Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 149 - Death God’s… Prophecy?

Chapter 149: Death God’s… Prophecy?

The old Daoist priest carried his “secretion” out of the toilet and was about to hand it to the laboratory for testing. Zhou Ze looked at the old Daoist priest and said,

“It’s urgent. I’ll go first. Can you handle it yourself?”


When he needed care the most, you…

“Do you want me to call Monkey over to accompany you?”


Are you sure you’re not joking?

“That’s all. Take care of yourself.”

Zhou Ze left the hospital with his car keys.

The old Daoist priest stood where he was and sighed. He lamented the difficulties of his life. Both bosses were a little heartless and did not even know how to conduct themselves.

However, after thinking about it, he felt relieved.

It was precisely because they did not know how to conduct themselves that they became ghosts.


The old Daoist priest laughed out loud. He had gone to the laboratory. It had to be said that being able to live so long with a strong body and a cheerful personality had played a huge role.

When Zhou Ze walked out of the lobby, he happened to see a minibus and three ambulances drive out. He immediately went to the parking lot to get his own car and follow them out.

He did not call Doctor Lin to tell her not to get out of the car. He was also a doctor, and he knew very well that doctors had the responsibility to step forward when faced with such situations.

More than ten years ago, when the SARS were rampant, many media outlets reported that many doctors and nurses in the epidemic zone had resigned and applied for leave. This had caused a lot of controversy, but in reality, more doctors and nurses had been fighting on the front lines, and they had even infected themselves with the SARS.

Zhou Ze’s car followed behind the hospital car, and they got onto the provincial highway together.

Salt City was really not far from Tong City. In addition, the Yangtze River region was a flat plain, so the transportation network was incomparably developed. As a result, after a natural disaster struck Salt City, rescue forces from all over could quickly arrive and provide support. The Wenchuan earthquake back then had actually suffered a great loss in transportation. After all, it was a mountainous region, so the traffic situation was truly worrying.

It was after the earthquake in Wenchuan that the country had been spending large sums of money in recent years to reconstruct the transportation network in Xichuan. If there were any more disasters, the People’s Liberation Army would not have to risk their lives to parachute.

Half an hour later, there was a traffic jam on the highway. The ambulance rang the bell, and they walked down the emergency lane. Some of the drivers who did not follow the rules immediately gave up their seats when they saw the ambulance behind them. The scene was rather harmonious.

Zhou Ze was a little embarrassed. As he followed the ambulance, many drivers pointed their middle fingers at him.

This made Zhou Ze wonder if he should call Doctor Lin and ask him to get into the ambulance to participate in the rescue. Anyway, Doctor Lin knew his medical skills, but he decided not to.

Last night, it was the school incident, followed by the breakfast stall incident, and then the revision was successful. He had not slept for two days and was really too tired. This trip, Zhou Ze only wanted to keep Doctor Lin safe. If he really allowed Doctor Lin to participate in the rescue work, he would be too tired and his body would not be able to take it.

Besides, he did not lack a doctor.

It had to be said that Zhou Ze’s life as a bookstore owner since he had reincarnated had indeed changed a lot. His originally conscientious and conscientious personality had also become much more lazy.

The 13 counties of Jiangsu, including the rescue teams that had rushed over from Shanghai, would not foolishly rush to the center of Yan City all at once. Instead, they would be sent to various areas where there were reports of disaster.

Doctor Lin’s team quickly got off the highway and drove into a village under Baining County.

At this moment, hail was still falling from the sky, and there was even a small Feng Xuan’er a little further away. It was unknown if another tornado would form.

Most of the houses in the village had collapsed to varying degrees. Some of the old houses had collapsed, and there were many pedestrians on the road. Everyone looked flustered.

After all, this kind of extreme natural disaster was something that many of the locals had never seen in their lives. None of them had much experience. In the past, they had often seen landslides, earthquakes, or typhoons, but they did not expect it to happen to them.

After the ambulance arrived, the injured residents gathered to receive treatment and treatment. Not far away, the firefighters were searching the collapsed house.

Zhou Ze parked the car at the back. He did not get out, but he sat in the car and stared at Doctor Lin, who was busy at the tent. Of course, from the looks of things, the situation here was still alright. The residents were only slightly injured, so there was not much of a problem.

Even if they were bleeding profusely, it was just a superficial wound. They would not die, so there was no need for Zhou Ze to interfere.

About half an hour later, a firefighter ran over and informed them that there was a trapped person underneath the collapsed old house. The situation might be urgent, and they needed a doctor to help them.

Doctor Lin immediately ran over with a male doctor. Zhou Ze threw away his cigarette butt and got out of the car.

Below the collapsed old house, there were already firefighters working on the excavation, but they had obviously encountered a difficult problem. There were people trapped below and seemed to be pinned down. Blind excavation might cause the house to collapse again and bring danger to those trapped below.

There were also some villagers nearby who participated in the rescue, but no one dared to act rashly. They could only listen to the firefighters’ orders.

When Zhou Ze walked over, Doctor Lin was calling out to the trapped person below to confirm the condition of the trapped person below. She did not know where her hair had fallen off, and the wind around her was strong. It blew her hair up, but it did not look messy.

In such a chaotic environment, these people in white were beautiful.

A short firefighter walked past Zhou Ze. The notebook in Zhou Ze’s pocket suddenly shook. The intensity of the shaking was no less than that of Doctor Lin!

Subconsciously, Zhou Ze reached out to hold her shoulders.

The firefighter stopped in surprise and looked at Zhou Ze. “What’s the matter?”

“You… be careful.”

Zhou Ze did not know what to say and was at a loss for words. Was he supposed to say, “Don’t go forward, you might die.”

But he did not go.

Who else could it be?

The young and short firefighter was also stunned.

He did not seem to have encountered such a situation before, but a warm feeling still flowed through his heart. He smiled and said,

“Got it.”

Then, the firefighter went to the front and started to tie a rope around himself. Because the collapsed building was originally a three-story building, the situation inside was more complicated. After some discussion, the firefighter decided to send a short firefighter to explore the place and start the rescue from the inside.

Watching the firefighter tie a rope around his body, Zhou Ze, who was standing in the crowd, pursed his lips and kept looking up and down.

So conflicted.

So painful.

“If you don’t go by my side, I won’t know anything. When the time comes, if you sacrifice me to feel sorry for you, then you can just give me your highest respect.”

But now, I can actually foresee your sacrifice.

Zhou Ze decided that after this incident, he had to find a way to close the notebook or not bring it with him.


He cursed himself for committing a crime.

Zhou Ze squeezed through the crowd and walked to the short firefighter. He picked up a rope and tied himself up.

The firefighters were stunned. One of them asked, “Who are you? What are you doing? Don’t affect the rescue!”

Rescue was something that had to be done professionally. Many people participated in the rescue because they were full of enthusiasm. It was indeed very touching, but such reckless and amateurish actions sometimes led to them and the trapped person falling into an even more dangerous situation.

Doctor Lin also saw Zhou Ze. She did not know that Zhou Ze had been following behind her car and was a little surprised.

“I used to be in the special forces. I’m good at fighting. Let me go.”

Zhou Ze said calmly.

“Special Forces?” The captain was stunned.

“Hmm, have you watched Wolf Warrior?” Zhou Ze asked.

“Wolf Warrior?”

The captain was speechless.

What the hell are you talking about!

“Ask her. She’s my wife.”

Zhou Ze pointed at Doctor Lin.

The captain looked at Doctor Lin. Doctor Lin suddenly wanted to laugh. What was going on?

However, she knew Zhou Ze’s identity and knew that if Zhou Ze was willing to participate in the rescue, he was indeed much more powerful than ordinary people. She nodded and said,

“Yes, he retired from the special forces.”

With the doctor’s assurance, the captain was relieved. This was the time to use people. He was happy to let professionals help him.

The captain pointed at the short firefighter beside Zhou Ze and said,

“He Li, why don’t you follow this comrade?”

“Yes, Captain.”

“No, I can go down alone. I think he’s a hindrance,” Zhou Ze said lightly.

“I won’t get in the way!”

He Li had already tied the safety rope and walked over. With the help of his comrades around him, he sent the rope down a small hole. Before he went down, he glared at Zhou Ze.

Obviously, he had been looked down upon by Zhou Ze previously and was very angry.

Zhou Ze was really helpless.

I’ve already rushed up to offer my services selflessly, how can I not stop your sacrifice?

In the future, whoever wanted to be the hero behind the scenes could go. It was too depressing.

Zhou Ze could only quickly tie the safety rope and go down together. The space below was really cramped. Zhou Ze and the firefighter named He Li were about two meters away from each other. Both of them were looking for a space where they could go down and try to contact the trapped people below first.


Not long after, Zhou Ze heard the baby crying.

“Hey, hey!”

Zhou Ze shouted.

“We’re down there,” someone shouted.

“Don’t move. We’ll come down to save you. Don’t act rashly…” He Li yelled.

“My legs are pinned down, and my daughter-in-law and grandson are there as well. Go save them, save them.” It was probably an old man.

“Old man, don’t worry, we’re already starting the rescue…”


Something was pushed open from below.

The old man seemed to have heard his grandson’s cries, and he pushed away the things on him to go see his daughter-in-law and grandson.

However, this obviously defaulting three-story building was already in a precarious situation. If he moved below, the whole structure would be affected. Zhou Ze could feel the cement under his feet starting to shake again.

“Old man, don’t move, don’t move. We’re coming down, we’re coming down!”

But it was still moving.

“F*ck you, old bastard, don’t move!”

Zhou Ze immediately started scolding.

As expected, cursing was more effective. The old man immediately stopped moving.

Zhou Ze used his nails to break a few steel bars that blocked his way. He even pried open the cracks in the cement. Soon, he came down. Not far away from him, a woman was lying there with a child in her arms. Blood was flowing from the woman’s head. She was not dead, but she was clearly unconscious.

“Give me the child first, child!”

Zhou Ze shouted at the woman.

The woman’s eyes regained some clarity. She struggled to crawl over and passed the child through the partition to Zhou Ze. She knew that the sooner the rescuers rescued the child, the sooner he would be out of danger.

Zhou Ze took the child and passed it to He Li through the steel bars. He shouted, “Take the child up first!”

“Take the child and go up first!” He Li said.

“Get lost, you go up first!”

Zhou Ze was very determined. He did not know if the trapped person below could be rescued, but if this firefighter continued to stay inside, there was a high chance that he would die.

He Li was forced by Zhou Ze’s attitude and could only take the child back.

Zhou Ze continued to use his nails to tear apart the obstacles and pulled the woman out. Then, he untied the safety rope from his body and tied it around her body. He signaled the higher-ups to pull her up while shouting,

“Has the child gone up?”

“The child is coming up. Be careful down there!” Doctor Lin shouted from above. “The wind is blowing again. Be careful.”


Even though they were about to get a divorce, it was quite enjoyable to hear a wife care about her husband.

Zhou Ze pushed the woman and she was finally pulled up.

Alright, there was only one old baby left.

Zhou Ze walked over and saw the old man sitting on the ground with a bitter expression. There was a wooden board on his leg, and the two ends of the wooden board were tightly pressed against the cement board.

“Comrade, you can leave first. I’m not in a hurry. This house is about to collapse.”

Zhou Ze rolled his eyes.

Previously, when you were moving around below, you almost wiped us out.

Is he lighting the Spirit Lamp again?

“Don’t talk. I’ll lift the wooden board. Try to stick your leg out.”


Zhou Ze used his nails to tear open the cracks on the cement slab. At that moment, a sharp pain came from his fingertips. Zhou Ze looked down and realized that his fingers were already bleeding.

Even though the nails were magical, they were not electric drills. He would not be able to handle these steel bars.

“Use your strength!”

Zhou Ze held the wooden board with both hands.

“My leg is out, it’s out.”

The old man shouted.

“Can you still move?”

“Yes, my legs aren’t broken. I can move.”

“Okay, follow this. Climb up and grab the rope.”

“You’re injured. Let me treat your wound.”

A female nurse treated He Li’s wound.

He Li had suffered several wounds from the spikes earlier.

“I’m fine. I still need to go down to save them,” He Li refused.

“Don’t move. The woman has come out, and there’s only one person down there. You don’t have to go down. Your wound needs to be treated in time. What if it gets infected?”

The nurse was very determined.

He Li had no choice but to let the man treat his wounds.

At this moment…

The wind started blowing again.

It was much bigger than before, and the tent was blowing loudly like it could be blown over at any moment.

He Li suddenly saw the tree that had been blown to the side start to shake again. He immediately pushed the nurse away and rushed out.

The nurse was pushed to the ground and said angrily, “What are you doing!”

The tree could not fall because the tree was falling toward the collapsed house. Once the tree fell, the crumbling house would definitely face a second collapse.

He Li had been down there before, so he naturally knew that the situation down there was not stable. It was very unbalanced against the pressure points in the area.


The tree started to collapse. It could not hold on any longer.

Other people around them noticed this, but they did not have time to react. They could only watch as the tree slowly fell.

At this moment…

A small figure rushed out and ran toward the fallen tree.


The tree’s trunk slammed into his shoulder. He spat out a mouthful of blood before falling to his knees. His knees slammed into the ground. The ground caved in, but due to his sluggishness, the tree did not crash into the ground.

The surrounding firefighters and villagers immediately rushed over to hug the tree and tried to move it away.

The tree was finally moved to the ground.

But the short figure kneeling on the ground…

But he could no longer stand up.

The old man was pulled up.

After that…

Zhou Ze also came up.

Doctor Lin cried as she rushed over to hug Zhou Ze. Zhou Ze was covered in dust, but Doctor Lin did not mind at all.

He reached out and patted Doctor Lin’s back. Zhou Ze indicated that he was fine.

Except the nails.

It hurt.


He heaved a sigh of relief.

Doctor Lin started to examine Zhou Ze’s body to see if there were any wounds that needed treatment.

Zhou Ze took out the deformed cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

“Where’s the short firefighter?”

He had come up long ago, so he should be fine now. He should be fine, and so should you.

This old notebook was definitely not as good as the hint from the movie ‘The Death is Coming’. It was not that mysterious. After all, it had fallen.

When Doctor Lin heard this, his body suddenly froze.

Zhou Ze slowly frowned and asked,

“What about the firefighter?”

When Zhou Ze walked to the tent,

Looking at the short figure covered by the white cloth,

Subconsciously, he held the burning cigarette between his fingers in the bottom of his palm. Then, he suddenly pulled Doctor Lin’s hand and dragged her towards his car.

“What are you doing? What are you doing… You’re hurting me.”

“Follow me, leave this place with me!”

“I still need to work. I need to continue saving people,” Doctor Lin retorted.

Zhou Ze glanced at Doctor Lin.

Doctor Lin saw that Zhou Ze’s eyes were bloodshot, and it was terrifying.

At the same time…

Zhou Ze held Doctor Lin’s head with one hand and let her face rest on his chest. Outsiders would think that they were talking.

But what Zhou Ze said was:

“If you don’t leave with me,

Now I

I’ll kill you. ”


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