, I didnt launch my fist at it.

Instead, I just did the same little flick as I did against Michael.

After priming my middle finger like a bow, I aimed directly at the tree trunk and fired.


My finger directly hit the tree trunk, and with an explosive sound, a defined hole that could even be seen from far away appeared.

The testing ground was once again filled with murmurs.

H-h-h-how did he

How can he make such a hole with a flick

Thats right.

Just one little flick.

I turned to Professor Elrick and asked him,

Did you see?

My question carried this meaning.

How can Michael, who got hit by such a flick, be still awake and laughing without falling unconscious?

That kind of meaning.

Naturally, thats because he had consumed the Herb of Awakening, Burning Flower.

Professor Elrick was a smart person.

So he should have understood what I meant, but he decided to act a fool.

W-what do you mean by that?

Theres no way you wouldnt know Your acting is lacking, Professor.

What do you-

Herb of Awakening, Burning Flower. It increases the users casting speed and magic power by one level. I wont talk about how Michael showed off the magic that was above his level since you could just brush it off with a basic excuse like he trained a lot. But this?

As an example, I threw a punch at the tree trunk.


The tree trunk instantly splintered into pieces, and Professor Elrick could only stand with his mouth agape at such an insane sight.

Burning Flower has a property that suppresses the users pain.

I talked while lifting my fist.

Thats why he is just hanging there laughing without being able to fall unconscious. Of course, as the professor in charge of teaching potion crafting, you would know about this potion better than me. You know, right?

That its only the pain that cant be felt. That the damage continues to accumulate.

Professor Elricks face became pale.

His eyes looked towards Michael Galehill.

He was still drooling while smiling and letting out uncontrolled laughter.

However, if he realized what sort of state his body was in, would he be able to laugh like that?

His skull would be shaking. On top of that, about four or five bones should be broken near his abdomen. I restrained him with Frozen Tree to stop any broken bones from bursting his lungs but theres not much time, Professor.

My tone wasnt that of urgency but rather relaxed.

Y-you You wretch!

Professor Elrick, after being overcome by resentment, hurriedly stretched his palm towards Michael and undid my restraining magic.


Professor Elrick Galehill rushed to check the state of Michaels body.

I restrained myself a bit while speaking to this Professor Elrick.

Even seeing this, are you going to deny it, Professor?

Professor Elrick Galehills face hardened, as if he had just seen a ghost, and I looked on at Michael, who had collapsed.

I said that it was necessary and unavoidable to prove he had used the Herb of Awakening, but


A bitter taste remained in my mouth.

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