Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 209 - cross-dressing boss!

Chapter 209: Chapter 207, cross-dressing boss!

Zhou ze silently observed his surroundings. He knew that this should be a dream, but this time, he also experienced what Zhang Yanfeng had described when he described the dream — it was real.


this dream was really very real,

you could see everything clearly.

Its reality was reflected in the details,




there is no hazy feeling of a dream, even, seems to be a little too clear and clear, you just casually glance, but you even there are a few bricks, including the above lines of friction marks seem to remember clearly.

Cold, wet, depressed, here, like the deepest nightmare, a corner of the abyss, the elements of the environment is actually secondary, the most important is in this narrow space or sitting or lying people.

Their expressions,

their gazes,

that kind of numbness, that kind of distraction,

added the thickest despair to this place.

The air was filled with a nauseating smell.

You already had no way to specifically analyze which single thing this stench came from. It was a mixture, a mixture that made your scalp numb and unimaginable.

The smell of urine, the smell of pus, and the other stench emitted from people’s bodies, including the stench of corpses, were mixed together.

Zhou ze lowered his head,

this environment..,

really made him uncomfortable. Staying here for a second was torture.

Even if this was a dream..,

he wanted to wake up.

Fuck the clues..,

fuck the traces..,

fuck the truth..,

let me stay in this place, even if it was a dream!

Boss Zhou seemed very willful at this time,

he closed his eyes,

he slowly imagined the feeling of floating on the bottom of the water. If an ordinary person had this kind of “Ghost pressing the bed”dream or “Clear and bright dream”, they could also do this kind of experiment. This could speed up the awakening.


a hand suddenly pressed on Zhou Ze’s forehead. Moreover, this hand was very smelly. The rich pungent smell directly pierced into Zhou Ze’s nasal cavity and stimulated his nerves.

“Fevers… go away.”

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man. His hair was messy and there were two scars on his face.

Zhou Ze slowly opened his eyes and subconsciously reached out his hand to move the other party’s hand that was pressed on his forehead. However, he suddenly realized that his body was very weak, to the extent that his strength was so lacking that it was unimaginable.

He could only lower his hand halfway, and he felt Dizzy.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. The fever has subsided. It’s not a big problem.”

The man opened his arms and hugged Zhou Ze into his embrace.

“…”Zhou Ze.

Boss Zhou hated this damn reality,

why did you make it so real,

was it interesting?

The skin contact outside the tattered clothes was now so clear. The “Mud”accumulated from the grease and dirt on the man’s body seemed to have a lubricating effect.

Every detail, every part of his body came into contact..,

even the moist heat of the other party’s breath on his face..,

carried a kind of nauseating despair!

“Are you still cold?”

The other party asked in a very gentle voice.

Zhou Ze took note of the other party’s accent, which carried a hint of Sichuan flavor. In short, it was not a Tongcheng accent.

Boss Zhou really wanted to curse, but he wanted to end the awkwardness as soon as possible. He shook his head and wanted to say something, but he couldn’t. He was too tired, so tired that he couldn’t make a sound.

“Hualala… Hualala…”

The sound of the chains came closer and closer.

The people who were like “Mummies”in the prison cell suddenly became excited. They climbed up one by one and rushed to the iron fence, holding the iron fence with both hands and looking outside.

It was like a market day in the countryside. Everyone went over to watch the show.

“Hualala… Hualala…”

It was close,

very close,

the person with the anklet was coming!

Zhou Ze really wanted to get up and take a look. This should be the scene that Zhang Yanfeng saw in his dream, but it seemed that either he saw it more realistically than Zhang Yanfeng, or he and Zhang Yanfeng were not in the same perspective at all.

Get Up..,

get Up for me..,

the stench had passed..,

this dirty place had already been experienced..,

and he was even hugged by a man..,

if he didn’t get up and take a look at the specific situation, Zhou Ze felt that all this suffering had been in vain. He had suffered too much.

He winked at the man in front of him, indicating for him to help him up to take a look.

“Your fever has just subsided. Lie down for a while first. I’ll go take a look.”

As he spoke, the man gently placed boss Zhou on the ground. This area was covered with thick grass, so it was softer than other places.

Boss Zhou raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the prison cell,

and now in the entire prison cell..,

including the man who had accompanied him before..,

they all squeezed to the side of the iron railing and stuck their heads out to look outside,

they were like a group of fanatical fans who were chasing after stars.

Only Zhou Ze,

was alone,

lying there alone, not moving at all.

Zhou Ze felt like a fool, a bit of a cameo. Moreover, this cameo had no lines and was a dead body. When the camera switched to another place, the damned director would not allow himself to get up, he had to continue lying in a corpse.

No one spoke,

no one spoke,

damn it,

he could not watch the live broadcast,

he could not even hear the voice?

Zhou Ze cursed in his heart again. He really wanted to close his eyes now and shatter this dream so that he could wake up without anyone disturbing him.

He should be lying on Yingying’s lap right now, sleeping soundly. When he woke up, he could even let Yingying make him tea,

why did he continue to lie in this place that was dirtier than a toilet?

But Zhou Ze was a little unwilling. He had suffered and taken advantage of her, so why did he come back empty-handed?

Also, he remembered that Zhang Yanfeng had said that he remembered that dream very clearly because it was very real. But he had only had that dream once.


it was very likely..,

zhou Ze also only had this one chance.

I endure,

i continue to endure,

zhou ze began to recall in his mind the state of “Faking death”after the car accident in the final stage of his previous life,

thinking about the experience of being put on make-up and pushed into the crematorium at that time,


it did not seem to be so unbearable.

The breathing sounds of the surrounding crowd became heavier,

there was a kind of eagerness in the breathing sounds, and also a kind of desire,

they were like male orangutans in heat. They were snorting, and they almost hit their chests with their hands and cried out, “Oh, OH, OH, OH, OH.”.

Don’t ask Zhou Ze how he could deduce so many things from the sound of their breathing,

after all, what else could he study other than this little change in sound?

“Hualala… Hualala… Hualala…”

It’s coming,

it’s coming,

the person dragging the chains,

slowly walked over,

and from the sound, Zhou Ze could confirm that the person had already walked to the door of his cell.

Zhou ze used all his strength and turned his head,

he wanted to see,

he wanted to see,

he definitely wanted to see!

But then,

zhou Ze fell into despair,

he could only see the backs of groups of men at the railing. They had blocked off the area completely.

Boss Zhou couldn’t even find a crack to take a look!

F * ck!

Zhou Ze kept roaring in his heart.

“Hualala… Hualala… Hualala…”

The sound started to lengthen from near to far,


they should have gone far.

They left just like that?

They didn’t say anything?

They roared, “The door for people to enter and exit is locked, and the hole for dogs to enter and exit is still open?”

Zhou Ze had discussed with Zhang Yanfeng before. According to the environment at that time, the person wearing the anklet was very likely to be a martyr, a martyr who would rather die than submit. Although there would be some problems and conflicts, the probability of that was really very high.


zhou Ze could eliminate the previous deduction.

Because when the person wearing the anklet walked away, Zhou Ze did not see the other people in the cell feeling sad and angry,

on the contrary..,

their faces were full of envy and longing.

It was as if they wished that the person who walked out with the anklet was themselves.

This made Zhou Ze a little confused. What did this mean?

The man turned back and reached out to help Zhou ze tidy up his hair.

To be honest..,

if it was Xu Qinglang who did this for him..,

at most, he would feel a little uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t feel too disgusted. However, this greasy and unsightly guy in front of him did this, causing the nausea that boss Zhou had just suppressed to rise again.

This place..,

he really didn’t want to stay any longer.

“Sleep a little longer. When the meal starts, I’ll bring you that portion.”

The man said gently.

Boss Zhou was really not interested in eating. He couldn’t even eat normal food, not to mention the environment here. You already knew what these people’s food was.

Was the dream over?

Was it over?

Zhou Ze was like a person who had just finished watching a movie and was still waiting for the Easter egg.

However, after waiting for a while, there shouldn’t be any more Easter eggs.

Just as Zhou Ze was about to close his eyes and leave this dream..,


zhou Ze felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, as if something was kicking his stomach.

F * ck..,

did he eat something bad?

“What’s wrong? Are You in pain?”

The man looked at Zhou Ze anxiously, then reached out and touched Zhou Ze’s stomach.

“…”Zhou Ze.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the other side. A wooden bucket was placed outside. It was probably food.

The man stood up and walked over.

The kind of snatching that they had expected did not appear. Everyone acted as if they were restraining themselves. They waited for the man to take a broken bowl, fill it with the first serving of food, and bring back the soup. Then, everyone started snatching.

F * ck,

prison Bully?

There were many books in Zhou Ze’s bookstore that said, “The overbearing president fell in love with me.”Many young girls liked reading them,

now, this was “The Big Boss Prison Bully fell in love with me”?

“Come, sit up first. Eat.”

The Man helped Zhou Ze up and sat against the wall,

zhou Ze sat up,

he lowered his head,

he found that his stomach was very, very swollen,

bloated stomach?

So Serious?

“It’s been hard on you. It’s also been hard on the child in your stomach,”the man said apologetically.

The… Child in your stomach?

F * ck,

this was a woman’s body?


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